My Idea is to replace the ships (obviously) and the background.
About the ships: I want the front one to be replaced with a Eagle, and the 2 at the back with a Sabre and Titan (sabre to the left and titan to the right).
Make them fire Krakens and Salamancas, and hitting the left wing (similar to the pic).
As for the background, you can keep some asteroids to the right*. But don't put a planet at the top. Maybe palce one somewhere else.
Also, no text for now. Maybe you can leave some space for "DragonRider" somewhere.
I hope thats not too much. Now go! Make magic!
I have a 400-500mill budget, so I want something good looking.
Looks very good! But could you change a few things?
I see the two fighters are firing 3 pairs of projectiles each. I want the middle pair removed (for both fighters ). Also, you can make the projectiles a bit longer.
The firing effects on the Sabre and Titan's guns. They look somewhat.... I dunno. Change that effect, if you can think of a better one. Something more "in place".
Make the Titan's shots fire trough the Eagle's wing. Keep the explotion. And try to not cross the shots.
Add engine effects for the Sabre and Titan. As well as the Eagle's top engine.
The backgroud looks kinda boring. Maybe add a planet and/or asteroids? Make it look less empty.
I wanted the Sabre and Titan to be somewhere behind the Eagle. But I don't mind if they stay where they are right now. I feel like changing their position will be too much work. Leave them where they are.
I hope that's not too much criticism.
But overall so far it looks very good! Nice work! *thumbs up*
I want only the Titan's shots fire trough the wing. Not breaking it, just making a small explotion. They current explotion is fine.
As for the Sabre's shots. Make then not hit anything.