So I was talking with my beloved fellow zoner friends and the following idea started ravaging my head like a moose in hot winter seasons:
What would it take to have a time chart that reads something like " X days have passed since last zoner drama " ? I tell you, this idea will be a money milker!
For example, today, the time chart would say " 0 days have passed since last Zoner Drama "
Disclaimer: No trolling is intended through this thread, I'm a zoner myself so that would be dastardly hypocritical and self-destructive, dare I say.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
[10:01:38 PM] Eduard: Also, we should make a time chart that reads " X days have passed since last Zoner Drama "
[10:01:39 PM | Edited 10:01:48 PM] Eduard: I tell you, guys
[10:01:43 PM] Eduard: we could win a lot of money out of this
[10:01:43 PM] Eduard: )))
[10:01:53 PM] Michał Golański: hue
[10:02:03 PM] n00bl3t (Richard): 0 days have passed since the last Zoner drama.
[10:02:04 PM] Michał Golański: I approve
[10:02:05 PM] n00bl3t (Richard):
+ why limiting it to Zoners only? Sure, they provide quite a lot of it but I am sure we can fit in "general last drama count" and "rules ambigious discussion threads". All of it generates quite dose of emotions.