ID:Core High Command Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho Subject:Reporting Channel ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
Attention Core Vessels.
The Core High Command orders that you make regular reports of your exploits. ventures and patrols in the Edge Worlds. Key pieces of Intel, or reports of major developments and victories against our enemies is also desired. This channel is opened up for both Core Primaries (//official faction) and Core Secondaries (//indies).
Remain vigilant, steadfast, tenacious and ruthless. There is no equal to The Core. Subdue those weaker than you, crush those lesser than you.
>]Incoming Transmission
>]Sender: E. Nodtviedt
>]Subj: Battle Report
We were given some news toys by Ouroboros recently, we decided to take them for a spin. On our patrol, we eventually met an Order carrier and two Order fighters. A battle quickly began, we lost one Manta however we were successful in destroying their Carrier and subsequently making one of fighters flee. We had decided that enough was enough, and we were suspicious as to why one Order snubcraft had left the battle already, so we decided to return to Capetown station.
» LOCATION: Dabadoru Station, Omicron Delta » COMM-ID: Ryuzaki Kuruso » TARGET-ID: The Core Reporting Center » SUBJECT: Patrol report. » PRIORITY: Medium » ENCRYPTION: Medium
Starting my patrol from Alabama station in Omciron Rho, I headed towards Omicron Delta, Omicron Zeta was clear, didn't encounter anything there, except for some order rookies, Once in Delta, first thing I encountered was a Nomad ship, not very far away from Freeport-11, The said ship attacked me several seconds after the encounter, And the alien ship was destroyed, Some nomad ammunition were confiscated and delivered later to Dabadoru station for research. Anyway, minimum damage was delivered to my Manta, So I resumed my patrol right after the first battle.
Another encounter happened in the distance between Freeport-11 and Omicron Zeta jump hole, But with an Order nepthys fighter, After a short useless conversation, we engaged each other, and the Order vessel has also faced destruction, critical damage occurred to my ship this time, So I cruised to Dabadoru station for repairs and to file this report.
[--#Message Received
[--#Report File 002
[--#Subject = Captured Pilots, Stocktake and Zoner Marines
Privet, Comrades.
After a short attack by the Order, I found myself on Capetown. Ventured out to Freeport 11 again, taking up on the board there. Before this, however, I found an interesting Whale carting marines through the Omicrons. This could be considered a threat. I'd recommend keeping a close eye on the Zoners within the area.
After that, I handed in 4 Corsair Pilots that made a bad choice.
Comm ID:Newton Holt, Subject:Lost Order Encryption:Medium Priority:Low
Evenin' The Core...
Wonderful day...I must say. Until it gets ruined by seeing machines known as Consensus, Order, and Nomads in one spot. *he shrugs* Anyway, while shooting the common enemy with the Order, a order agent of the 'O'Rhu' went brain dead and starting shooting me. I swear...he has to be infected or something. He ended up dieing anyways. After that, a Order Carrier was lurking around, so The Crusader had it's first test run today, and did well. Returned to base unharmed.
[--#Message Received
[--#Report File 003
[--#Subject = Suspicious Activity
As per a conversation with an odd man, all vessels bearing the broken, unknown "[?]" tag should be treated as suspicious. The man bearing this tag mentioned a mining operation within the system. It is vital that we investigate more of these people and their intentions. Especially that of their so called "mining operation".
I am putting forth a request to lead a search party to find this mining operation and identify these people that are plaguing our system.
Well today was an interesting day... we had some action and I nearly end up dead, that thin can we call the Manta saved my butt... but still its not the kind of ship I would fly for such situations, I need to talk to boss about a ship change.
Situation was well handled the first half of the fight, The fight was too messy for me to follow one target so before I took some friendly fire or get caught up in that mess I changed target to one of the Order blokes who just arrived... Hell I was giving him a nice payload of energy with the cute guns that my Bro' Holt brought me from one of his trips to Bretonia. Damn you bro I love you. And well my fears were unleashed when, OH MY GUESS WHAT... a mine fest started to rain down on the battlefield and I forgot to press the batteries charge button, and well... one of them mines hit my face pretty hard... right when I saw it I was like.. Meh theres no way I am gonna miss that thing, so I just rammed it up front. Ack it still hurts, Luckily I was brought to Freeport's Medical and they sent me to Dabadoru in a medical shuttle... my good heavens... the zoners nurses are beautiful.. mmmm... and they got some nice load heh!
Ahem... anyway.. the past few days I have been warming up the Crusher but hasn't worked much for it cause the damn boy is too slow and these idiots invite me to the party too late... its been like two or three times that I arrive late to deliver some 'Crushing' to some scrubs out there. And well thats pretty much like it, I can't take guncams... my ship is gone, and my camera was damaged in the first place. So gonna end it like this, and boys, go check out the zoner babes, they are boring but have some view like you will never see on the Omicrons. On the last side note, That Order babe was hot, Damn I would be rooting for her if I had not to shoot her when I see her. Damn life, heh.. Shawn, signing off.
Signed Shawn Brunham,
Core Hunter - Omicron Delta Patrol.
The week started, rather mysteriously. On our daily patrols through Omicron Zeta, we stumbled across an unique ship, going by the callsign of The.Narcotic. Upon scanning the vessel, we found it to have unknown identification papers. Assisting the strange vessel, through some kind of navigational signals was, another strange vessel, whose identification papers turned out to be that of Artificial Intelligence.
We then diverted our attention on the constant influx of O'Rhu vessels coming in to hinder our patrols. They were dealt with accordingly. The list of O'Rhu operatives killed were: O'Rhu|SB-Thor, O'Rhu|CV-Typhoonand O'Rhu|SB-Apache. 2 other O'Rhu ships fled the battlefield and into their common hiding spot, better known as Omicron Mu.
While we were on the last remaining O'Rhu, an Osiris class vessel, called The.Northern.Lights came in there, to have his own share of fun. Our capital class vessel BHC-Numidia took the Order warship on. The fight was intense, and in the dying minutes of the battle, when we were clearly in sight of yet another victorius parade, the AI vessel initiated hostilities on us, along with The.Narcotic by helping the Order warship and destroying BHC-Numidia. We tractored in the crew and took them with us.
As soon as our warship was down, the Order warship turned heels and started shooting the The.Narcotic, wherein we too went after the three of them. Sam Carter managed to have his 5 seconds of fame, as he salvaged The.Narcotics' wrecks. The AI vessel, which was furious by now, took on the Order vessel, and I made sure that The.Northern.Lights couldn't see the daylight again.
Myself and Oscar Cruz hunted down the AI vessel all the way to Omicron Theta, where we had a little skirmish, after which I decided to head home in one piece, after all the explosions. I managed to get into the memory of the AI so hard that it needed a kick or two after it started emitting irrelevant transmissions throughout the system.
Yet another day, yet another quite interesting report. Patrolling through Zeta, we found a lone Artificial Intelligence vessel similar to that of the one we faced a few days ago. We were particularly interested in its powerplant, which was, for a cruiser class vessel, absurdly very high. So, we ordered this vessel to stop, and to take it into research, to have its' powerplant reviewed. As the vessel seemed to not cooperate with us, we had to get what we needed, via force. The vessel was promptly neutralised and its' powerplant was retained, somehow surviving the huge explosion which followed the ships' destruction.
We then made our way to Omicron Delta and I took my ships for repairs in Dabadoru. In the meantime, Sam Carter, Oscar Cruz, Erik and others were faced with a coalition of sorts, comprising of corsairs, outcasts and nomads hunting them down. They managed to survive and most of the intruders' were either killed or flew away. That came with a heavy price though, since we lost many ships.
At the time I came in, the sole remaining Order Osiris class warship The.Northern.Lights was fighting our warship BHC-Numidia. I had to standby while the Order warship dragged us into the no fire zone of Freeport 11. Due to which, a rather angry Zoner came out with all his guns pointed at us. He soon moored his ship with the Freeport and ran away, after he saw our backup.
In the meantime, an Order class carrier with the callsign Kahless was spotted carrying nomad remains. We intercepted it, and The.Northern.Light who was lurking in the shadow of the Freeport came to his assistance. Both of them were terminated and I tractored in the nomad remains. I took it to Dabadoru for research purposes. I was escorted to Dabadoru by Sam Carter, while Oscar Cruz and the BHC-Numidia made sure that we were not followed. I deposited it in there. I moored my ship besides Dabadoru for repairs and is awaiting yet another patrol in the recent future. That is it, in todays' reports.