are you aware that will be armed with GB guns in a cruiser size ship? that's a big nerf by its own right. pretty much like the salvager that can, and without being bliliant at it, defend itself due to ship size and gun range. Don't want your random pirate make profit of it? jus don't give it CD slot..... anyway right now a transport is far more practical for piracy...
I have a question: what about Freelancer ID here? FLs are not allowed to drive anything above gunboat. Yet the Corvo is a hybrid GB and DS... So... What then?
So I know I'm a little late to this party but I have an idea for the research vessel Corvo.
- How about no guns at all!! Really what's the point it's a research vessel.
- give it two CM droppers
- haul and shield equal to that of a battleship or higher to account for lack of firepower.
- cargo less then 1k to prevent power trading with a tank
- bring back researcher ID with RP request !!!
I love RPing a research vessel but always feel I'm stuck using an ID that never truly represents my cause and a ship that does me no just. I really would like to see some improvements on the research aspect of Sirius.
(07-13-2014, 11:29 PM)Toji-Haku Wrote: I have a question: what about Freelancer ID here? FLs are not allowed to drive anything above gunboat. Yet the Corvo is a hybrid GB and DS... So... What then?
all depends on how would it be classifies, think on the Ptrain and the pirate ID, that ID doesn't allow to fly ships of more than 3600 of cargo (moreso, i don't remember exactly), the Ptrain figures as an exception of this cargo limit.
They can classify it as a gunboat (en extremely heavy armored one, but hopefully small turret count or difficult firing arcs, think of a sort of weakspot)
if you classify as transport, better of it has low cargo, or powertraders would abuse it badly
and if the case they classify as a cruiser or destroyer that would leave it unusable for many IDs UNLESS its added the rule in this particular
So it would be research vessel then, not a cruiser class ship? Doh.
And don't mind me, but in these turbulent times research ship without at least small turrets means death. Why?
You see, research vessel could be a huge deep space vessel, but what with fighters? Those sometimes are not even long range. I mean, speaking of inRP value. Such vessel should be at least armed with the lightest (so gunboat) weapons, because if it was deep-space vessel, there is inRP no place for small craft conservation.
There is some more ships for this purpose I think, Still if you want a Separate Research vessel then a new design work but I don't see urgent Need of it , maybe it increase work for devs
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
You know I've been asking for corvettes (destroyer/gunboat middle ground hybrids) since 4.84. I support the idea, though I'd like to see more ships of that type than just the corvo.
Always liked the idea of a ship class slightly larger and heavier than a gunboat, packing a mix of gunboat and cruiser weaponry and destroyer level shields and hull.