' Wrote:We are allied to Junkers. We only attack if the Junker becomes disruptive or attacks first. We even jettison cargo we acidently take. Its easy to do in that small scrap field.
From what i heard, one of your boys blockaded a Junker inside Bornholm for almost thirty minutes. Not cool.
Also.. I thought we had agreed that Zoner Ships other than your Juggy were out. Lose the Dessie.
Quote:it is easy to take zoners as target, because of they like peace, they were neutral for others, they don't have many cap.ships, and they don't have real friends, so nobody will care about them.
Actually, I would like to point out that the best friends the Zoners have are the Order. They really are close friends from all that you can read/see about them, from sharing and developing technology together to being the frontline defence against the Keepers/Nomads. They even share a heavily guarded research complex in Omicron 74.
My Zoner Guard tagged Zoner destroyer was attacked and destroyed in colorado yesterday, and it was a good bit of RP fun, both before and after. I will be reporting it in the Council of Zoners, however, and I think I will be making a suggestion to the Council to start declining docking rights at Freeports to Junkers if they continue to ignore/support the Harvester "problem";)
One last thing though, that I feel extremely strongly about: No harvesters should use any Zoner or Order ships, under any circumstances whatsoever. Neither faction would possibly allow you to buy them, regardless of the amount of money involved. The Order would always side with the Zoners over any non-human intelligence and neither would allow their technology to fall into the hands of Harvesters.
The GMG are a slightly different case as, while allied to the Zoners, they would be more lax with their technology. Even so, the GMG would not be given permission to hand over and Zoner technology or ships to the Harvesters, and severe repercussions would be felt against the GMG from the Zoners were they to ever do so without Zoner consent. And let's face it, the Zoners are the only friends the GMG have out in the edge worlds, so they wouldn't want to upset the Zoners at all.
Despite the example you came up with Scornstar, I find it a bit silly that a GMG/Order vessel would simply ignore a Zoner vessel in distress. I always step in to help any GMG/Order vessels with my Zoner destroyer, regardless of the odds or what faction is involved, as I feel it is required of me to do so both in RP and out a sense of duty, not to mention honouring my alliances with those factions. Perhaps i'm just an oddity amongst Zoners, but I doubt it.
Otherwise, i've got no real complaints whatsoever regarding the rather excellent and highly entertaining Harvester RP and I look forward to more fun roleplaying with you guys.
' Wrote:Actually, I would like to point out that the best friends the Zoners have are the Order. They really are close friends from all that you can read/see about them, from sharing and developing technology together to being the frontline defence against the Keepers/Nomads. They even share a heavily guarded research complex in Omicron 74.
My Zoner Guard tagged Zoner destroyer was attacked and destroyed in colorado yesterday, and it was a good bit of RP fun, both before and after. I will be reporting it in the Council of Zoners, however, and I think I will be making a suggestion to the Council to start declining docking rights at Freeports to Junkers if they continue to ignore/support the Harvester "problem";)
One last thing though, that I feel extremely strongly about: No harvesters should use any Zoner or Order ships, under any circumstances whatsoever. Neither faction would possibly allow you to buy them, regardless of the amount of money involved. The Order would always side with the Zoners over any non-human intelligence and neither would allow their technology to fall into the hands of Harvesters.
The GMG are a slightly different case as, while allied to the Zoners, they would be more lax with their technology. Even so, the GMG would not be given permission to hand over and Zoner technology or ships to the Harvesters, and severe repercussions would be felt against the GMG from the Zoners were they to ever do so without Zoner consent. And let's face it, the Zoners are the only friends the GMG have out in the edge worlds, so they wouldn't want to upset the Zoners at all.
Despite the example you came up with Scornstar, I find it a bit silly that a GMG/Order vessel would simply ignore a Zoner vessel in distress. I always step in to help any GMG/Order vessels with my Zoner destroyer, regardless of the odds or what faction is involved, as I feel it is required of me to do so both in RP and out a sense of duty, not to mention honouring my alliances with those factions. Perhaps i'm just an oddity amongst Zoners, but I doubt it.
Otherwise, i've got no real complaints whatsoever regarding the rather excellent and highly entertaining Harvester RP and I look forward to more fun roleplaying with you guys.
Well writen. would you engage Rhineland to defend you GMG friends? Would you engage Liberty to defend you Order friends? Just wondering. We dont buy the tech we steal it. We use no Order ships, the equipment is scattered far and wide a described as commurcially sold. Which can then be harvested off, downed Zoner ships. I cannot dictate what your character will do it your call. I'm not in his head. Oh and politically do what you want natrual is best for RP. We will adapt our to counter it of course.
ANyway if keep your thought coming but keep in mind I work too and it takes time to pass word on point I may agree on.
' Wrote:We do not attack Junkers, and we do not push folks around.
We have Junker ID/IFF, and we will protect Junkers, not attack them. Why would we attack a faction that is helping us? You don't need to move your home because of us.
You should PM Scorn about that incident. He will wipe data from that Unit.
Well this is good to know :)Now I don't have to tell my people to run when they see you.
God if I had a credit for every time that reason was used...I would have so many damn credits I would have to make an entire account just to hold them all, 1.9m char credit limit and whatnot..
While being quite funny, your sig was the biggest one i've ever seen so far. No more than 700x250 please. ~utrack http://pastebin.com/SYQXBufs
' Wrote:From what i heard, one of your boys blockaded a Junker inside Bornholm for almost thirty minutes. Not cool.
Also.. I thought we had agreed that Zoner Ships other than your Juggy were out. Lose the Dessie.
Junker Claudia Starfire reporting
Mal you are right, I was fired upon by the Harvester then blockaded inside Bornholm Depot, I contacted a Zoner I had met a week earlier but it was closer to an hour before my rescuers arrived, by that time the Harvester had left and I was able to leave dock and resume my mining once I had confirmation the Harvester had indeed left the area.
Mal you are right, I was fired upon by the Harvester then blockaded inside Bornholm Depot, I contacted a Zoner I had met a week earlier but it was closer to an hour before my rescuers arrived, by that time the Harvester had left and I was able to leave dock and resume my mining once I had confirmation the Harvester had indeed left the area.
Btw, thanks for the rescue guys:)
We operate heavily out of Omega 15. Thats were we go to aviod the PVP and gaurd the Junker installation to pay our rent. We harvest scrap and hostiles. Dont be hostile and you wont get harvested unless your on the HOS list an Outcast, Zoner, or lane Hacker. You are not on the HOS list. The fear you have is your own makeing we dont even factor you into our plans. Heck we'd even come to your aid if you needed it, being a Junker. Now if your character is territorial then you picked the perfect place for a claim war.
Now did the Harvester just go "theres a Junker shoot it"? Or did you start to say things like "your not welcome here! Leave!" and so on. This in addition to anything else could be construed as hostile. Resulting in an attack. What kind of ship were you in? I was told something easily killable but wasn't. Because the player recognized your newness and spared you. I dont know what made you think you were locked in the base. From what I understand you had alot to say while you were there.
Now we see that as an isolated incident and, we are ready to move on. But it seems you went to one player afterward and caused heat. I explained it to him and, thought this was finished. Now I have Mal comeing to me with heat. If that doesn't work are you going to keep going to folk spreading slander based on out of character knowledge(info gleened from Zoner council) until you get your way?
If you pick a fight with a machine, which we are trying to portray. They respond. It's already stretching it to LET YOU GET AWAY. We let many get away. If anyone should complain it should be the NPCs they are who we go out to pwn and, registered Zoners. Your a Junker and we have Junker ID/ and most tags. We are allied to the Junkers, but for some reason I can't see. You keep talking like a victim when you had no reason to fear or pick a fight, or even keep running your text when you could have left or just went about your bussiness.
Now I was not there personaly. It was 06. I however get daily reports and, read them. If there are any facts to this story I did not mention then post them or, send them to me in PMs. If you have no further data then you are wrongfully harming friendships, hardwork, and stories.
Ok. I have been in PMs with Mal and Space Fox and I think we sorted everything out civilly. I'd like to say for my part. Space Fox is not the person I thought they were and is new and seems very willing to learn. Space Fox ment no harm in her statements and in hind sight I think I was abrasive. She understands now and I understand her point of view. There are some things she didnt know then that she knows now and we are both ready to move ahead.
I post this here because I wanted to say sorry. I also, while I chew on this humble pie, say sorry to Tyro. Not for my opinion but, for another misunderstanding I noticed in his last post. I was not speaking poorly to you for not haveing mastered English. Your right I could probally not speak your language unless its construction yard Spanish. What I was saying is there are meaning you probally lost in translation and what I took ofence to was that you then with only an imperfect understanding negatively spoke on our association with little time to get aquainted here and imperfect English.
Again you language is not an issue for me, I have been in many countries that I could not speak in, but you wont catch me reading a chinese game manuel, not understanding it fully and then critisizeing it.
I hope you are not seen as a trouble maker Space Foxx, if anything I feel thats how I'm viewed. I have a history where I went and made a thread(one of my first) against the ROS and complained about them. I did know much when i arrived and faught for days. In short I went about it all wrong. Now I have friendships with some. Some still aviod me cept to kill me but, maybe one day they'll relax too. SO, if everyone is peachy lets hear what next.
all is ok. I am new here, I understand more than I can write. sorry for that.
You made faction that is not from FL story. You have problems to fix your rep. because of your RP is not from here. maybe the mod should be fixed a little in the future.
generally the idea is fun, but many ppl. don't know who are harvesters and what they exactly want. many ppl. won't come here ever to read about. I see many names from my language (I think because server is near and ping is well), I think they don't read forum.
and you know, you are lvl 70, in talarka cruiser. one of your machines was "red" for me, second was "white". most ppl. don't know your RP and shot you even they should not, or run away even they should not, or ignore you even they should run like hell.
i saw yesterday near manhattan - zoner-peter didn't know what do you want. "..Alpha Code.." ^-^
so, I wrote only my doubts.
maybe you should not use cruiser at the beginning, maybe you should use only HF, maybe you and your parts should be destroyed many times until ppl. will learn who you are.
and I didn't mention about Benford's books to say that you copied his idea or something.
there is showed a war between "bio" and AI machines. frankly speaking AI machines think are better, wiser, ideal and all "bio" forms are only worms and universe must be cleaned from this threat. so AI machines hunting "bio" forms.
but I understand you don't want to be an public enemy, but you should not have real friends. you should do only political temporary alliances.
that is only my thinking.