Rachel Winterton, a member of the vague Ingenuus Research Facilities. While the organization was not the largest in existence from being relatively new, the technology that has been under development from the continuation of the time of the Head-Scientist from the Phoenix was however.. Quite different and 'new' compared to what a lot of people pursue. Energy Generation. This was what kept the female scientist around, and she intended to figure out the secrets behind the 'god' substance in this day-and-age. Energy.
The idea behind it was simple.. Alright, perhaps that was a lie, and Rachel knew that quite well. The idea behind the generation was not simple in the slightest. The strange power-core which the tests have been conduted on were something that she has not had contact with up close, and the results were almost unpredictable at times. A chamber for the core was under development by the others, which greatly helped her out in figuring a better way of stabilizing the output while being able to increase it at the same time.
Her goal? The ability to replicate the strange sphere into smaller versions of what was floating around now. However, this has only been accomplished by creating a miniscule version when the main core was amped up far enough, to almost cause the entire facility it was on to be voided of all electronics through the amount of feedback the core was emitting. The conclusion? Extremely high power. Extremely high stability. And a very, very efficient way of dealing with the excess energy that was put out.
Her past work however, did retain some interest in her eyes, when she soon figured out the energy requirements such a device would take in order to work properly. After some thought, the combination of the two projects seemed appropriate, allowing an energy outlet.
However, a mere energy outlet was not enough reason to construct something of the scale which she was thinking. There had to be something else. That was what the woman was currently working on. Throwing around ideas mentally to herself. Frequency variations was her first thought, although she required time at the main core in order to run her tests to see such a method would be effective on what she was planning to do.
The method of her own device was simple. Bounce a high powered laser in a helix around a ring as much as possible without crossing over each other. This required very precise measurements, but is possible with enough time. From there, 'ride' atoms along the micro-trail the lasers left in it's wake as it's intensity left a small effect in the air. Of course, it would have to be monitored, and obviously something that was not volitle.
What to do.. What to do.. Perhaps would be time to put in a request for access to the core to begin with.
To her delight, it didn't take too long to get access to the core, the very small research team was very, very efficient when it came to each person taking a turn and checking what they needed in front of the actual device itself.
The pulsing, variable mass was indeed an interesting sight to behold, almost defying physics by the mere observations of the object. The creators of this had it good.. Geniuses. People would always seem them as the enemies, however to have technology like this on hand.. Geniuses, no matter what is said.
Setting up a few zones around the sphere, the first test was to subjugate the mass to the full range of frequencies.
The results were rather eventful, 'except' when the frequencies was sounded on all ends of the core at the highest pitch that the system she had could register, the surface seemed to ripple slightly. Almost like water would ripple when placed near the same sound wave.
Further testing was required.. This ripple effect temporarily changed the amount of current running through the meters hooked into the computers around it, not by a large amount, but small enough to bring interest. Perhaps this could be used as a regulator.. Again. More testing was required.
The idea was solid. All that was needed to do, was further testing on the idea of frequencies with the effects it has with the core itself. It's a rather far-fetched subject, however the pressure it made in the air was what Rachel expected that made the effect that she noticed with the conventional speakers.
Her next goal? To obtaining high-frequency ultrasound waves while maintaining strong pressure amplitudes at the six focal points around the sphere, spread evenly. This thankfully wasn't too difficult, however it required some parts to be ordered in from the outside, and assembled inside the station. Security made things slightly difficult, however the results were quite fascinating.
The weeks wait to assemble and build, the pulsing core of energy had six rods which were about five feet away from the actual device, a small opening created in the containment field so that the effects could travel back and forth unhindered. As the rods were powered up, the high frequency ultra-sound waves created a ripple pattern in the aurora produced, while the energy slowly started to pick up in output as the intensity was increased.
The downside, the rods which were producing the signal slowly started to burn up, as the energy began to conduct directly into the custom machine. It had to be shut down before any major damage was done.
However, a vital lesson was learned. Frequencies at the high end of the spectrum, tended to keep the stabilization in a 'fixed' position. Granted this position wasn't the most stable itself, it did not degrade further. This was something to go on.
The conclusion has been reached, that instead of focusing on the stabilization of the core itself, more attention should be devoted to the actual fixture of the pulsing ball of energy. The fixture was perhaps one of the most important things for keeping it stable and not blowing up everything within a few miles radius. Granted it functioned quite well as it was, although it's been the constant assumption that efficiency has been greatly reduced due to the circumstances that it has been suspended in so far.
Right now, the fixture completely enclosed the core, however the reactions have been slightly harder to study as it's near-impossible to get to the actual device right now. A fixture which will allow open-access to the pulsing ball, but also keeps the energy under control, as for being able to route the energy to the desired locations was the key point for the next area of study.
Of course, something like this would have to be mounted inside of a ship to be able to work efficiently, this would be by no means a temporary structure. Thus implementation will not be done on something like this until there is a place where the core is to be housed permanently, if it is to remain here, that is to be told still.
After weeks of working on an alternative, it's been decided that a ring with metal designed to indirectly draw, and conduct the energy elsewhere is the first change that needs to be done. This would be accomplished by open-air superconductors with small little rods protruding from the metal to draw, and transport the power output.
Working on the idea of air-pressure manipulation to keep an output at a good rate, larger rods will be protruding from the metal, again giving the desired effect which was achieved through the frequency-modulation box which was developed in the past. Perhaps some adjustments can be made, although so far? It's looking quite good.
Prototype fixture
Putting this into practical use, and moving the core over however, would still take some time.
It's been a few days since the last entry, I suppose it's time to update the progress of things..
Recently, we have managed to take the prototype core, and begin fixture it into a more.. appropriate location. Of course, this is merely a hypothetical situation for the time being, I doubt that it's home will remain on this research station forever, however the Reapers of Sirius are quite good to be allowing us to use their facilities like this. It's in a good place for the time being.
By taking the prototype fixture, we merely added two more right on top of each other. I was slightly wary of the idea in the first place, however it does seem to contain the core within it's chamber much better than before, thus giving us a little more.. 'free area' to do things on the structure of the overlapping wave of energy it produces. I have a theory that it directly influences with the molecules around it, making it's 'quantum wave form' quite a bit more apparent, however studying that aspect of it will come later.
Now that we have managed to allow the core to become a little more.. 'appreciative' to what we are trying to coax it into doing, the next option is to figure out how to have this strange energy device allow us to create sub-devices. Smaller cores which will do the same purpose. It's a puling ball of energy, which never does seem want to die out. Volatile at times, where the source is really unknown. Perhaps derived from a section of hyperspace, however that sounds rather silly right now. Another thing to look into. It keeps piling up, doesn't it.
It's become quite an impasse over here at this time. The core is as high as it's going to get in the state that it is in right now. In order for 'anything' to improve, it'll have to be in a permanent fixed space. The amount of mechanics that we have looked at, paired with the other researchers of the facility shows that it would practically become immovable once we have it seated. And the seating into the new fixture that we've been working on? That's going to be hell on it's own.
I've done some inquiries, even mentioned it to Finn about what we will do from here, and it's been reached to the conclusion that the best way to go about this, is to create a vessel which is built specifically to housing this core.. I've never designed a ship before, thankfully the other scientists seem a bit more proficient on the actual upkeep of the thing. I can focus merely on the reason why I am here, the large pulsing ball of energy which I still become confused more and more, as the times on.
So i'll put things into perspective. So far, we have managed to push the core into a more 'stable' unstable form. What this basically means, is that it's still not giving a equal amount of energy, although it does remain quite volatile. But unlike attempts before, it likes to stay in this position without getting any worse. The constant hum that is heard in the room is quite satisfactory. The good news? The core powers all of the equipment needed to keep it in the state it is right now. That saves an external source that's required. Well, I suppose that would be a side effect when you're working with things in the nature as here.
Enough of the summerizations of what I've already been working on. The future. Through modifications of the frequency appliance we have been giving the ball of energy for a while now, we have begun experimentation of storing it's own energy and observing it from when it is removed from the vicinity of the source.
Potential Energy Output Mechanic
So far, it has burned through all of the wires that we try putting in, even the extreme current ones. Which is quite the issue, we need to 'dull it down' even more than it's giving right now. Sometimes, high output isn't the best. Especially with the amounts we're talking about with this piece of work. The figure above illustrates a semi-controlled output from the core, through an arc.
We will not be sticking with arcs forever, as they are the complete opposite of what we want. After all, an arc will destroy any machine it comes in contact with, if it's not made to deal with the current that it gives. Something to work on.
For the time being, my attention will be working on this 'vessel' that it will be built around. That's priority, as it's going to be the quickest way to continue working on the device with all of the extensions that we're going to need to add on to it. After all, we are not even close to getting at our goal of making it into something which we will be able to use for many things rather than a self-sustaining vessel. Just think of the discoveries.
Sure the station that we had before did it's purpose, however due to the state of being just another area didn't necessarily go too well.
In fact, one of the first things that was found out when we moved to the new facility, this being of course after modifying the equipment to fit the new shape and state of where it would be housed, (taking up a few weeks) is that most of our measurements were off. Not by much, but by just a few micrometers or Kalvin in the temp range. My theory on this one would be that the proximity to the core sent some of the equipment into a confused state of sorts. This new facility works our perfect in terms to eliminating that issue.
Moving forward from here. Well, Ingenuus' job right now is to figure out the way to harness the core. I'll be focusing on 'just' that until we complete a satisfactory job. There is no point on studying other things, if we cannot use our main device to begin with.
There have been a few new thoughts on a method we could use to accomplish this. The first would be the most erratic and.. dangerous, yet as long as there wasn't an equipment failure, I feel that this will do us the most justice on keeping the core under control.
What the system consists of, is instead of having stabilization and input-output measures coating the sphere like you'd think, have them on moving beams. Layer the moving casing and have them rotate around the core at a good speed which i'll determine later.
Potental Core Fixture MK2, unknown if actual use will be done
If you do the math, this grants the core a 96.738820% chance of it 'always' being exposed at one point, which as we've found increases the release. When it does this, the movement would bring an output over the area for a very short period of time and route it to wherever we need it at the time.
Downsides.. This system will go wrong if it fails. Containable as there will be a large amount of layers, but it will not be that pretty. Another downside, is this again will be using arcs. The energy will be released as an arc, rather than the radiant energy which we've been getting before. Equipment doesn't like that, although if I can get the budget from McCool, something can be figured out to get around that.
I'll be doing more research upon if this method is something we should pursue, or is it merely a pipe-dream that is a horrid idea compared to the others.. We'll see.
The new facility has indeed been pleasant. It's definitely growing on me. It's nice being able to walk around wherever I please. Perhaps half of the reason is this ID card which lets me into anywhere I want, ah well. I suppose I work on the darn thing, may as well be able to access the things I need to do just that.
Well, the method which I was working on a few days ago is looking a little less promising. The 'ripples' that is created by the core as we moderate energy output like that tends to send the thing into a 'hyperactive' state for lack of other words. This thing is too unpredictable. Coping with readings like that won't work in the long run of things.
I've taken the liberty to putting the mainframe on running a simulation on what would happen if you only drew energy from two points on the core itself. The computer didn't like to render what it was making, as it took forever to create the image and readings in result from it. It's not pretty.
Simulated Image of dual-point energy draw
As much as I hate to admit it, it actually seems that the 'less' contact you have with the thing in terms of equipment, it actually seems to react better to it.
Well what does this mean in the long run of things? We have an energy core which we can't draw energy from a single point, and it doesn't like having equipment attached to it. The logical way of thinking is to gather the energy from a radiated form instead of gathering directly through conduction. I however, condemn that action. Gathering through radiation is so inefficient compared to what we can be getting out of the darn thing. Why be inefficient, if we can figure out a way to get close to the full potential?
Alright, perhaps I lied a little.. Getting the full potential out of the thing is impossible. We just can't do it. Getting as close as we can however? That is much more plausible
Next up on my schedule, perhaps suspending the sphere between two points, drawing energy from both ends at the same time is the best way to do it anyways. The readings say elsewhere? Well it better deal with it. Our problem? Preventing what happened in the image above from happening. Spacial distortions, superheated air if the air is in the vicinity, that thing is nasty.
I have an idea.. Next entry. We'll see what progress I can make in the meantime.
McCool sent down a memo three days ago about the core setup. Apparently he is quite happy with what we have it in right now, and wishes to focus on a more mobile version of it.
While I agree that it indeed works right now, i'm not going to stop pursuing potential upgrades from what we have now. I promised him that if he lets me have the core as my own plaything for a while longer, if I don't come out with any results, i'll turn my efforts into perfecting what we have right now.
Alright, what we had four weeks ago. The idea of two-point draw from the core. The fixture proved quite difficult to create. The less equipment we have on the thing, the less control we have over it. The less control, the higher risk I am putting myself and the crew of the station. Now while I enjoy my work, I don't have a death-wish.
We began running more simulations on what the internal flows of the core would look like if we drew from one point. Then two points. The thing is too darn unpredictable. It is 'fighting' me. I can't get what I want, and it won't give it to me. The irritating part? It's not random. The core has a pattern to it's madness.
These show up in random places. But they are patterns nevertheless. Always changing depending on where you draw the power. The single point draw, ignoring the rest. See the attached simulation image.
Simulated Data Flow - Single Point
Around the draw area, the flow is almost completely ignored. From there, it is drawn from thin streams into where we are taking it from. How on earth to the Nomads manage to work with these things efficiently? That much energy in thin streams like that? Yes, this is an unnatural energy core. But that still doesn't make any sense, that thing is going to be volatile very quickly like that.
Guess what. I think McCool wins. Fine. My efforts will be focused on what we have now. I understand how the thing operates thanks to these experiments however, which I am thankful for. Perhaps that will make things easier in the future. Although perhaps I'm thinking too.. 'big'. Bah.. merely a gut feeling, I'll think of something.
McCool has the right idea, now that I look into it. His thought about keeping it suspended with no physical conductors touching it sounds actually quite good with keeping the darn thing stable. Efficient? Not so much. That's what is keeping me from merely accepting what we have now for practical use. No, we need to improve more first.
Attached is the image of what McCool has us running in now.
Arc reactions. That is what we have occurring right now. Even more inefficiency, the bane of my existence right now, as I expect it to be for quite a bit longer. Lets put things into perspective. Right now, we have a energy 'ball' so to say, generating energy with a currently unknown method. Gathering it and using it, is the difficulty which we are experiencing right now. Last entry about a month ago, I mentioned something about being too 'big', yes? It fell on me about two weeks ago. Why don't we look into nano-technology? The number one issue of that, is the proximity to the core would immediately short out whatever we put up there. We need to have something clever to actually direct the flow without ruining the bots we put out there.
The answer? The bots don't need to be computerized. Right now, the core puts out magnetic force as a side-effect from what is coming out of the darn thing right now. Granted this force is not extremely strong. Not even close to what we use to keep ships aligned inside of Trade Lanes currently, but it's enough. Barely, but we 'may' be able to use it to keep these bots sorta glued to the core.
Magnetic Field Visualization
The number one issue with that, is once we apply the bots, getting them off is going to be the difficult part. After all, it will have to be a very good conductor. Any sort of insulation will turn the thing to heat, and melt the bot within seconds. From there, directing the flow down to the sides or bottom, where we can radiate the energy in higher concentrations instead of having it freely like we have now would be a large step up. Efficiency would go through the roof compared to what we have now. Granted that still will be about 60% of what it 'can' be doing, it's much better than what we have right now.
We gave it a try in one of the smaller test environments we had running at the time, and it actually achieved a pretty interesting result. Perhaps we should give it a try on the larger thing, however I am a bit worried on how the bots will route the energy to the bottom focal point. We'll have to see.