Why dont we leave this thing as just as it is as Tel said.We raised a lot of questions,I asked hell a lot of questions here.Nothing was answered.Then what is the point of this discussion?
I hope the admins and the devs can see this.The majority doesnt want to see this happenas opposed by a few minority whose questions were well countered by us.If you still want to implement these changes,give a proper reason for all the things we asked and then think about changing it.
Ah,I cant even see that happening,with everyone who is supporting this change just keeping mum for various reasons and giving blatant excuses for robbing the little fun that players have as playing a Zoner.
(02-23-2014, 05:40 PM)RedEclipse Wrote: Duv, you are shame not only for Zoners, but for this community. You are not defended Zoners, but dig a hole for us, as result we have this thread.
No red, basically you are to blame.. As drobe even stated into his SRP.. you afk too much and i even caught you way before my ban a lot of times doing the same. THat for
1. faction time
2. as a representative AND lead for an official zoner faction it is a disgrace
3. an abuse and insult for an srp. only excuse you had was that your constant complaining towards prowler gave you in the end the persephone for phoenix.. i still must read the story of the ship building etc etc.. you never wrote anything. just got a blueprint. that you wrote months after because aerelm bastilled your ship.
If you keep telling that you forget to close your computer or had to go to work.. at the 3th or now maybe even 20th time people wont believe you.. and that is why you were NEVER worthy that SRP in the first place Do not forget SRP is a SPECIAL roleplay.. You must set an EXAMPLE to other people. Not by idling for your faction to get official and then to try to boost the ladders. as some faction time competition.
I have MUCH more respect for Jinx, Blodo, aet, cannon and a lot more. Then i will ever have for people always trying to gain more for THEIR own. Think of other people as well. you are not alone on the world my friend. Nor in any multiplayer game you will ever play.. Now stop drifting off the topic and keep it on the zoners will ya? because..
ZA who started that mess in omicrons? Phoenix AND ZA. I was there red.. as a lot of others have seen and noticed how it all started. Hate only creates hate.. this is your outcome.
(02-23-2014, 05:44 PM)sathish.wazza Wrote: Ah,I cant even see that happening,with everyone who is supporting this change just keeping mum for various reasons and giving blatant excuses for robbing the little fun that players have as playing a Zoner.
User was banned for: Duvelske, circumventing ban with alt.
Time left: (Permanent)
(02-23-2014, 05:49 PM)RedEclipse Wrote: Do I have to argue with player which managed to across almost every line of server rules and now banned?
Name em? My first sanction that i lost all my ships? you know why? Because i wanted for the 4.85 persephone to come back.. yet i was stupid not to ask how to do it the best way.. so yeah i screwed up for myself.. You can ask a lot of people.. i got a second chance.. taken away after like 6 to 9 months. reason was the first sanction. Sorry, but i have seen a lot of nonsense.. and you know what i do not care.. I only care for the zoners and the people i like and do STILL play the game. If they play as zoner or not. I gave my point of view.. I constantly involved zoners.. but what your comments what does it has to do with zoners? Please explain me? and if i was so bad for zoners.. why did i achieve much more then you or many others will ever have for the community for zoners? You didn't even know the background of the persephone. InRP your ship is a flying black hole waiting to collapse.. but who am i kidding? to the lead and o so idle respected lead of phoenix? SOrry i know a lot of people who deserve a unique ship much more then you.
THe only thing you prove time after time.. is the sour face you had because i was one of the sair battleships (we were ONLY sair bs at that point, and i was only active at 3 sieges) who destroyed lavidia shipyard. while you defended it ooRP with ally of nomads, order, lns, zoners and even another corsair at one of the 2 or 3 sieges we had. ANd call US then ooRP? Sorry.. sour people like you who make too much pride about toys only cry about losing em. POB is about creating activity.. that was its intention of cannon, honestly he did a great job.. Even if the sieges defense were totally ooRP. and we were just looking for some nice activity in the omicrons.
User was banned for: Duvelske, circumventing ban with alt.
Time left: (Permanent)
(02-23-2014, 05:57 PM)E.T. Wrote: why did i achieve much more then you or many others will ever have for the community for zoners?
Is it because you did much more things than a player would normally have ? You know, exploiting credits, joining a group of trolls, bass hunting, lolwuting .. etc ?
Duv, why are you even still here ? Your bias view's and specific hate against Phoenix isn't going anyway at all.
The fact that the Admin hasn't ban you already makes it smell even more fishy.
E.T. Wrote:Stick on topic.. it might be relieving for you.. also i was not banned for cheating.. i got a second chance.. the last ban was due to the first sanction after almost 9 months or so.. that first time was due to me messing up with crossfire and disco 4.85 for the old persephone model.. If you would have followed it you would have known.
Now as for your ranting.. just keep it on and prove how sour you are as a member and representative of an official zoner faction. All i achieved will always be a lot more in this community then you ever will.
Dirk Danger:
No, you cheated. You have no right to even PM me. I wont waste anymore energy on you. All you 'achieved' was thrown out the window when you cheated. You are less than nothing. Go play nintendo by your self.
wrong.. spazzy, doj and matt cheated. even sava i heard was caught. I never did so, and funny is ask prowler.. he was for months on my neck and did agree i didn't cheat or at least after that wrong installation not anymore.. I lost it all and i moved on.. thats it. Sadly people like you stick in the past.. and keep sour not only against new people but against anyone you dislike. grow up..
If i want to play i can easy bypass the ban.. BUt honestly i wont.. because i do not care. But i fight for other people.. because i care for em as they like to play the game. not only on discogc but also on other servers. where i sometimes play and have a lot of fun and a lot of fun talkings. For me that is more then enough then to see a sour group fighting then a lolwut group like za and trolling them.
Why do you aim to accomplish for any of this Dulveske? Ill let everyone read your crap. Dont PM me with your cheater garbage anymore. Im sick of you, everyone is sick of you.
Dirk, again you prove your sour view.. it is funny, but if you cannot even stick ontopic because your own lead of the Phoenix looks so bad, then i wonder myself.. why are you even commenting on it? what has it to do with this topic? You only prove Jinx and the other devs they are right.. You cannot handle any capital ship and you will respond on forums like you will do ingame with gunfire a.k. agression.
At least ZA was at first noobs ok.. but later they didn't fire for nonsense.. i cannot say the same about you. Also difference is you THINK you have friends.. But trying to gain things out of others their expense.. isn't that why both phoenix bases were destroyed? even with support at some point of some of the ZA? because what zoner goes shooting or even ingame acting agresively in hope the other will open fire? sorry i did read then the logs. But it was for me a disgrace. It is a part of the past of Phoenix, but just LEARN from it.. Your actions will trigger a reaction of the people you are reacting ingame with. Self knowledge is a step one must take to see where it goes wrong.
I have nothing against phoenix, or any other faction. Phoenix can be a great faction.. If it is lead by the proper person, that is for any faction.
User was banned for: Duvelske, circumventing ban with alt.
Time left: (Permanent)
This situation has escalated dramatically. Here is my take on things. I do not post often on the forums this is true, but I do read a lot of threads and have been around for some time so I'm not new to discoland.
I do agree that there are way way to many Zoner caps around. I think most of us agree about that and it is a problem. I myself do have two Neph's (that I never really fly) so to me I do not directly care if I no longer have these ships. The first one I purchased was some time ago, and to me it was a goal I had finally fulfilled. When I first started playing back in 4.84 times, I remember seeing players flying around in their flashy battleships. I thought to myself "Wow there is something I can really work towards" and thus it became my goal to work my way to buying one. I think this is still a goal for many of our newer members. That grinding away, working towards getting that "special" thing that seems so important. Well after getting my first Neph, I realized that I actually had more fun working towards getting then having it.
This is not a shared experience as I myself have faced the atypical lolwut in a Neph before. Still it came from a guy who never really wanted to RP in a space flight simulator to someone who really appreciates what the RP in disco can be. This was my evolution in disco and I'm sure there are others out there in discoland like myself.
After the years of playing I have seen changes, some were good and others not as much but I can understand. People dislike it when they have worked hard at something and it simply goes "poof" one day. This most certainly is the case with Zoner Caps. I'm not against giving Zoners some armored transport vessels, as that makes a lot of sense. Living on the edge and faced with the unknown, people are very likely to arm themselves as there is that fear of the unknown. And even worse, there is a hostile alien life form looking to eradicate humanity. This would drive people to arm themselves to the teeth. Better to have a big gun and not have to use it, rather than needing a big gun and not having it right? (Hence one reason the Neph is a valid tool)
We cannot look to the discoland lore to make sense in every situation as there are many takes on it. This is especially true involving Zoners as there are so many different types out there. I think Zoners as both indies and officials are a tempting character for a lot of players. You do not have the same RP in mind when playing a Zoner as you would lets say to [RM] or to Liberty. Those factions have fixed goals and enemies. You know when you make a [RM] vessel you are going to fight against Liberty, Hessians, etc. Zoners as groups or indies, make their own enemies and the RP potential involving this is one reason I enjoy playing a Zoner myself.
Now, we Zoners face losing our cap ships. Some people got them for good discoland RP, using them for the mobile Rp platforms, etc. Others well...got them for the reason they are a problem in the community.
My suggestions to help and mitigate the situation is as follows (It is not possible to make everyone happy in this situation so I'm not attempting to please everyone):
1. Admins/devs start a new public poll about the Zoner situation. Lock the other threads to keep this from escalating. Do not allow posts in the new poll thread and ensure that the primary post of the thread is very clear in the intention to change the Zoner ship line around. Keep the poll open for a two week period of time to give players some time to think about it and cast their vote. (I know there already was a poll, but I do not think that the players really understood what the consequences for not voting would do) This will give a clear public poll that all of the players and factions can see, and this transparency in the process will help to show why the changes are being made if any.
2. If/when the change to the ship line is going to occur, make a post on the forums warning the players that it is going to go into effect and when. Post this a full two weeks before the change so players have the chance to decide on how to proceed. Once the post has been made, remove the players ability to buy Neph's outright by increasing the price (albeit only temporarily) to a level in which the sell price of the players Neph would now equal the 530,000,000 credit price tag on the vessel. This way, anyone who does not want the new battle transport can get their credits back. (Note: If people work hard on earning something, and you just swoop in and basically reduce what they had to a 1/4 value they are going to get very upset about it)
3. SRP is still an option for the caps, but do not grandfather the current ships. After the two week period of exchange is over (i.e. number 2) Allow people who own Zoner caps to post in the poll thread that was previously locked. Simply make a template for them to use. For players who choose this route, move their vessels to Bastille after their post. Then allow them to do the SRP for their caps back accordingly. This will help to control the amount of Zoner caps in the game, I believe this will work out better for the official Zoner factions at that, as they might in fact have good RP behind having such a ship. (I myself would gladly give up both of my Neph's right now, to remove all of the lolwut Zoner caps out there.) This way the Admins will not be overrun by SRP's for Zoner caps and they can look at the RP basis on a case by case basis.
There is no way to get everyone here to agree. Some say its zonerzonerzoner some say its the annual zonernerf. I just don't want our community to suffer over a ship line, as this will ruin some peoples previous RP and my idea's are an attempt to keep their RP around because who are we to say that their RP work is now worthless? I want to give them the option of keeping it up (as good players are hard to find) and bettering discoland overall.
Now if you disagree with any ideas I have listed, please put out some new ideas and don't just rage over this. A true merit of adulthood is compromise, lets show the admins/devs that we are willing to work together to make discoland better for all of us.
(02-23-2014, 06:18 PM)E.T. Wrote: Dirk, again you prove your sour view.. it is funny, but if you cannot even stick ontopic because your own lead of the Phoenix looks so bad, then i wonder myself.. why are you even commenting on it? what has it to do with this topic? You only prove Jinx and the other devs they are right.. You cannot handle any capital ship and you will respond on forums like you will do ingame with gunfire a.k. agression.
At least ZA was at first noobs ok.. but later they didn't fire for nonsense.. i cannot say the same about you.
Yeah right. Thats why I don't actually own a Neph. Man you are arrogant. If all I cared about was pew I would have been right there with the rest of your cheatin base pewin, blue message addicted crew.