Guten Morgen! This morning i checked a group of Congressists into Theta, we know they'd been dealing with the maltese delivering that evil drug, and i wanted to check if they were following that nasty tendence, instead, i found that:
Here i begin a new log related to the services. First, i must greet Wolfsburg workers for the excellent work they have done with the new Vidar of the fleet, the [RHA]RHC-Naglfar.
The workers has been given a free day, gifted with a box of "Mollies Finest" and some sweet cakes made by myself (remember that i was a Baker before joining the Volksrevolution).
Next matter:
Yesterday i jumped in [RHA]Bergtroll to investigate certain signals detected by the long range scanners in Omega 11. "Some Daumann straggler" i thought... then no! Herr Modin.Rolf.Henrik happened to be a fine Hessian miner... who was being hostigated by this misfit , i guess this "corsair" was shunned from his community, that name don't tingles me of corsair at all.... as all hessian worth the title, i attacked him.
Someone should had said to him that playing with explosives is dangerous, but now that i think, maybe they didn't said it to get rid of him....
Not log after i joined with Frau Holdmunt and we patrolled the Omega 41 system, to find this gentleman, unfortunately the logs are lost due to a software failure in my ship. But for what he stated, he was not into the smuggling business and he was headed to Grand Canaria. The fact he came out from Gamma gave me suspicions but after the interrogation he seemed clear, as well. This FynnMcScrap, as the pilot declared to be, said he was doing only "legal" business and he was about to begin to help in the evacuation of Leeds and bring the Refugees to Rheinland. After clearing all he was free to go. Herr Kress also came too.
I've been thinking in all this matter of the refugees, i highly doubt the fascist regime of the kanzler will make them any good... so they can become a source of possible recruits, perhaps...
Next matter:
We were preparing the delivery of blood diamonds to the blood dragons. And yesterday at afternoon the trip began.
Due some sort of bad timing or just bad luck, i was caught close to the Sigma 13 Jumphole... Herr Kress was there too and after treating with that RNC-Moers who was acting like he was just programmed to say that and only that Herr Kress, tried to bribe worked, as the logs demonstrate.
I think we can keep this footage, perhaps we can begin to blackmail the captain of that gunboat with this, he's clearly admitting he's not adhering strictly to the law, and i doubt the Rheinwehr with greet him for this. We meet with the Blood Dragons in Sigma 13, in that station that was a junker depot before... don't remember the name. Looked like the Blood Dragons had a problem of sorts before joining us... whatever it was. What remained of the Blood Dragons came with us, showing the path:
After the deal with came back to Wolfsburg shipyard with the cargo bays full of engine spare parts, the trip back was uneventful.
Comms ID: [RHA]Vredes
Location: Freital Base
Subject: Multiple Reports
Guten Tag, Freunde und Kameraden!
I am here to report a couple of recent events that occurred in the Omegas:
About 2-3 days ago I was out on a patrol, helping with the security of a fellow hessian miner Modion Rolf Henrik when I noticed something. A Daumann trading Uncut Diamonds with a Kishiro Captain. I rushed to the mining site and managed to get the miner. The Kishiro transport escaped sadly. The Daumann dog was behaving rude as ever. Due to the standard regulations, I offered him 3 possible choices: One-to Pay me up for the theft and leave the system, Two-to Join the Hessian Army and Three-to Die in the radiation fields of Von Rohe Belt. He refused to comply and I destroyed a little bit of Daumann scum property. The Hessian miner was mining for an IC transport and finished his business unharmed.
Upon returning to the Omega 11 system I met with a strange freelancer with a ship named Venus. I asked him about his destination and he refused to answer and started replying with a rude and coarse language. It was clear he was with the enemies of the revolution. I fined him 2 million for his rude behavior, but he opened fire. He was equipped with cutting edge tech, the best armor and a Cloak. I hope this trespasser will be tagged as hostile to the Revolution.
Recently we were part of a skirmish with those bloodthirsty OPG in the asteroid fields of Omega 5. We emerged victorious where we defeated their larger force with a small scout force of out own.
Comms ID: [RHA]Vredes
Location: Freital Base
Subject: Recruitment Reports
Guten Tag, Freunde und Kameraden!
Ich schreibe noch ein mal... I am writing again to inform you on a Kruger free thinker that decided to listen to my advice and join our movement. It would seem that these days more and more people are willing to join the fight for liberation.
Comms ID: [RHA]Vredes
Location: Freital Base
Subject: Report
Guten Tag, Freunde und Kameraden!
Today me and kamerad Bjorn, intercepted a Krueger gunboat near Solarius Station in Omega 11. The problem has been dealt with swiftly and that scum wont bother our revolution's miners anymore.
Just a couple of hours later on my patrol, we encountered a small force of Corsairs in the Omega 5. We managed to destroy a couple of them, but the remaining snubcraft tried to escape to Cadiz where we were ambushed by a larger force of Corsairs. Our experience and combat supremacy prevailed over the Corsairs. We managed to take down a Gunboat, Cruiser and numerous snubcraft with only the RHC-Jeschke being damaged. We've lost no fighters.
with obvious results... i'm trying to loose my rustyness in the razor business
A bit later there was this big brawl in Omega 5, i can't remember the details, but was a great knifefight around Cadiz along with a friendly mercenary nicknamed "longbow", i don't remember very well of the details and being honest, i had to get back to Ronnenbourg before all ended, but the skirmish was already won by us, consolidatin the Hessian movement as the real owner of the Omegas, this is the small data of the kill-count:
A more recent matter... i found some dirty corsairs... and a gaian?? Piling trash in the space!, i could had expected such from those corsair but i confess the implication of that treehuger in that business confused me... they awaited defensively until who, i suposed was the father of those unruly kids, after arguing about the lack of education i proceeded to slap him in public:
That's all for now, i'm waiting for the right moment for another trip to Bretonia hauling OUR stuff....
Hallo, Damen und Herren, here i am with a small resume of the latest activities... or at least part of them:
First Matter:
The Donative by BSC|Getter, Bretonian If i recall correctly (disregarding the name) i found her in the mining fields of Omega 11 alongside a Daumann rat... this rat ran away as soon as i showed up, leaving alone his employee: this is the communication log: Click Here!
and this the latter donative:
Second Matter:
I caught two Smugglers, after a brief explanation and demand, both complied without hesitation and without giving any sort of problems, the cargo was Destroyed, it consisted in close to 7000 units of artifacts in total.
Third Matter:
A Nomad encounter, yes, you're reading right, scanned strange signals in Omega 41...happened to be This..., i began to look for them, we can't let the Nomads roam free over there... this is the Communication Log, worth to mention, there was an "Order" vessel just poking around and doing nothing while playing with cloaking technology (the shield fluctuations in the footage are due to that). Disgracefuly, the nomads manage to go away.... but not without swallowing three Hunter-Sucher missiles into their blue backsides.
Fourth and last of today:
Brawl into Stuttgart/New Berlin. Yesterday i was called to support a lane revolutionary taxing... Alongside [RHA]RHT-Siegrune and [RHA]Victor,Navrosky. There wasn't much taxing, but things went bad fast as the corporate defense forces and the Rheinwehr began to show up, fortunately our transport managed to get out in one piece while Herr Victor was damaging the enemy Cruiser, Meanwhile i managed to shoot down the corporate bomber:
A small step forward into my personal grudge against Republican Shipping...
Later we split forces for some Ion Storms and i ended very separated from the Kameraden, still i began my way back to where the hell was breaking loose.. but when i arrived to the Jumpgate to Stuttgart i found This pilot into my way.... and as everything that puts into my way, it gets aside or its destroyed....
In the usual fashion, i managed to trap a Daumann Straggler with the Curious name of Sgt_John_Law in Omega 11, as always greed-driven to our legitimate mining fields, as its ordered i proceeded to order him to give me his load of Uncuts and leave the area... just check the Communication Log ja, he didn't cooperated so i had to use the lethal force to deal with him...
this is the cargo seized:
and this the resulting donation:
Second matter, just today a pair of hours ago:
Small Brawl in Omega 5... mainly taken care by the [RHA]RHC-Heshke, as i took charge into chasing This ship, The fight was hard, and the enemy resilient... but he couldn't endure....