In light of recent events that occurred in the Omicrons, the need of reliable long range communications without fear of network jamming has emerged as an absolute prerequisite for the smooth conduct of Cell's missions. Therefore, the technical team led by the Thabit Comm Officer provided the organization with a stable subspace connection for use at their own discretion by all O'Rhu members only in parts relating to tasks - performed solitary or in cooperation with other parties.
Henceforth all messages referring to missions, assignments and tasks, but not limited to these, should be submitted in this channel. Furthermore, the dedicated protocol architecture also allows the use of preformatted messages, hence, for routine messages and for better processing the information contained therein, messages may be forwarded using the following forms:
[color=#32CD32]ADDRESSEE:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]SENDER:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]SUBJECT:[/color] <insert data here>
[indent][hr][color=#32CD32]CONTENT:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#32CD32]ATTACHMENTS:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#32CD32]ADDRESSEE:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]SENDER:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]PATROL AREA:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]SHIPS ENCOUNTERED:[/color] <insert data here>
[indent][hr][color=#32CD32]EVENTS:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#32CD32]ATTACHMENTS:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#32CD32]ADDRESSEE:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]SENDER:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]OWN UNITS INVOLVED:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]FRIENDLY UNITS INVOLVED:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]HOSTILE UNITS INVOLVED:[/color] <insert data here>
[indent][hr][color=#32CD32]EVENTS:[/color] <insert data here>
[hr][color=#32CD32]HOSTILES DESTROYED:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]CASUALTIES:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#32CD32]OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#32CD32]ATTACHMENTS:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#034F47]ADDRESSEE:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#034F47]SENDER:[/color]<insert data here>
[color=#034F47]SUBJECT:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#034F47]PARTICIPANTS:[/color] <insert data here>
[indent][hr][color=#034F47]CONTENT:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#034F47]OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#034F47]ATTACHMENTS:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#533618]ADDRESSEE:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#533618]SENDER:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#533618]JOB DESCRIPTION:[/color] <insert data here>
[indent][hr][color=#533618]CONTENT:[/color] <insert data here>
[color=#533618]OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:[/color] <insert data, if any>
[color=#533618]DELIVERY MANIFEST(S):[/color] <insert data, if any>
REMINDER:messages can and should contain all the data collected, in any encoding form they might have been acquired (images, surveillance videos, logs, databases, attachments).
Depending on the situation, tasks and assignments will be handed out using this channel or the peer-to-peer encrypted channel. Voice communications will be held on specific Comm systems, depending on the equipment installed on-board each ship, as stated in the ACTIVE DUTY DATABASE.For generic questions relating to O'Rhu Cell issues, please refer to O'RHU CELL DATABASE
The use of this channel is restricted to a minimum for non O'Rhu members. Order Overwatch is exempted for this rule.Third parties may contact the Cell using these frequencies only in SAFE MODE, in problems regarding mutual interest or security issues.
WHO REPORTS: Cmdr. Jason "Axisdeus" ORACK O'RHU ASSETS INVOLVED CV-Rahotep OTHER SHIPS INVOLVED Arnoch - CTE-12400 "Condor" Civilian Gunboat (Freelancer ID, GMG IFF) TYPE OF MISSION: Humanitarian/Rescue CONTENT: On 04.12 current year, right at the end of the daily patrol, the Comm Officer has reported an incoming distress signal relayed apparently from Omega 92. I ordered the Navigator to enter the secluded system to further investigate the signal's nature.
First insides system transmission was received after a while. At this point, I was wondering if not the Nomads were trying to trick us into an ambush. Fortunatly enough, that was not the case.
It became obvious that a poor spacefarer lost himself in this system full of anomalies, finding and escorting him to safety becoming our priority. Unfortunately at one given moment the distressed vessel's communications were lost. The Comm Officer attempted to establish a new connection with the ship Arnoch using the improved means of CV-Rahotep. After minutes of silence a weak, but stable PtP connection was acheived.
The freelancer eventualy managed to deliver a coherent set of coordinates to which the Navigator set course immediatly. Just a few clicks away from the provided coordinates we managed to find the Arnoch. I offered to escort him out of the system, an proposition the pilot was not late to accept.
To the dismay of me and my crew alike, the freelacner was holding captive a number of Blod Dragons pilots. I considered entitled at that point to ask for thier free passing ontu the CV-Rahotep, demand to which the Freelancer replayed positivly. The stated Blood Dragons were se free on Taba station for repatriation. As I forward this report, they are most likely already on their way home.
During a noraml patrol mission, we got a call from one of the agents, stating the nomad presence in system. What happened after is more in the sphere of the peculiar rather than reality. I appended the logs and personal entries below
LOG ENTRIES Wrote:Wicked.Witch.of.West: scanners detecting nomads in sector
Wicked.Witch.of.West: correction: system
Wicked.Witch.of.West: Detecting nomad vessel in system.
Ky'ar: ***You start to feel an unknown anger***
O'Rhu|CV-Horus: maybe he is one of them
Ky'ar: ***Your mind is blinded by an unseen rage***
Ky'ar: ***You start to yell at your crew from the brigde***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus: *blinding rage* What the hell are you doing Nav Officer
Ky'ar: ***The anger grows, so does the rage. You start to trow the pads at your crew from the bridge*** ***Nothing is right anymore. You feel more and more anxious***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus *throwing stuff arround* Gunner, gunner, shot the god damn mortars already......
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus *pushing buttons randomly* Shoot god damn, shoot....
Ky'ar: ***Images floods your mind. Bloody and painfull images*
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:Med bay.Med bay.Send the medical staff here &fast,the Cmdr is loosing it
O'Rhu|CV-Horus: he is nuts
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus* Screaming in pain* No.... no.......
Ky'ar: ***Paranoia takes you in her arms. You start to suspect your XO of being infested***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: Med bay, faster please....
Wicked.Witch.of.West: Nomad vessel still in system, anyone got eyes on bogey?
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus*closing closely, steadly to the XO* are to blamed... you killed my brotehr.. you ordered the att...*screams*
Ky'ar: ***In your paranoia attack, you call for help from Horus. You start to think that all your ship crew has been infested***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus*picking up the comm link* Horus... open fire at will on CV-Rahotep...Fire!
Ky'ar: ***More images floods your mind. Gore and horible images***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO":*punching the commander* : Horus stand down..... Traffic control alert: O'Rhu|CV-Horus has requested to dock
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Med Bay team:Cmdr..Cmdr are you alright....
Ky'ar: ***Your body starts to shake. You start to feel more and more week***
Ky'ar: ***You look out on the observation window. You see a small ship. The Wicked Witch of West. He is the problem*** ***HE IS THE NOMAD***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus:*shivering* Well...i think i am all....*passes out*
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: Med bay, deliver the Cmdr to mediacal care. All ship, this is the XO speaking, I am in charge of the ship now.
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: Assuming command
Ky'ar: ***You feel a strong impulse. Like someone sent a shock in your brain, wakeing you up***
Ky'ar: ***You start to think things. Your XO wants the commad. He wants you off the ship***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Med bay:XO, the Cmdr is awakinning...seems alright now.. the brain wave patern are falling into will not belevie this.
Ky'ar: ***He want is all from hiself***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : What is it med bay.....
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Med Bay : It seems as if he was in some kind of trans.
Ky'ar: ***You start to see images: Your XO laughing at you, deeming you incapable of command.***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO *putting the puzzle together* Nomands....Cmdr going mad....Isijin incursion...this can be just coincidence....
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:Medbay, sedate the commander. deliver himto Taba imediatly... Traffic control alert: Wicked.Witch.of.West has requested to dock
Traffic control alert: O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep has requested to dock
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:The commander is better now. crew. do not mind it.
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: And we know the culprit
Ky'ar: ***The XO gets no response from the med bay***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: * soon, soon we will have it completed, no more sneaky squids....*
Ky'ar: ***...(amused)...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: Crew, red alert.To battlestations
Ky'ar: ***...(anger?)...(curious)...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus: XO. this is the Cmdr speaking, it came to my knoledge you punched me?
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO :*ashamed* sorry Sir, but you were going highwire and...
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus:Do not worry, i was not myself...
Ky'ar: ***...(amused)...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus: To much close contacts these last few days....I assume the worst..
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Axisdeus:Remain in charge for few more hours, I am still recovering, any info on my attacker?
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : still nothing sir, the jelly belly hides near.. i sense it
Ky'ar: ***You recive and distress call. It seems old. The original point was on Toledo*** /////"Female: Please....They are here...I don't know where to hide. Please, is anyone getting this?!"/////
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Comm Officer :Sir, again that old transmission...relay it? /////"Female: Please ! They are here ! Oh my god...The scnaer...That can't be right..."/////
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : Nah, do not mind it, *saddens* it is long due. /////"Female: Is that a..."//// (The transmission ends with the female screaming and an explosion)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:....*sitting down* is long due...and we cant do anything about
Ky'ar: ***....(amused)...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: To all Order patrols, this is CV-Rahotep. We have Nomadic pressence in system (The transmission keeps on replaying on the final part. The one where the woman dies screaming.)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:Comm Officer *screaming * shut the god damn channel...enough...
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Comm Officer: Channle terminated *chokes*...end of transmission
Ky'ar: ***....(suffering)...(amused)...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : stay frosty Crew
Ky'ar: ***...(anger)...(joy)...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO :*soothing himself* I won't fall in the same trap as the Cmdr. The squid tries to mess with my mind....
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Gunnery Officer:*surprised* Sir, we got something on the experimental system...a fliker...coming from .....*points on screen *
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: weaponry online....
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Gunnery :Track lost
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:Darn thing...*soon* (The scaner shows something again)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Gunnery :XO, we got the signal again. just a click away from last position...
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:Navigation, move to intercept. (The target seems to be closer)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : Gunnery, status report.
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Gunnery Officer:Sir, we are closing the target, no apparent reaction, as if he does not know or suspect we know his location. (Scaner start to get info on the thing. Is 1 click away from the ship. Is organic)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Weaponry still not online
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO: Organic signature, bingo....
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : Navigation...close the point, on lowest speed possible...
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Nav Officer:Sir, this is not a ship.... (What we found is something small.Has been tracktored onboard. It seems frozen)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : Tractor it in, Seal the Cargo bay. (The size is the same as a human body.)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO :Docking team move in....what is it? (The organic thing seems to have a small device on it)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Docking team : Sir, it seems nomadic for sure.. and emits a signal.... (It seems a tranmission beacon)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: ...seems the same as the nomad transmission. (After investigating we find out that it is a female body. It has a name tag, and the ship where she was serving)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : Med bay, send a team in the cargo (On the tag it says: Name: Sarah Jones. Age: 25.)
(The plate is too damaged to see the name of the ship as well)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Med bay team:Sir, you would better sit is a female body...the body of the female in the transmission..Sarah Jones (The body was perserved perfectly by the void of the space. You could tell she died only two days ago)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:....*dismayed* It is never to late.....*drops a tear* never... (On the back side of the plate it is scratched: "Toledo Ace")
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : * pulls the comm link. set full power *
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Show yourself, you hear me Squid, show yourself.... (We decided to try investigating the small device. Computer tells that there is a transmission on the loop.)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: ....I have some bodies for you to, more than one....let me return the favour. (When we listen to the transmission, is the same transmission with the woman from Toledo.) (You soon realise that this girl died when Toledo was destroyed)
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Docking team :sir, you would want to hear this....
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Med bay:But how...she died on Toledo, stil vital signs are shown long after
Ky'ar: ***...(amused)...(joy)...***
Ky'ar: ***...kept...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO :those mercieless ....i swear to sirius.....ahhhh
Ky'ar: ***...{metalbox}...(joy)...?..."gifts"...***
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO : deliver the body to the med bay, Nav officer, head to Akabat. We need to proper honor this woman.
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Gunnery: Sir, we got a possible contact.
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO:Details, gunnery.
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: XO :Is the weaponry array back online?
O'Rhu|CV-Rahotep: Gunnery : No sir, the targeting systems is ofline. Concerning that contact...we lost it again (Sensors picks nothing else. The only thing you can read is a small energy signature on the corpse. It matches a nomad.)
It has came to the Cell's attention that the nomadic structures situated in a secluded area in Newcastle system have seen increased activity. Earlier scans proved the dormant state of the installations, lately though, more and more reports of sightings have seen way towards us. Not sure if these sightings can be connected in some way with the ruins, but still, in the light of the events O'Rhu Cell will lead and attack with the purpose to destroy the active platforms.
I will put at O'Rhu's operatives the following attack plan to be studied and understood in it's smallest details. The actual composition of the small strike team and the hour of the attack will be revealed in the filed. Complete secrecy is to be maintained.
DECRYPT DATA Operation: Clear Sky Location: Newcastle system - An areal with a radius of 5 clicks around (G.9,3.5) Time: Not diffusable General details: The area of operation must not be passed. Cautions is advised as in the close vicinity there are Bretonian installations and Battleship. Grimsby. No bretonian force is to be engaged. We do not need another war on our hands.
Clear sky Operation - Attack plan
Phase I
The primary objectives in this phase are disabling the online platforms near the nomad ruins and defending the strike force from incoming attackers. Strong retaliation is to be expected. Luckily, once these installations are down , the remanent shield will go offline, allowing us access to the core of the ruins.
Isoperimetrical thermythurgic scans reveal possibility of active nomad power cell inside, be on the look for these.
Type II platforms may activate defensive mechanisms once the attack commence. Fighters are to draw fire away from the attack wing. These are to be destroyed after the Type I installations have been destroyed. A complete analysis has been completed on board the RevTekLabs. The data is presented here:
Phase II
Once the nomad platforms are disabled, the strike force will approach the nomad ruins. Cautions is advised. Spectral analysis show presence of local housed shield generators. It is advised that those should be disabled asap. Entering the nomad ruins is to be done via Nomad hatches (airlocks). Once inside, be on the look for the 2 types of nomad energy cells that sustain the ruins.
Once all energy cells are removed, the ruins will enter complete shut down. It is advised the immediate extraction as it is expected the installations will demolish themselves. Debriefing will be held at Battleship Atum once the operations is considered completed
Transmission sender: Intercessor Joseph "Tantalus" Grooms Subject: Report Content: Sitting idle outside Southampton Shipyard when the BAF|A-HMS-Valentine enters radar range. Short conversation is exchanged regarding my reason to be in Bretonian space and upon telling him what an Intercessor is he recommended I contact BAF high command for clearance to operate in bretonian space. Further orders requested.
ADDRESSEE: Intercessor Joseph "Tantalus" Grooms SENDER: Cmdr. Jason "Axisdeus" Orack SUBJECT: Diplomatic assignment CONTENT: Mr. Grooms you are to take the opportunity at hand and discuss our cause to the BAF officials, also providing decisive proofs concerning O'Rhu's interests in bretonia space is only targeted towards nomad activities and sightings. Please also clarify that unless otherwise stated, this discussion applies to O'Rhu and O'rhu only. We do not have official prerogatives to discuss the matter for all Order Cells. Still, in the event they want to establish a connection with Order| officials, we will be more than happy to provide the necessary stage for a discussion to emerge. Please use caution and discuss this problem based on your diplomatic skills. At first sign of rejection, be on the retreat and leave the matter open for later debates. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: We need a close connection to BAF, so be very careful on your doings. We need to gain as much rights as we can, but DO NOT cross the thin line between diplomatic requests and straight out asking.
ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu members SENDER: O'Rhu High Command SUBJECT: Operation Clear sky - Newcastle postponed CONTENT: Further thoughts were given to the problem concerning the ruins in Newcastle and based on those and the fact we need better relations in that sector to be able to action without fear of interference the mission will be postponed indefinitely. Even so, in case of solid proof the ruins are seeing live activity from the Slomon K'Hara, the plan is to be executed at once. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: See Operation Clear sky for further information ATTACHMENTS: will be added as soon as information become available.
ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu members SENDER: O'Rhu Director SUBJECT: Priority mission CONTENT: Member recruitment mission changes priority from medium to high. This change takes effect starting from this moment. All operatives in the filed are required to identify and direct potential members to serve our cause. The operational procedure involved in order to accomplish this remains unchanged for the moment. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION:O'RHU RECRUITMENT ATTACHMENTS: NTR
ADDRESSEE: O'Rhu Guards and Operatives in the field SENDER: O'Rhu Director SUBJECT: Order bounty fund acceptance CONTENT: Starting as of now all O'Rhu members are entitled to financial remuneration for serving the Order cause in a exemplary manner. thus being said, if the terms stated here are met then you may discover a few credits finding their way to your bank accounts. Every action filed in the board database should have one complementary mission report added to O'Rhu Comm Hub for evidence purposes. You are not allowed to act other way than described on the board database.