As you know - or at least SHOULD know - Junyo is in the midst of a major economic boon. From the storied fish that frolic in its seas to the wonderful fire pearls which now grace stores throughout the sector, Junyo is becoming more reknowned than ever.
But such success comes with challenges. The worker population has spiked in recent years to meet growing demand. As a result, more and more employees are being forced to commute to work from farther and farther afield. Thus, our current project is born, a massive undertaking to increase planetside housing to accommodate all these workers, plus those we anticipate will be employed shortly. This, honorable associates, is where you come in.
You see, due to the massive volume of material required to undertake this project, management has decided to give additional pay for the needed commodities we will be using. Following this announcement will be a list of what is needed and the bonus pay associated with each. Do note that if some reach a surplus state, the bonus will subsequently be adjusted accordingly. In addition, we are graciously offering any who undertake this mission the opportunity to lease the apartment of their choice before we put them on the standard market, with a 10% reduction in cost no less!
Messages sent to this neuralnet channel will receive the funds in a weekly allotment.
Freelancers engaged in this trade will be paid at 75%.
Corporations not listed below will be paid at 100%.
Samura identified ships will be paid at 125%.
Samura Heavy Industries employees will be paid at 150%.
Filthy Gaijin Junkers need not apply. Any unlawful entity attempting to sell to Planet Junyo will be referred to the KSP for a visit to Fuchu.
Temporary addition!
At present, we are in need of Xenobiotic Filters. As such, we are offering the following payment for them: 1125 per standard unit. Bonuses will remain the same with the following changes, for this item only:
Samura identified ships will be paid at 150%.
Samura Heavy Industries employees will be paid at 250%.
PFI) Planetform ships will be paid at 200%.
This will last only as long as the needed quantity is still required. Arigato.
Establishing connection 40% ... 70% 100%
Link established, receiving feed.
Source: Planet Junyo, Shikoku System
A man in traditional clothes of the fisherman of Junyo appears in view. He takes a deep bow before speaking.
"Konnichiwa Ichiro Takahashi-sama of the trusty Samura. It's with great joy we at our community heard of your auspicious development plans in Junyo, and our... "neighborhood association" has managed to prepare a ship to assist in this project.
Even if we can only offer a small contribution, we hope that many more voyages are made, and that we can advance this development that benefits not only Samura, but the people of Junyo."
A couple of files are loaded to the stream
"Here is a shipment of 500 basic alloys. Small but hopefully, the first of many.
We appreciate that the money be sent to the"
Establishing connection 40% ... 70% 100%
Link established, receiving feed.
Source: Planet Junyo, Shikoku System
Konnichiwa, it is I again.
Seems we have made some progress. We managed to acquire a bigger vessel for our endeavors, and already put it goo use for your project.
Arigato for your deliveries so far. You will find yourself with your bonus checks shortly, and I shall ensure the visual proofs are available here, as well.
Incoming Transmission
Signal Strength: 91%
Source Identity: Yancy Fry - Planet_Express
Source Location: Planet Junyo - Shikoku
Video Feed Disabled
- Begin Transmission -
Good evening gentlemen. I am an independent contractor working for Samura Industries. Today I brought 9806 Units of Industrial Materials by Planet Junyo. Proof of my ID, reputation, and delivery are attached.
To:Samura Board of Directors Subject:Status report
Since I'm very tired of today's continuous transporting of all sorts of goods, commodities and many other things... I will try to keep my report as short as possible so I could get to sleep as soon as possible.
Incoming Transmission
Signal Strength: 91%
Source Identity: Yancy Fry - Planet_Express
Source Location: Planet Junyo - Shikoku
Video Feed Disabled
- Begin Transmission -
Good evening once again. Two more loads of Industrial Materials totaling 9806 units have been delivered to planet Junyo by the Planet_Express. Proof of the deliveries follows.
Establishing connection 40% ... 70% 100%
Link established, receiving feed.
Source: Planet Junyo, Shikoku System
Konnichiwa, we meet again. Today we managed to bring another shipment of basic alloys for your construction project. Delivery proof is in the annexed files.