(11-19-2013, 08:07 AM)Black Widow Wrote: all the ships i fly dont have TZ:
Bret BS
No caps I have seen or flown have TZ so I assume the feature has been disabled as I think it is something that can be toggled server side. Thus looking at individual ships might not help!
Lac as in Liberty assault cruiser?
If so, then the problem lays in the server. Because i am going through every ship *in single player* and so far none and even the Lac, have not had a zoom/swivel (Tz/Ts right?)problem.
This throws the theories I had on the cause of this out the window. Crap. I guess it's time to start looking through the relevant server bits.
On startup, the TZ works on any ship. As soon as a server is connected to, dsacesrv says "okay, TZ only works on ships with X cargo or more". The TZ code remembers this until you turn FL off or connect to a server that allows TZ on any ship cargo size.
While it is relevant, yeah, it's more or less the TZ code being unintentionally intelligent.
Admins need to set up a few accounts that between them have all caps a gunboats on so that they can select a few trusted people to test them out. The ships shouldn't be able to move out from ether conn or bastile