' Wrote:umm i have question, how profitable is this NL-49 run?
in $$$ per hour?
tell me that and you will have a new citizen.
You should find out yourself, I will say this much however...its not a waste of time. As I mentioned earlier, it has very near the PPH as the New Berlin>New Tokyo diamond run
the RoS would hop down there occasionally to increase activity, but we really dont have a reason to as the Mollys are our allies, and we have an agreement with the QCwhatever because they support our war with kusari(or the other way round, depending on whose side your on)
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
O-49-Newlondon with light arms from New London and Deuterium back
Arranmore-Newcastle (2 stops)-Manhatten (Cargo not indicated, but not hard to figure out)
EDIT : ADD : Engines from The Ring to Cambridge and then Beryllium back
Now one of the above is the most profitable route I've found in the new Mod, in $$/minute. And there is another one getting Gold to Kusari and Plutonium back which is quite nice too:
So share this info with traders and watch things open up.
Also I'm optimistic anyway. The activity in Bretonia has increased a lot in the last month or so, and the rise of the BPA, the UOG/QCRF and KNF/QCRF wars, and increase in QCR has been doing it. If present trends continue, problem solved.
Also Engines from The Ring to Cambridge and then Beryllium back is pretty profitable. And it's all TLs so I can set the waypoints and focus on something else.
' Wrote:You should find out yourself, I will say this much however...its not a waste of time. As I mentioned earlier, it has very near the PPH as the New Berlin>New Tokyo diamond run
ive never heard of that one
i use the tau 37-dresden-Kyushu run, it nets about 18mil for one run
although, im thinkning of writing RP for a Bret Destroyer
i might not like the design of bret ships in general, but messing around with a destroyer to create the Invincible Class BC has given me a soft spot for the ship.
i actually kinda like how it looks:)
1. make starting zone different than new york... maybe special sector with JG into all home sectors with output in already existing JG (for example texas-NY JG or cambridge-London JG etc. etc.)
2. make same long trade rooot from London to Tokio as is in Rheinland (NB - Tokio) or because we have war between Br and Ks... we can make same cash making root between Stutgard and Cambridge.
' Wrote:I do agree with this point, what happened to all the BAF tagged guys? I see a scattering here and there, but not many, they used to be the #1 Bretonian faction.......
BAF was never a faction...just indies with the same tag.
Why I simply refuse to call it BAF is because, I like complicated things, and this has a bit of history...first, the 'Bret military' was the SF, and blunt made the QCP, which was fine. Then I made QCO, trying not to step on toes too much (I of course stepped on some people's toes), then SF was handed to me, and I rubbed my hands together like an evil genious, and merged them. I don't like BAF, in particular, as a name, because it is simple, and boring, and because I want to point out that it is just one of many fleets (3 flottilas, 1 fleet) I apologize for anyone who was confused, always meant to make it rather widely known, through ingame recruiting...which I am incapable of doing right now.
@Kambei: ..........
READ THE THREAD. As a matter of fact, the best route in game goes through Bret space. We have not stated which, but we have stated about 7 possibilities.