Takarabune Conglomerate
Tanegashima Armory Services
Director Keisuke Shiroyama
Konnichiwa, honored Samura Industries, the most famous in Kusari and in the known realms of mankind. My name is Keisuke Shiroyama, recently appointed director of the new Tanegashima Armory Services. I'm sure you easily identify the banners of the Takarabune Conglomerate, which you have worked with many times when it focused on the business of Pearls and food products.
The Takarabune Company has expanded its areas of commerce, and changed it's original designation to Takarabune Conglomerate. It is my honor to be the first to introduce to you our new subsidiary company, and initiate the first negotiations with the Samura Industries.
Now, on to the negotiations at hand. Tanegashima Armory is in the field of weapons and military vehicle trade and commerce, and we are in the process of procuring shipping companies to fetch our first stock of military related cargo.
For Samura Industries, we would like to ask for the following commodities from Liberty Space:
10.000 units of Light Arms
1000 units of Libertonian Military Vehichles, with all equipment and surplus parts.
10.000 units of generic Armament
This shipments are to be sent to Narita Outpost, where we handle the inbound shipments and send them to our warehouses.
For the purchase of the Light Arms, The Tanegashima wishes to pay 2200C/u on each shipment arriving at Narita. As the dock master is instructed to offer 2012C/u, we will add 200C/u on each shipment marked to our warehouse, and reported to us subsequently.
As for the Libertonian Military Vehicles, the same sort of procedure. We will pay 3800C/u for every shipment marked and reported.
Finally, for the generic Armament shipments, we offer 1000C/u for each shipment marked and reported.
As an incentive to a speedy conclusion, I wish to offer a 5M credits bonus per conclusion any of the orders within one week time, or a 25M bonus if all orders are completed within the said timeframe.
I would like to hear your opinion on this deal, and your reassurance that Samura is the right company to forward this order.
May the Fortunes guide your path to prosperity.
Keisuke Shiroyama
To:Director Keisuke Shiroyama From:Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo Subject:Business proposal
Konnichi wa honorable Shiroyama-san,
My name Ryouichi Nagatomo, a Deputy Director of Security. We, at Samura Heavy Industries, are delighted to see Takarabune Company growing with some help of Samura. Pearls and unique food products were just the first step in that growth. With the expanse into the arms dealing with new Tanegashima Armory Services, you have proved that with taking small steps into the future, greatness can be achieved. A testimony that Kusari is rebuilding faster then predicted.
Due to the nature of cargo you are in need I have been appointed as overseer and responsible for delivery of specified equipment to Narita Outpost. The required Light Arms, Armament and Libertonian Military Vehicles will be delivered within specified time frame, Samura always fulfills is contracts.
This Vehicles made in Liberty, they make me think if we should start producing them on our shipyards in Kusari. They would be much better and agile. But that is the story for another time... and you didn't hear anything about that from me *winks*.
You can expect Samura transports arriving tomorrow already at Narita Outpost bringing those equipment. I will inform Samura Director of Commerce to appoint transports to this order while on the other hand I appoint needed escort ships to provide safe passage from Liberty to Kusari space for the convoy.
The requested shipments will be documented and paperwork will be transmitted to you via this channel once they are all complete.
Until we speak again...
Sayōnara, Deputy Director of Security,Ryouichi Nagatomo
To:Director Keisuke Shiroyama From:Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo Subject:Business proposal
Konnichi wa again honorable Shiroyama-san,
I'm pleased to announce that your contract has been completed by our transportation fleet yesterday evening. The required materials have been shipped to Narita Outpost and are awaiting you in hangar bay 5. I have also included visual documentation and digital files to be transmitted to you in this message so that you could pick up your delivery at hangar master HQ.
*Transmitting visual documentation and digital files... ... ...transmission complete*
Quote:1.000 Military Vehicles[1] 10.000 unites of Light Arms[1], [2] 10.000 unites of Armaments[1], [2]
Certain equipment was harder to get than the other, but not a problem for our skilled transport pilots. I hope all is good with the shipment and that contract was completed in satisfactory time frame.
Until we speak again...
Sayōnara, Deputy Director of Security,Ryouichi Nagatomo
Takarabune Conglomerate
Tanegashima Armory Services
Director Keisuke Shiroyama
Greetings Ryouichi Nagatomo-sama. I have received your messages and I am pleased to know of your expedite success in our request. Also very surprised, but I guess such efficiency is part of Samura Industries greatness.
We have confirmed the reception of all orders, and desire to fulfill our part of the business, lest someone accuses of people who do not pay their debts.
As per the terms of the previous contract, we are:
- 200 credits for each of the 10000 light arms supplied, on top of the mark already palced by the dock master. A total of 2000000 (2 Million) credits
- 3800 credits for each of the 1000 military vehicles shipped, for a total of 3800000 (3.8 Million) credits subtotal
- 1000 credits for each unit of armaments, making a subtotal of 100000000 (10 Million) credits for the 10.000 package.
-an added 25 Million credit bonus for the speedy delivery
A grand total of 40.800.000 credits are to be paid, as soon as we can confirm the destined account for the transfer.
We would also like to keep this channel open as an avenue for future orders that might appear, either from our own Tanegashima Armory Services, or from many of the other branches of the Takarabune Conglomerate.
Myself, and all of the staff of the Tanegashima Armory, look forward to more opportunities to make business with you again, Nagatomo-sama.
May the Fortunes bring you even more wealth.
Keisuke Shiroyama
Tanegashima Armory Services, Takarabune Conglomerate
To:Director Keisuke Shiroyama From:Shinjuku Station - New Tokyo Subject:Business proposal
Konnichi wa honorable Shiroyama-san,
We at Samura Havey Industries are pleased that the contract was completed with great success and that both sides are satisfied with results. Samura Heavy Industries takes pride in completing it's contracts with maximum efficiency; speedy and high quality delivery is part of the job.
As for the payment, it should be sent to Samura bank called Samura|-Shinjuku .
If any other need for contract arises, Samura transports are always ready for new business proposals.
Until we speak again...
Sayōnara, Deputy Director of Security,Ryouichi Nagatomo