Ok I've been playing this game from time to time and I think that when it comes to pirate ID's it's pretty straight forward, if you have one you get shot at.
I think that ID's should be looked as a general set of rules for the character to play by not some RP item so some lawful can say " you have pirate ID DIE!!! " or vice versa.
Additionally it seems that pirates have a bit too much going against them from LPI being able to track them on lanes to getting pewd at by stations and caps both npc and player which is fair enough in RP but when the pirate can't do things he should be able to do in RP it makes things somewhat unfair.
I think a pirate would do everything he could in RP to remain under the radar so that the navy wouldn't notice him. That would mean legitimate ship, weapons the works. Now you might say " well the navy could ask him for his papers " the pirate could easily say they were stolen/lost/in the mail or that he simply doesn't have any because he was born outside of house space (I'm pretty sure an ungoverned region of space like the omicrons wouldn't have a government to supply paperwork) the navy/police might not be satisfied but the said pirate is innocent until proven otherwise.
There are already other ways to catch pirates in RP other than looking at the ID for example in liberty is defined under law so authorities already have one way of catching pirates, the other way would be by traders reporting them with the evidence to back it up,(Although in RP i think if the pirate destroys the trader he destroys the evidence of him pirating the trader but that's just me).
Once the pirate's name becomes known to authorities he gets put on the wanted list but there are loopholes for the pirate to evade this, he could in RP have the junkers change his ships cereal number and name and since there's a rename time limit it couldn't be abused either and even if that's not enough you could buff up the price of a rename, I think it would help improve pirate RP as they would have to come up with RP ways to evade or trick authorities into thinking their not a pirate, additionally I think it would help improve RP between Traders and police as the traders would start reporting individuals to them liberty could even start offering rewards for successfully reporting individuals who've been pirating.
Would it be a good idea to consider going down this route or something similar or are there other problems I'm overlooking?
People would use the Pirate ID to sit next to lawfuls, wait until some of the less experienced players attack them and then report them for metagaming knowledge of their ID.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Well there were some abuses, for examlpe a lot of Pirate ID, Freelancer IFF gunboats flying around pirating people, and police and navy couldn't touch them until caught in an act of pirating. This is just one example out of many...
(02-19-2014, 06:45 PM)sindroms Wrote: People would use the Pirate ID to sit next to lawfuls, wait until some of the less experienced players attack them and then report them for metagaming knowledge of their ID.
But wouldn't bases just start pewing at them because of rep or was that also fixed when they made ID's oorp?
"I lost a bet with the turret operators and now they are angry with me" was the best excuse I had some guy tell me. If I would have tried to get around the bluff, I would have probably been reported for PVP abuse or told that I do not want to RP with them and am only interested in a blue message.
While they sat in a cloud of trader remains.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(02-19-2014, 06:54 PM)sindroms Wrote: "I lost a bet with the turret operators and now they are angry with me" was the best excuse I had some guy tell me. If I would have tried to get around the bluff, I would have probably been reported for PVP abuse or something.
XD I'd have said " I ran out of fuel will you go and get me some? "
To be honest though I think the idea is good because It also opens up the other way so lawful could go undercover into criminal organizations to gain information, the only problem is trying to come up with a good way to implement it