Hey all! So I've noticed that some of the larger ships have issues undocking from certain stations. I know this is unavoidable due to how Freelancer works for the most part, and if you do get stuck you can generally use the /stuck command.
Would it be possible, through a plugin or file change, to make it so that ships of a certain type and/or a list of ships always undock from a certain berth to negate this problem?
For example, stations of the same design as Fort Bush (Outposts I believe) have docking berths on each side of the station, and there also seems to be a "mooring point" style berth on the tower which sticks up from the rectangular portion of the station. Whenever I undock from this mooring point style berth my undock goes smoothly, however when I get undocked through one of the side births I often get stuck in the station.
I'm looking for a way to make it so large ships ALWAYS use the mooring point style berth. Is there a way to make this happen at all? Having to type /stuck all the time is rather annoying.
I thought it was weird that some of my larger transports sometimes undocked fine, appearing in space some meters away from the station... Yet other times the ship undocks inside the station for some reason. Do you happen to know what determines where a ship undocks from?
Actually, I don't, but I think it has to do with the shiparch's berth setting and the type of berths available on a solararch. Could be totally wrong though -- I wasn't the one involved in this.