Dr. Mojo went to speak to Parkes during the Zummit because he remembered the old man from the first Zummit (last year) and him being from Delta. Dr. Mojo had an agenda in the deep Omicrons (which has changed after the Order assault), and thought Freeport 11 was a good base of operations for his voyages there. He didn't know Parkes too well though, and n00blet himself told me in skype that his char was a poor choice to pick for this favor, because of the big Order influence in FP11.
InRP though, he handled it through his char's point of view, kinda refusing my request but always in-character (in other words, in a way an important Zoner from an Order influenced base would do, and specially in the way Tobias Parkes would).
From my inRP point of view, Dr. Mojo was poorly informed about influences in the deep omicrons (he rarely visits that region to be honest), and made a poor choice as of who to ask help to.
I wrote much more than I'd like to. What I really came here to say is that in my humble opinion there has not been an inRP =/= ooRP infringement here from n00blet, and neither from Golanski.
Sometimes we just need to kick back, relax and enjoy gents
(08-04-2014, 03:33 PM)Dr.VanVanMojo Wrote: Dr. Mojo went to speak to Parkes during the Zummit because he remembered the old man from the first Zummit (last year) and him being from Delta. Dr. Mojo had an agenda in the deep Omicrons (which has changed after the Order assault), and thought Freeport 11 was a good base of operations for his voyages there. He didn't know Parkes too well though, and n00blet himself told me in skype that his char was a poor choice to pick for this favor, because of the big Order influence in FP11.
InRP though, he handled it through his char's point of view, kinda refusing my request but always in-character (in other words, in a way an important Zoner from an Order influenced base would do, and specially in the way Tobias Parkes would).
From my inRP point of view, Dr. Mojo was poorly informed about influences in the deep omicrons (he rarely visits that region to be honest), and made a poor choice as of who to ask help to.
I wrote much more than I'd like to. What I really came here to say is that in my humble opinion there has not been an inRP =/= ooRP infringement here from n00blet, and neither from Golanski.
Sometimes we just need to kick back, relax and enjoy gents
(08-04-2014, 02:03 PM)Gytrash Wrote: The Freeport was given to Golanski. That was a mistake.
I'm late to the posting party, but this specific line absolutely made me internally implode.
You don't simply give or own an NPC base, if you want to have a hard one over owning a base, POBs are here for that.
NPC bases belong to the IFF and the associated official factions have rights to ask the admin team to adjust a player reputation for docking permission violation and have other various faction rights but that's where it ends, they do not own the base.
RPing a station administrator is cool, especially promoting rp there. However this doesn't give you the permission to do whatever the eff you want. Some of these bases can be crucial to the intended economy of a faction or sell faction ships and you have no right to prevent a player with the same IFF as the base to dock there to purchase his ship just because you said so.
Just keep in mind not to cross the line where the powerschlong becomes harmful for the server.
(08-04-2014, 02:55 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Another interesting point, Phoenix. They decided to stay away, but when it comes to comm channel transmissions, they are ready to support the Order against anybody even from thousands of lightyears away.
Well that is also a curious point.
I wont make this post too long as I don't want to be dragged into another one of these Zoner tread. Just to make it clear for everyone, I was going to be one of the Phoenix delegates to attend the Baffin summit. I also want to clarify that I am speaking as a member point of view, rather than an official statement.
To the truth, I was slightly reluctant to go to this summit, taking in mind I have no forum RP experience and the discussion at the last summit went completely stale and slowly died away. We gave it a poke anyway representing the Omicron side of Zonerss, with RedEclipse sending a transmission asking for more information. We never got a reply back which resulted us not send any delegates at the end.
As for the situation rapidly building up from the Persephone issue, we actually did try refrain ourselves making any transmission until we received a transmission from FP 11 requesting for assistance.
At that point on, red made a transmission to Doc Holiday with 2 suggestions. One is the advice to remove the singularity drive, this is an opinion that TAZ has to decided for themselves. We had ownership with the Hyperion over an year, and there was no issue with the order as they were freely able to inspect and survey the ship. At no point in the transmission, did we offer aid or assistant to the order.
The second, is rather a demand we made to the TAZ to the release of all Zoners, as a response from the transmission from FP11.
Sorry, my brain has fried from making this post that point onwards, Im still missing quite a bit but hope that clear things up for you. This post did rather get a bit long .... sorry for that as well.
Guys, since this's zonerzonerzoner thread, may I ask a couple of questions:
What is CoF? It's faction? If it's unofficial faction then why it has FR5? And why Gytrash can remove administrators of freeports? He's kinda supreme administrator?
(08-04-2014, 05:07 PM)Zayne Carrick Wrote: Guys, since this's zonerzonerzoner thread, may I ask a couple of questions:
What is CoF? It's faction? If it's unofficial faction then why it has FR5? And why Gytrash can remove administrators of freeports? He's kinda supreme administrator?
CoF is something Gytrash made to FR5 people who were causing Zoners problems on stations which had no official faction representation. Works as a body for that.
He's currently mad at Golanski and then removed him from command. I stood up for Golanski and now he's removed me from command. Both of which are not in the CoF constitution as powers he has.
He's currently trying to say he's got supreme codes and can take remote control access of Freeport 11, despite others having tonnes more roleplay there than him, just because he doesn't like their actions.
Quote:CoF is something Gytrash made to FR5 people who were causing Zoners problems on stations which had no official faction representation. Works as a body for that.
Quote:Faction Right 5. Official player factions may request that the reputation of a player's ship be changed to hostile with respect to their NPC faction. These requests must be posted within the Player Requests subforum, and include link(s) to valid forum roleplay, as well as actual interaction between the character and the official faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be used if it has support of every official faction of the ID, but in case of disagreement between the factions involved, they can post an appeal to the administrators to review the situation and come to a decision.
So, rules are saying that one can be FR5ed from zoners only by consensus of TAZ, OSI and Phoenix. Or I'm still don't understanding something?
Quote:CoF is something Gytrash made to FR5 people who were causing Zoners problems on stations which had no official faction representation. Works as a body for that.
Quote:Faction Right 5. Official player factions may request that the reputation of a player's ship be changed to hostile with respect to their NPC faction. These requests must be posted within the Player Requests subforum, and include link(s) to valid forum roleplay, as well as actual interaction between the character and the official faction. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be used if it has support of every official faction of the ID, but in case of disagreement between the factions involved, they can post an appeal to the administrators to review the situation and come to a decision.
So, rules are saying that one can be FR5ed from zoners only by consensus of TAZ, OSI and Phoenix. Or I'm still don't understanding something?
My understanding is that Gytrash presents a unified case to the three faction leaders and then they request an FR5.
Not that I want to get dragged into that zoner drama, but if it's purely inRP conflict, why make oorp one out of it? Can't it be simply dealt with inRP?