Well, hi there!
I've been thinking a lot about the offer you gave me, oh, and by the way, thanks for not shooting at me! I really haven't come to a decision on what I should do, but Jerry keeps telling me not to trust you guys. It's really difficult, and I've been getting headaches, but I've been remembering things... Well, I'll give you some information on what's going on right now, okay?
Well, there I was, minding my own business, talking to you guys, when right as you found me sitting at Manhattan, Jerry told me he had a super-duper important message for me. So, as you gave me your offer, I had to run and meet him. Needless to say, you followed us and listened in, with your gunboats and cloaked battleship buddy. The message was really confusing..
Apparently, according to Jerry, a few guys went all the way to the Omicrons after him to ask him stuff. They asked him questions about me and my buddy Eli, who's in the Navy Auxiliary Fleet, in case you were wondering... But anyways, There's this Josh guy, Hunt was his last name, and he's looking for me. Apparently, he knows me, and needs me for a super secret mission. He need's Eli, too.
Jerry says that they're really shady, and one of them is a mute. I also found out that the mute one, was following me around. His name was Rytlock. Boy, I hope Mitch doesn't catch on about this stuff, or he'll be angry! But yeah, I've been thinking... There's people after me, and I dunno who to trust right now... Every where I go, there's these guys following me around.
The super-secret mission that Hunt wants me to help him with? Apperently it involves a ship named Dawn Breaker, that got blown up in Colorado. He wants help getting it back. I dunno from where, or why, or what I have to do with this, but the ship, from what Eli told me, is a Navy Secondary ship!
Butch gasps
Man, I've been talking forever.. Well, okie-dokie then! I'll wait for you to reply to this before I continue on any longer! Mitch always said I was long-winded!
ENCRYPTION: MAXIMUM PRIORITY: Normal TARGET ID: "B. Flowers" SUBJECT:Your situation. SENDER ID: Fleet Admiral Rachel A. Baker.
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I admit I'm a little bit surprised to hear from you. It sounds like whatever mess you're involved in runs pretty deep and as you know, my patrol was able to eavesdrop on your meeting, however we were unable to glean much more information than what you've told me here.
The Freelancer calling himself "Rytlock" is also familiar to me, I've run across him several times in the past, so at least the fact that you're familiar with him too proves something to me.
Anyway...I would very much like to follow through with my original offer, you obviously are in need of help and...protection, and it is my job to protect the citizens of Liberty.
You voiced some apprehension regarding the idea of being in the custody of Naval Personnel, and I can understand that...I also understand the risk you're taking by sending me this transmission, and the risks you'd be taking if we were to carry out my original offer.
I do wish to remove you from the austere lifestyle that you're currently living, and I would like also to learn more about this..."mission" you keep mentioning, as it sounds like something with potentially serious ramifications.
I'd also like to reiterate that in exchange for your cooperation, surrendering that "Scylla" of yours and any information that would shed light on what exactly it is that you're involved in, you would very likely be granted a pardon by the Military Courts for any past affiliations with Pirate or Terrorist organizations, and for any acts of Piracy you may have committed within the territories of The Republic of Liberty.
With such a pardon, you would be able to return to a somewhat normal life, on a civilized world, and you would be able to receive services that would help you with your memory issues.
That's got to be better than living amongst criminals who force you into situations you don't want to be in, no?
I'll give you some time to think, maybe it's naivety but I'm convinced that you're better than those you currently associate with.
It's very nice to hear from you, and you shouldn't be so surprised to hear from me, I like talking to people!
Your offer, as tempting as it is, will need to float around in my head for a little while longer, as things start to become clear. Today, Mitch told Carl to tell me what to do, and people, specifically Navy people, got hurt bad. I'm telling you this, so you don't get angry at me and think I'm neglecting to tell you the truth, but I'm trying!
Also, I've never never never never never never ever ever never ever never never ever, pirated anyone. Ever. That's just plain mean! Taking other peoples things isn't very nice, especially not when Christmas is so close!
This whole situation... I have no idea why it involves me, but I'm trying to remember. It's hard, and sometimes I get really bad headaches. I can't really tell you anything else... Maybe... I know! You could ask Eli, or this Hunt guy! Maybe, if you ask -really- nicely, Mister Hunt will tell you! Eli would probably tell you anyways, since he works for you guys!
Anywho... I'll try to tell you if stuff happens.. I dunno how helpful that'll but, but I'll try!