Hi, I'm working on some RP for some CAP ships I have, I was wondering what you guys think is a "Comfortable" or normal population amount for Cruisers, Battlecruisers and Battleships?
For example a cruiser can hold, 50 people? 100 people? 20 people? I'm just curious.
Depends, what ship you talking about...
IMO, LibDrd has les crew and population capacity, than KuBS and RMBS. Exact number, Im not sure about thousands, if we check for a sizes... I say LibDrd from 70-120 crew need. BMBS around 200. ZonerDrd, well, he could be around 1000, it's kinda colony ship.
Also, keep in mind, that ship in ~3000 year can has some automated systems, and less ppl would need to operate it.
Wow, I just checked my registration of LNS-Tahoe, and I wroute max crew over 2K ppl, MEMAD?
About fearles, If Im not mistaking, mighty Jinx had RP infocard about some ships he made. Ship lore or something, I believe, I have seen fearles too, but, can't say for sure.
KUBC~50-60ppl. (took from ma head, honestly).
About GB.
I 100% saw in Jinx' post about Gaian GB, and it was 1 person ride, same as 86 Bnouse. Not sure about Tridente....but also could be 1-3 ppl ride, like other small ships. Large one, can have 8-10 or more ppl, like RM's; IMG's; Bret and so on.
Also, I think that with advances in tech, a smaller crew would be more advantageous and reasonable. The couple hundred for a BS/Dread sounds about right. But, also depends on which ships as well. I imagine a bigger crew for a KuBS than a LbDr. But an even bigger crew in a Lib Carrier.
the idea for the fearless is to be optimal with only around 10-15 ppl. - mainly due to the fact that it is essentially not a warship - but an armored transport. in its usual state it does not require rotating shifts or high alert levels - so the crew is mainly a small bridgecrew, some gunners and cargo workers.
no idea about the BC, but around 100 seems right depending on the alert level and deployment - so yea - 50-100.