Quote:Actually only few, if any, Barges were used decently as opposed to majority of them being abused.
Same goes for Zoner battleships, yet they're still here. The only hope is that Barge Lobby is actually smaller than Zoner Lobby, so it won't be able to force people in charge to make decisions.
First let me say, I have no real stake here except as an ADMIN of one of those "other servers". It is on behalf of my players which I post this.
I am not in favor of this idea as it would punish the smaller severs. Our populations are such that we need barges to supply bases. You don't need them for that purpose on GC due to your population. The other servers are there to give people options. Some love RP. Others, while they love the discovery mod, aren't too keen on RP. They just want to play discovery and not have all the RP.
So I would recommend leaving them as an ADMIN only ship and doing what you feel is necessary with the barges already on the main server.
I personally think the few remaining barges on the server make for an easy scapegoat when there are other issues adversely affecting more players. For all the complaining, removal will result in very little palpable change.
However, in trying to be fair, I recently submitted a series of jumping balance suggestions to the devs (including addressing barge jumping) and will suggest one more:
If barges on POBs are one of the biggest concerns, consider adding docking restrictions based on cargo hold size to the base plugin in a fashion similar to docking module restrictions (adding a check for fHoldSize when declaring IsDockingAllowed?) and/or small solars and docking rings (there's probably a more elegant method for FLHook wizards, but I'm dumb).
Once that's out of the way, we can begin discussing and balancing the barge as an actual trade ship that's already a pain to fly. I daresay without the ability to jump and supply POBs, it's already pretty balanced with its inability to use lanes, decreased speed, susceptibility to getting stuck, and easy flipping. Might also trade off cargo space for better size/handling/speed.
The addition of buildable Large Docking Modules at POBs able to dock larger class ships might also see some interesting new uses as mobile bases. Enabling ship repairs on the magical mobile docking base in each system (is it possible to actually force a credit deduction and can repair costs be increased?) might be interesting as an alternative to repair ships (docking takes the ship out of the fight, barges can be focused on and dropped more easily than a repair ship, with the added nasty effect of any repairing ships getting kicked 100k below the sun).
I see barge as an alternative to POB when players don't have time to feed the POB.
POB are indeed time consuming while the barge does not require stuff to be kept alive.
This means a single player may roleplay a barge while it does not appear possible for him to roleplay a POB since he might not be able to supply his POB.
However, I don't think barge should be used to trade so I would suggest to prevent them to use jumping device and to keep a very low speed.
(09-02-2014, 10:35 PM)dirmaster0 Wrote: It just really boils down to this. I don't believe the issue is the ship or the process of jump trading, but the irresponsible actions of a few bad apples taken over the last few years.
Actually only few, if any, Barges were used decently as opposed to majority of them being abused.
Evidence of this? I've only seen issues pertaining to either multiboxers self jumping their barges, or groups of Skype-laden OORP folks jump trading multiple times in a day for the soul sake of profit, not the RP behind the trade mission its self.
The majority of official factions (that I know of) whom own barges tend to operate them to a sufficient degree RP-wise, at least in my experience of observing them, or being involved with the jump group.
Again, how does eliminating the barges and barge jumping fix the issue of players' attitudes?
It was a thread made before I think for barge removal, I will repeat my words
Quote:Look I will go simple, if this is serious then removing barge isn't a good Idea and jump trading with barge isn't good as well, As far as I know Barge was made as a Mobile Station use to operate in Deep space, I like that Rp and barge have great RP behind it but people started using it as a Trading ship and started jump trading with barge , I think you can remove Barge jump trading instead removing barge because I think Barge has Great Rp as being a Mobile station
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality