:>: Comm ID:Tal Ravis :<:
:>: Location: Beaumont Base,Texas System :<:
:>: Subject:Base Licensing :<:
:>: Encryption:Fort Knox :<:
I suppose you would want to know about this as well.
I've been greenlit to make a base legally from the Libertonian Government, but I know how things work around these parts. As such, I'm here to negotiate some terms so my base doesn't go up into flames.
It's going to be a somewhat independant venture, therefore the base will be Freelancer IFF'd, and of course all walks of life are allowed on board. Just don't use it as an escape route from Libertonian Lawfuls, and all will be okay. It'll be supplied and maintained by the Junker Marauders. I'm sure you've heard of them already.
I've also got some things to sweeten the pot.
Docking Access
VIP Access to the Buffet
Early Access to the Bar
Premier Real Estate
Hope these terms are satisfactory.
Ravis out.
Invised because base owners want to keep this quiet until they build the base ~Snoopy
SHIP ID: LR-Sober.Counsel LOCATION: New York, "Drunken Codger" FROM: Clyde Johnson RANK: Consigliere SUBJECT: Base negotiations
a first step would have been to introduce yourself. A second step could have been to explain your true intents with constructing a base. And a third step should have been to tell us the planned location of your base.
So it'll be a Freelancer base, you say? That can be anything. Pirates, smugglers, lawful mercenaries, wealthy salesmen, independent trading corporations and the list goes on forever. Your description is too blurry for me. I demand tangible details.
Especially that you mentioned the Junker Marauders, with whom we had annoying struggles with lately. Which concerns me even more so. You can call yourself lucky that I've seen your transmission before my men or the Padua Liberty Rogues, as they would probably have declared you as enemy, considering their displeasure they had with the "sponsors" you work with.