(08-13-2014, 10:17 PM)Scourgeclaw Wrote: Hello, please stop whining because you didnt get another blue in your OP ship.
Admin ships should stay in admin hands only. Admins are ooRP and they do not exist in roleplay environment. As I saw, Garrett's Thor is completely real inRP. And it seems two hours rule is valid for someone blown by 15 SNACs. It is indeed overpowerded, but I heard there is mostly positive feedback.
Personally, bringing 'Duk from faraway to get roasted without chance to defend itself.. this would make me cry.
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(08-13-2014, 10:25 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Even if RP was done in PMs, it sets bad example to people around the incident.
So the RP of flying around in a ship created by some god-like entity and blasting everything in sight by simply saying: "u no allow'd 2 haev dat hur" is such good RP...
Yes. Well done. Were all super proud of you.
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
(08-13-2014, 10:34 PM)Snak3 Wrote: If it wasn't the Thor, the situation would have been the same.
If it wasn't the Thor, thinking you are mad because the chance to take out a Nomad Battleship has been taken away from you would be baseless, as without the Thor you wouldn't even have that chance to start with. With the Thor, however, you had the opportunity to easily take out anything you encounter which is less agile than how quickly and accurately you can shoot those dozen SNACs. That's the difference, and the reason why it's not irrelevant if you've flown the Thor or not.
You've thrown in an example of an encounter you were not part of completely to support your points, which through the explaination of the complete encounter has been countered. Now can we move on?
The caveat though to this whole situation is that it was a Nomad. Which by server rules are allowed to freely engage with no RP, should they choose (K'Hara hold themselves to a higher standard and do RP before engaging though).
Had it been another ship with a cloaking device, whom opened up with no RP, then I can see it being a issue that is breaking server rules. But in this case, no rules were broken.