I do believe this man speaks the truth. It has been far too long since I have seen the authority of Liberty show any ACTUAL authority. They prey on the week as much as pirates and quiver in fear when a real threat has been brought to light. Sirius needs to open their eyes to what's been going on. The corruption has created a scent too unbearable to ignore and those who have refused to use the clothespin provided by "Liberty's Finest" to clog their noses must rise up and face the injustice. That is an analogy of course....
P.S. Send out whatever mercenaries you must IC but the truth will be heard no matter how much you try to shutout and remove the ideas that go against your own, you have shown yourself as nothing more than a worshiper of tyranny due to your ability to use it to oppress others.
Well Well Well Its about time some one spoke some good words here in Liberty I agree with these "Revolutionaries" you could call them i mean sitting at a trade lane gets rather boring when No one shows up until some poor trader tips off the navy and 4 cap ships and an invasion fleet comes to deal with Me a lowly fighter
well im out got more pirating to do Piece out Guys!
PS: Double what the Bros said
***transmission lost***
Here's a word for you IC, hes right in every sense, i was right when it came down to blowing up a friendly ship, hey we all do things a different way.
You may think the Navy has everything under control, you would by sadly mistaken as of late the Republic of Liberty, has been falling apart, yesterday for example, there was an Outcast Battleship at Manhattan and the Navy did nothing, the LPI Officer in Colorado Today called for the Navy's Help. Two Primary Fleet ships arrived, looked and turned away, ignoring the fact the Officer of the LPI was out-manned and outgunned, They let that happen when they could have at least tried to have broken up the fight, i mean, can the Navy be so pathetic?, you may all agree at this point this latest actions of the Navy have been Unacceptable, Thus sparking a reaction from myself and Vendetta.
Time has come to change, for the good of the Liberty Republic.
The transmission returns a black video feed, though the slightly Bretonian male voice is clear and crisp.
You sound like textbook revolutionaries - bad ones at that. You won't muster up public support with baseless accusations and meaningless words. If you want the people on your side you have to show the people you're on theirs. Propaganda of the deed, it's as simple as that.
The channel is flushed with a touch of static.
All the same, I'm a fan of chaos. I'd love to see the hell you could drum up if you get your thumb out of your arse and start gathering support... Watching you and your comrades flounder about like fish out of water while the civil security forces run around like headless chickens. It's really been a while.
He laughs a little.
But you appear a little stupid, and I don't much like stupid people. If you cross my path, you can consider yourself dead.
Channel Encryption: The lowes that a Lane Hacker can get.
Source ID: Koprulu
Location: Planet Euphoria
Signal Strenght:...101%...
Speaking of revolution? Koprulu has something so say. Koprulu has been living in Liberty all his life. And Kuprulu wants a change. Koprulu is tired of running from corrupted government officials. He is tired from the monopol over the people's lives controled by the Navy, Ageira and Interspace. Koprulu believes a change must be done if we are to live in a better Liberty. He fully supports this Revolution and is ready to fight, hack and steal candy from the Navy if he must.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Jane Hartman COMM ORIGIN:Battleship Mississippi TARGET ID:Channel Participants SUBJECT:NONE ENCRYPTION:Unencrypted PRIORITY:Low
[color=#CCCCCC]I'm Lieutenant Jane Hartman. 'reckon you already gathered that much. It's not much of a name, but it's all my folk have had for a hell of a long time. I fly with the Liberty Navy. Again, you probably figured that out already. Before that, I was a Marine. A Private, nothing special. Just another grunt with a gun, sworn to fight and die to defend folk back home. People like you.
You want to know something? When we swore that oath, we didn't swear it to the President. We didn't swear it to some General or Fleet Admiral. We swore an oath to defend the Republic of Liberty.
And I was damn proud of it. I still am.
I wasn't the only one to feel that way either. Guess what; I'm still not. My grandfather was a Marine too. same deal with his father before him, and his mother. Far back as I know of, there's been a Hartman in uniform, somewhere in Liberty. And every last one of them did their duty to this here house. Sometimes, they made bad calls, sometimes we've called it right and got to live another few years. Either way, we did what we could with what we had.
Your problem, is that you're looking at the Navy as an organisation. Thing is, an organisation is made up of people. In the Navy, that's a hell of a lot of people. A hell of a lot of opportunities for good things to happen. A lot for bad, too. You seem to think it's all going that way. David Hale's a good man. Hate to say it about the brass, but I'll be damned if it ain't true. Even if he wasn't, even if he was the devil incarnate, he's still got limits. Rules and regulations, same as everyone that wears the uniform. Much as you might think the Fleet Admiral's going to march in and take over the Government, he simply doesn't have that power. If he tried, every man and woman in service swore the same oath to the Republic I did.
Hell, I don't think he'd get past his own High Command. I've flown with them. Admirals out on the frontlines, fighting along with us grunts. Used to think that they were crazy.
Guess some folk just ain't content to hang back in the shadows.
So, you can hang back and insult us all you like. Safe and secure with that location scrambler you've got there. Call the Navy incompetent, call us corrupt, whatever you like. It'd be your right. But don't you dare imply that we're against the people of Liberty. Accuse us all you like.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Lieutenant Reginald Lewis COMM ORIGIN:Battleship Mississippi TARGET ID:Channel Participants SUBJECT:NONE ENCRYPTION:Unencrypted PRIORITY:Low
This is a fairly well drafted insult to all who work with honesty, integrity and utmost dedication for the betterment of this house.
Humorously enough, revolutionary...Fleet Admiral Hale does not direct policy that you so strongly disagree with. He directs the navy, whose sole job is defense of our house from threats external and internal. The very fact that you can sit and transmit this...is due to the actions of him and the navy. Consider that.
Go out into the world and find out for yourself, that's all I will tell you.