Next Iran beats Argentinia and the universe just crashes with a giant blue screen.
Really hope Deutschland didn't just have lots of luck against Portugal and the Portugese weren't just sucking a lot or something and therefore we win against Ghana ... but heh, we will see - it will be interesting.
I'm german and I find the german team to be terrible. Sure, we have some good players, but it's just a bad team overall. They reflect too much Bayern Munich for my taste, and their attitude stinks. The attitude of german "football fans" stinks as well. It's like the whole surpressed nationalism just bursts out every 4 years once it's World Cup.
I personally support Italy, like I've been for ever.
(06-21-2014, 12:04 PM)Korny Wrote: I'm german and I find the german team to be terrible. Sure, we have some good players, but it's just a bad team overall. They reflect too much Bayern Munich for my taste, and their attitude stinks. The attitude of german "football fans" stinks as well. It's like the whole surpressed nationalism just bursts out every 4 years once it's World Cup.
I personally support Italy, like I've been for ever.
Every time England and Germany have ever faced off in football, whether it's a friendly or not, the fans here are no better. Whether we win or lose (mostly the latter) there's always the patriotic tards that blow up about how we still won the war and on a lesser degree of bad taste, how we beat them 5-1 once upon a time. Sad, really. In fact, it applies when we face most teams. The racism comes out and everyone gets angry. I almost feel like one of the reasons I don't watch a lot of football, is because I feel like I'd be generalised as an idiot.
That and the top national teams in England mostly consist of foreign players. It's no wonder we don't have a good team. It's a push to call it English anymore.