As already mentioned is the most important resource for FL related modding stuff.
Also you should try this tool collection: (Watch out there's a trojan in one keymaker)
Regarding creating a star system: Use FLexplorer (which comes with the FLtools) and try it from scratch using a separate copy of vanilla FL.
Btw it's a good idea to create a separate windows installation for such things - XP preferred.
(12-27-2013, 12:22 AM)DSE)Spartan Wrote: Hmmm huge problems... my server is not showing up on the computers in my own LAN, let alone anywhere out in the world...
I've been working on it for days... its just NOT SHOWING UP !! (frustrating... )
Try disabling IPv6 (so that only IPv4 is enabled).
- Disabling IPv6
- Installing XP
- Forwarding ports 2302 - 2304 on my router
- Forwarding ports 2300 - 2400 on my router
- Installing EVERYTHING from scratch on another laptop
- Using LAN in stead of INTERNET when starting up Freelancer
- ... etc. etc...
OK.... if somebody could explain this to me, it would be of IMMENS help :
The first time I plug in my laptop somewhere in the house and start Freelancer Server I can see the server I dust started on any computer in the house appearing in the server list...
Now... when I enthousiastically make some changes and stard the server again on my laptop... the server is NOT in the server list.... ?! And will... from that moment on never appear in the serverlist again... :-(
So: on a first time connection : YES the server is in the server list...
on any next time : NO the server is NOT in the server list...
Can anyone tell me what is going on ?
(ow... and please post if you can see my server : Flying Dutchman... something... )
That's a bit odd. I don't think I've encountered that before. I'll dig around, maybe even see if I can recreate those conditions. Soo much software has received updates since I last toyed around with it. But in the meantime, bring up your task manager and see if your computer isn't releasing the first fl server creation. Might need to manually end process each time.
(01-01-2014, 11:49 PM)ProwlerPC Wrote: That's a bit odd. I don't think I've encountered that before. I'll dig around, maybe even see if I can recreate those conditions. Soo much software has received updates since I last toyed around with it. But in the meantime, bring up your task manager and see if your computer isn't releasing the first fl server creation. Might need to manually end process each time.
Thank you for your support.
I have found a workaround... but it isnt ver elegant... I have to restart my router then restart FLServer ... and THEN the gameserver will appear in the computers on my LAN again...