Oh goodness me... why can't all zoners be like TAZ...
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
Sabre, humor is to laugh together, and in most cases objectively, not subjectively, or should it be the other way around?
You can have a strong objection to zoners all you like, infact you already are - and im well up for that - but you and some other bunch are driving intentional anger which is crude and simplistic next to something normal, such as feedback. If it was a simple objection to zoners in things that are genuine, such as "they are overpowered" - well then thats a legitimate concern, but you have a very good reputation of defending the kind of people who like to make a mockery out of it for the simple reason of focing those who play it to react, thus causing conflict.
Your humor is not humor and it should be ridiculed with contempt.