My first try to test an own FL-Server results in following:
When I build a player base and switch the defense mode to 1 nothing happens. The base is red to others but don't shoot. And when I try to place defense platforms the game say OK and shows me the coords but the platforms don't spawn.
I am not a native English Speaker, so i make grammar errors.
But it annoys me when people make silly comments about that... especially brits who for the most part can't speak their own language let alone anyone elses!
The problem is, the base say ok to the positioning of the platforms but they don't place AND the base don't shoot other players when it is in defensemode 1. The base looks red to them but is doing nothing. Repairstatus is OK too. Everything is right but the base play groundhog xD
There is a possibility of you placing them to far away from your base. Make sure you're putting them close to your base. Make sure you're also using the /pos command to
I did that, I placed them 0,2K away and tried many other distances, and always nothing happened. I think it's a bug in the private server somewhere that I can't find
I'm having this same issue on my server, after building the defense modules and setting all of the /pos coordinates the actual defense platforms don't spawn... No idea what's going on. Shields and all other modules appear to work fine.