(04-07-2014, 01:42 AM)|nfrared Wrote: .... even though they may have no knowledge of what has happened....
Are the Nomads in discovery cut off from the rest and they got no way to communicate with ones away from Sirius. I thought they have the Mindshare ("the mind thingie") now ...
Just food for thought ... *have no idea*
no .one of the primary goals of the K'Hara is to explore the universe to find other pockets of nomads and their creators, The Dom'K'Vosh
(04-27-2014, 08:49 AM)Moriarty. Wrote: Any updates on this?
A good write up as this is not worth going unnoticed for, so long.
I really need some input from devs and admins on this but my understanding of things is this -
We cannot impliment this without original models as I have been told the current ones are unsuitable. As such we are currently seeking modellers for the models for this faction (we are looking for a LF, SHF and a GB/Transport hybrid (my thoughts on ship ideas here - http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=114315 ). From what I can see this is the major hurdle standing in the way of this being ready to submit to the development team.
The process from there I am not sure of. I haven't had any word to stop pursuing this, so I'll keep working on it. But we will need the models sooner or later.
I'm going to see if the design of the ships and pre-deployment of the faction can be played out in RP here - http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=115276 . IMO this will give the faction a more genuine feel and some justification, as of course these aliens would deliberate before risking their few remaining assets in unknown space.
As for these ice-guy pictures, I know I have written a lot of content but don't remember any reference to an ice planet. Could someone quote the text?
I had personally thought of something a bit like this -
But nothing is fixed yet and I am still open to ideas.
After a quick read-through of both the faction proposal and the origins story, I see no references to what the climate of the Etherium home world might have been like (although this might be helpful to include in a future edit). All that has been stated is that it was located in a purple nebula rich in Iridium and that "They had found an equilibrium with their environment long ago and lived in peace".
The physiology of the Etherium is described as "The Etherium are a silicon based asexual lifeform, a seemingly bipedal being. The body is in fact made up of several million translucent silicon strands woven together, each a synthesising organ absorbing precious Iridium from the atmosphere." While I can imagine how something like this might have the appearance of some kind of icy creature, it would in fact be very different when viewed up close.
(05-13-2014, 06:28 PM)Danath Wrote: After a quick read-through of both the faction proposal and the origins story, I see no references to what the climate of the Etherium home world might have been like (although this might be helpful to include in a future edit). All that has been stated is that it was located in a purple nebula rich in Iridium and that "They had found an equilibrium with their environment long ago and lived in peace".
The physiology of the Etherium is described as "The Etherium are a silicon based asexual lifeform, a seemingly bipedal being. The body is in fact made up of several million translucent silicon strands woven together, each a synthesising organ absorbing precious Iridium from the atmosphere." While I can imagine how something like this might have the appearance of some kind of icy creature, it would in fact be very different when viewed up close.
Hmm... I wonder if it was one of the other factions maybe that was requested. Not the Revenant, the other one, which one was that again?
Just checked the changelogs for update 7 and one line there has me a little worried -
Removed Phantoms and their assets.
Should I be worried about this? Is this a signal from the team that this has been rejected? Or could we interpret that removing these is a way of making way for the Etherium later on, if they meet the benchmark?