Jacob Wells. The self-proclaimed lazy genius of the Interspace Commerce, although he doesn't go around telling people that. Except his new boss, who he enjoys playing around with quite often. Of course, in the most professional way possible.
Glancing at his monitor, he mumbles something quietly before pulling back his chair and standing up. Otemachi had a wide variety of offices, big ones and small ones. Almost constantly buzzing with people talking and doing their business.
Weaving through the people in the hallway, he comes to a door at the end of the hall, labled "CEO" and knocks on the door twice. Without waiting for a response, he opens the door and shuts it behind him. The room blocking out the noise from the outside. Stretching slightly, he walks over to the desk.
"Shirou! How have you been. It's been a few hours since we've spoken last, do you have a moment?"
Mercana Shirou, CEO of Interspace Commerce looks to his Vice-President... "Yes of course Mr. Wells, please sit down. Would you like a drink sir? My secretary has just received the finest bottle of Sake from Miura. The joys of living in such a wonderful part of Kusari eh?"
He grins, eyes gazing out the window toward the planet. Mercana pauses for a brief moment, plucking a cigar from his humidor and proceeds to light it, taking a puff as he looks back toward Jacob.. "So Mr. Wells, what may I do for you today? I was told this morning we were to have a meeting, but my secretary failed to mention the exact details. Not too surprising for a new hire, but anyway please elaborate. "
He looks to Jacob awaiting his response.
Jacob shrugs quite openly, getting comfortable in the chair on the other side of the desk. "A glass of sake sounds 'excellent' right now, thank you." Waving his hand slightly as he talks.
"At any rate, what i'd like to speak to you about right now. We have a request from the Daumann Heavy Construction, requesting that we grant them a loan to go ahead with one of their projects. I've been running some numbers, and i've come to the conclusion that if we're careful, the only way the Rheinland economy can go is up right now. Perhaps even with enough time, we ourselves may be able to make a presense in the house once more."
Pausing, glancing outside to watch a stray asteroid fly by the base, only to be repelled slightly by the shield extending out.
"Besides that, i've been looking into the Deep Space Engineering's Cold Lake Project, and we're making good headway there as well. We're almost upon stage two of construction, which leaves us at a little over a quarter way completed. That's really merely a report, there is nothing else that needs done there. Nothing that I cannot handle myself of course."
Pausing once more, gathering his last thoughts in his mind.
"Lastly, i'd like to speak to you a little about renovations. On Otemachi that is. Sure, we're doing quite well right now, but with our lack of hauling fleets we've been forced to use behemoths such as the Barge to do the work we need. Otemachi isn't the most.. suited to have it moored right now. I'd like to perhaps add a few expansions on specifically for accompanying such a vessel. Two perhaps, for when we have visitors."
He pours a glass for Jacob and hands it to him, with a brief toast. He drinks the fine liquid quickly and proceeds with business.
"Ahh yes Daumann Heavy Construction, I believe giving them our support would greatly improve the Rheinland economy for the better. I believe we should be open to working with the civilians of their House, as the war was not our choice, merely politics.. lest we forget Bonn.. Anyway, I approve their loan, it would be good to better our relations with their fine organization."
He smiles a bit, taking another puff of his cigar. "As for the Cold Lake Project good to hear, I am pleased with your great effort in making this joint business venture possible between our companies. You sir deserve a raise! "
He chuckles, pulling out a brief case stuffed with Sirius credits, sliding the case across the table to his business associate. "Seriously though Jacob great job, keep up the good work! Now for Otemachi, I absolutely agree that we need to upgrade our station's facilities. I believe the local economy would benefit from these upgrades as well my friend. With more suitable expansions on to the station, we're sure to draw in more inhabitants, as well as more potential investors yes? "
He pours another glass of Sake for himself, taking a slow drag from the cigar as he awaits to hear more.
Jacob eyes the credits briefcase for a second, before shrugging and passing it right back. "I appreciate the offer, but do me a favor and put this to the Cold Lake Project instead, eh? I don't necessarily need credits, my 'boss' provides that when it comes up. That, and my beautiful paycheck already. Work is what I do."
Chuckling, swirling around his drink before quickly finishing it off.
"In that case, i'll get in contact with the DHC and see about approving that lone, perhaps work on some politics to get us back into Rheinland space in the future. Of course, that won't be for a while since they are being.. difficult. Cold Lake will continue as scheduled, as for Otemachi.."
Glancing around at the office they were in currently.
"An expansion of the base. Preferribly for allowing our behemoth better unload speed, as well as a few external cosmetics which could prove useful in future actions. I'll speak to our engineering team and see what we can come up with, perhaps some 'blueprints' would be in order for fixing things up nicely."
Nodding to himself.
"Besides that, i've contacted the Deep Space about construction and a quote on a second barge. Our current, as you know is beginning to get old. If we indeed have plans for continuing expansion with another base to manage our finances, we will most likely need another. Of course, i've taken the liberty in allocating people from financing to make sure this will work out, lets not go overboard with spending credits. I'll be sure to keep a careful watch on that.."
"At any rate, is there anything you need 'me' to do? Or may I continue along with my lazed lifestyle of getting things done."
Mercana grins in amusement, intrigued by the report.
"Good good, I will wait to hear what the engineering team has to say about the blueprints. It will be nice to give Otemachi a bit of a face lift eh?"
He takes a final puff of his cigar and ashes it out, looking back toward Jacob.
"Another barge for supply duties would be quite a dream come true indeed. With more contracts that we get involved in, the better we can allocate resources based on our capabilities. I wouldn't consider it going overboard with spending credits, rather investing in a tool that will benefit our company and it's business associates in the future. "
Mercana straightens up in his chair, arranging a few items on the desk, checking his hair before putting his hand out to shake Jacob's hand.
"Well Jacob, it has been a pleasure hearing this report. I will note your outstanding work effort in our next performance evaluation. Unfortunately I must take leave for a business summit on Pittsburgh, my Armored Transport awaits.. Anyway great job, keep up the good work!"
Jacob does a mock salute, standing up, reaching out to shake his hand. "Much appreciated, thank you for taking time out of your ever so busy schedule to humor me, as I stated some numbers to you. I'll let you know if anything else develops."
With that, he turns around and heads for the exit, shutting the door behind him.
Jacob proceeds to his office, immediately sitting down in the swivel chair behind the desk, stiffing out a yawn. Reaching over, he picks up the phone and makes a quick call.
"Matthew Bontrager, I take it you're going to be on time for the meeting in about.." Taking a look at his watch. "Fifteen minutes? Ah. That's what I thought. I'll see you then."
Hanging up, smirking to himself, sitting back as he takes a small break as he waits.
Jacob glances up, grumbling quietly as he moves his feet off from the desk. Eying the door.
"Matthew, that was a gold interior, custom made doo-.. Bah, just kidding. It was a standard door. I'll take the repairs for the possible dent out of your paycheck. At any rate, have a seat."
Motioning to a chair in front of his desk, bringing up some preliminary data on the terminal. "You've been doing well with the influx of employee's despite your attitude, which personally? I find very unprofessional. Although I would be telling a lie if I said I didn't appreciate it. Complicated I suppose in that regard."
"Now. There is something I would like you to do for me, more specifically for Otemachi. Right now, we are looking into some possible.. 'upgrades' for the structure around us, including a bigger mainframe with a higher priority on the relay networks from system to system. This however, requires some looking into first. I'd like you to give me a report on what would benefit us the most, alright? This of course, being done in between your own business. If you cannot complete this little job, i'd be slightly worried."
Yuuta Segawa the lazy board member crawls out from underneath Jacob's desk, mumbling under his breath with an angry look on his face.
Matthew, Jacob, can you two stop being so loud? I was having a great nap- err, I mean, I was silently brainstorming great ideas for Interspace when both of you so rudely woke- distracted me and made me lose my train of thought!
I was having a great drea- idea about some prototype batteries we could've made a killing on, now I've completely lost the thought. This mistake could end up costing us BILLIONS in lost profits!
Be more careful next time.
Yuuta walks away into a dark, secluded broom closet to continue his "brainstorming".