I know this has been done before, and I can only imagine it would become much easier with SP out of the picture:
A further detailed character choice on character creation.
Right now we've got is... well, Trent in his brown coat. That's all. Even Disco OpenSP has a choice of clothing, why is this not available in MP?
I'm suggestung much deeper character choice. We've got a vast variety of NPCs, clothing choices, and the decision between a male or female character. Couldn't this easily be implemented into the create-a-character screen? On top of that, I suggest we encourage modders to submit custom character bases. Maybe even have a request thread for characters to be rendered into the game. It would be really cool to have a character closer to the deeply RPed characters we have created, and a interesting boost to RP.
Now I know I'll get at least one "But they still will have Trent's voice from bar interactions!". My response? Who cares? I press escape to skip dialogue as it is, it wouldn't be a big deal in my eyes.
I could swear I saw this topic before today. Either way I love the idea. Besides, we cant all be Trent. Im sure he has better things to do then fly all 500+ ships that we all own. I vote for multiple clothing and characters:D