_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: TAZ leadership From: Erika Espinosa
Espíritus te bendiga en este día, amigos
I send you this message, as a gesture of good faith, and as a offer of friendship.
A couple of days ago, the MNS El.Camino was aboard your station, Shasta, at the summit, I its commanding officer. We were not there as attendees, but as brief guests, as the El.Camino was in need of re-supplying before its voyage. For this, we are appreciative, especially given how few docking terminals must have been available during the summit.
We of the Crimson Cross are strong in our beliefs, and to our faith in the Spirits. In this, we see a your peoples, mirrored to us in a way in their faith. However, we also recognize the differences, and rather than reject them as some might, I choose to embrace them. In this, I feel pity for your people, now as the heathens of the Order threaten your kind. I was aboard Shasta when the alert went out, that the Persephone was coming under fire, and that the Order were responsible.
Just so we are clear, had the El.Camino not been docked and all weapons powered down, your skies would have been clear. That much I promise. The Cross have no love for the Order, and as such, we make the following proposal:
Should the Order threaten your operations again, or should your people need assistance in defiance to, or specifically against them, you are free to call upon us.
As an old Arabic proverb on ancient Earth once said: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Espíritus guiar tu camino,
--Erikasaria Espinosa
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Incoming transmission... Source:------Pueblo Bonito, Baffin Comm ID:----- Skarsi Wyrdmake Encryption:--FnordDelta9 Topic:-------Your Offer Recipient:------ Erika Espinosa Signal strength:100% Data integrity:- 100%
Handshake protocol completed...
Opening message...
Kallisti Miss Espinosa.
I am Skarsi Wyrdmake, Pope of the Robes of TAZ.
I cannot say i have heard much about the Crimson Cross, so i am curious about your organisation. As we established with previous outcast groups, you are welcome in and through baffin with 2 conditions.
First, We understand you clash with the Colonial Republic occasionally. All we ask is that you do not start or bring conflict into our system.
Secondly, We ask that you do not bring cardamine onto our stations. That is a long standing policy.
Now, on to the matter at hand. The recent order aggression has indeed caused consternation among a majority of the Zoner populace. It is fortuitous that this came at the time of the summit, as it allows the representatives to discuss a response to this.
We thank you for your offer of support, and should we require extra support we will contact you.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: TAZ leadership From: Erika Espinosa
The Colonial's shortsighted-ness is something we often overlook. We can kill them, or choose to ignore them, as demonstrated when we arrived in Baffin initially.
Talking and fighting are two separate tools, and two separate solutions to the same problem. The Cross shall accommodate your NFZ within your space. You have my word on this.
I don't know about where you're from, but in Maltese society, one's word goes a long way.
Espíritus que protegen a esta hora,
--Erikasaria Espinosa
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Incoming transmission... Source:------Pueblo Bonito, Baffin Comm ID:----- Skarsi Wyrdmake Encryption:--FnordDelta9 Topic:-------YEmergency Recipient:------ Crimson Cross Signal strength:100% Data integrity:- 100%
Handshake protocol completed...
Opening message...
Kallisti Crimson Cross.
With the recent escalation of threats, this transmission is your authorisation to move into the Baffin system and destroy any order vessels that threaten the peace and sanctity of the system.
We thank you again for your assistance in this time of great discord.
At this time, myself and a wing of combat fighters are sitting on Cali, gearing up for a possible fight. I will be personally leading the wing. We may also be capable of dispatching a destroyer to the fight, depending on the timing and the patrol path of the vessel.
Given that the Zoner Summit is still going on, are you capable of sparing any docking bays on Shasta, and do you have any spare quarters aboard? If not, I certainly have no issue sleeping aboard my own fighter and I will see to it the wing is prepared to do the same.
Furthermore, I understand that you had a recent talk with Cardinal Olmos outside of Malta's orbit... I apologize on behalf of the Cross for this. There has recently been a bit of a... Kerfuffle how you say, amongst the Maltese people. Worry not, this will not impede our ability to protect our allies.
I look forward to the fight. The Order heathens will learn to fear the blood red wave that is about to wash over them.
Dioses protegen sus cielos,
--Erikasaria Espinosa
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Incoming transmission... Source:------Pueblo Bonito, Baffin Comm ID:----- Skarsi Wyrdmake Encryption:--FnordDelta9 Topic:-------YEmergency Recipient:------ Crimson Cross Signal strength:100% Data integrity:- 100%
Handshake protocol completed...
Opening message...
I have had a small secure docking bay cleared for your use. Unfortunately, there is no secure quarters available for your use but i will have some portable sleeping quarters set up in the bay for your use.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Skarsi Wyrdmake, Temporary Autonomous Zoners From: Capitan Diego Rodriguez, 9th Cruzados Maltesas, Holy Knights of the Crimson Cross
Buenas noches:
Capitan Diego Rodriguez of the 9th Cruzados Maltesas, reporting. Our flotilla is currently moving towards the system of Baffin, and consists of the MNS Seville, an RM-2A Storta-class vessel, as well as an attached gunboat and accompanying snubcraft. The 9th Cruzados Maltesas flotilla will be able to provide full support against any hostilities brought upon the TAZ. Contact myself or senorita Espinosa if any hostile contact occurs.
Incoming transmission... Source:------Pueblo Bonito, Baffin Comm ID:----- Skarsi Wyrdmake Encryption:--FnordDelta9 Topic:-------A suggestion. Recipient:------ Crimson Cross Signal strength:100% Data integrity:- 100%
Handshake protocol completed...
Opening message...
Kallisti, again.
While the situation has quietened down in Baffin, the threat from the order remains.
The TAZ operates a small bounty board for pentabarf violators. While you already have a blessing to hunt order in Baffin, perhaps signing up to the board will allow you to claim credits for any kills the Cross makes.