--transmission is overlayed by a monotone, blistering sharp sound--
<Zero-Eighty-Seven, Kelly. Ghost Administration commissioned us to contact the entities inhabiting both Omega-55 and Tohoku system.
Marker tags deployed to transmit this pre-recorded message are at sector Four/H Omega-55 and Eight/A Tohoku.>
<Administrator Casta requests your appearance at Corsica Sanctum the coming days attending a convention to discuss upcoming line of events which requires your assistance on various occasions. Razgriz Ghost in return offer assistance to any of your demands. You are asked to contact Administration Office leaving frequencies to address you within an enclosed environment.>
<For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
--transmission is overlayed by a monotone, blistering sharp sound--
<Zero-Eighty-Seven, Kelly. We are authorized by Ghost Administration to further communication with your frames. As you have not left frequencies which you are to reach under on a more direct link, we will utilize still working markers to leave our transmissions.>
<As was mentioned, Administrator Casta, still occupied with last arrangements for Echelon, requests your presence at Corsica Sanctum, or any other position you desire, to attend convention to set up next cooperation between the k'Hara entities and Ghosts of Razgriz. You have been chosen as apart from signora Corino your kind are the entities representatives capable in head-on working with human frames without the need for mediators.>
<Ghosts expect the projects partakers running and at place within the end of the current week. Hacker individuals are already shifted to Corsica and equip laboratories to their needs. Outstanding positions are the retrieval of a blackbox lost inside libertonian core territory, Mosquito squadron is tasked with returning it. One of Administrator Castas personal associates will be taken up by GID and escorted to Corsica once the blackbox is on its way back to our hands.>
<Another request is your assistance in assessing and analyzing an obtained artifact, secured on the Gladius Rex of former Ghost soldier Sabitov and now sealed on Corsica decks Nine-Five.>
<Razgriz Ghost wish to insist pointing out your frames are in return offered and granted any assistance you demand.>
<For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
"We are patiently waiting, floating idle outside of what you address as Corsica Sanctum.
The summary of the Ghosts' course of action is also... well appreciated."
<Excuse not having recognized you already made appearance at the Sanctum. We are relaying all communication over there despite not actually available at the location signal is broadcasted over.>
<However. There are a few conditions that have changed with Corsica. You will be given a gravity-equations device. Sanctum was shifted closer to the Razgriz Abyss gravity-well, station now having a higher gravity-niveau. Ghosts are not adjusting systems for compensation, so everyone entering Corsica is outfitted adequately. Stations systems will adjust your personal gravity-level. At the cost of a sustainable amount of processing power, this drains stations energy core less as expanding the gravitation adjustment over the whole station would.>
<We take you will find the higher standard of Cardamine dosis within Corsicas air enjoyable.>
<You will also be handed security-keys providing access to all decks your entity was granted clearance.>
<Administrator Casta will join your company once she is back at the Sanctum. You are free to get yourself an overview of the environment until this.>
<For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
From: Volker Baumhauer; Freeport 5, Omega 41
To: 'HundredFirst Ghosts of Razgriz' Kelly-087, Corsica Sanctum
"We apologize for the delay in our response. Your transmission was unexpected and it took us some time to set up this proxy. We have received your rather cryptic request, and wish to know two things.
First, at what date should we arrive at the designated spot?
Second, is there any type of particular expertise you will need, including any specific ship types. Or is this just a general discussion meeting where any representative will do?
This proxy will remain in place until you reply, or 5 days has passed."
--transmission is overlayed by a monotone, blistering sharp sound--
<Zero-Eighty-Seven, Kelly. We would say we are impressed by your ability sending a communication over a shut down marker frequency. Yet this would indicate us giving out an emotion to your kind, or anyone in that regard, which definitely shall not be the case.>
<You are to make your appearance on Corsica as time allows, not leaving any distracion to take the field. In short, immediatly.>
<For the moment, no equipment and respectively or any specific expertise is of pressing need. You are requested to attend. Any representative should do, given the ominous cloud linking togther what is generally reffered to as Mindshare, you eventually have all important information on conventions topic already. Ghosts nevertheless request a substitute of every division to partake.>
<As a reminder, you are advised not to set deadlines upon us, if that is not a factor you wish to be in return treated with in a comparable way.>
<For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.