COMM ID:CAPT HARTMAN, Jane TARGET ID: First Fleet Admiralty (CC: CDR GRAHAM, John; CDR JENSEN, William) SUBJECT:Long Island Station - Category V Upgrade ENCRYPTION:Moderate PRIORITY:Moderate
Good Afternoon Sir,
I'm proud to report that, following a commendable effort by an Omicron Supply Industries contractor, Long Island Station is standing by to commence Category V upgrades on the Admiralty's orders. LLS Glenbrook has been deployed to Manhattan orbit to serve as a temporary crew quarters and high-value storage module while the upgrades are underway. Factory modules will need to be shut down for the duration of the refit; however, I judge that the increase in the station's manufacturing and defensive capability will be well worth the delay.
The following naval units are awaiting reassignment to the upgrade, with additional support to be provided by civilian contractors:
103rd Orbital Lift Squadron
LNF Little Rock (DL-Hai "Grizzly")
LNF Lowell (DL-Hai "Grizzly")
LNF Surprise (DL-Hai "Grizzly")
2nd Heavy Lift Squadron
LLS Fort Wayne (C5 "Bison")
LLS Lakewood (C5 "Bison")
1st Auxiliary Squadron
LLS Glenbrook (C34 "Revere")
2 Flight, 3rd Naval Construction Battalion
LLS White Mage (AOE-2B "Guardian")
The upgrade is to be divided in to four phases as detailed below. The end state will be achieved when Long Island Station is capable of of maintaining standard operations without external fleet support.
Phase 1 - Final Preparation & Preliminary Construction.
Nonessential supplies and personnel will be relocated to Glenbrook. The contractor upgrade pricing structure (CUPS) will be bought online, and stock lists will be finalized. Processing of reinforced alloy framing will be completed. Neural net tender for supply by corporate and private vessels will be posted. Factory modules will be shut down.
Phase 2 - Material Transport.
Station bays will be opened to civilian contractors, and raw materials transported to Long Island Station for processing and construction IAW with CUPS. Bonus payments will be awarded to the corporations or individuals responsible for movement of the first and second greatest quantities of materials at the conclusion of Phase 2. Subsidies will be provided to transport captains for escort hire or damage sustained en-route to Long Island Station. At the conclusion of Phase 2, the station is to be capable of limited self-repair, eliminating the need for transport of alloy by fleet assets. Two hundred additional crew are to be assigned to construction and sustainment aboard Long Island Station.
Phase 3 - Hydroponics Establishment.
A tender will be extended to Synth Foods and Planetform Inc for establishment of hydroponics modules capable of supplementing Long Island Station's life-support systems, currently wholly dependent on imported supplies. At this stage 2 Heavy Lift Squadron, 1 Auxiliary Squadron and 2 Flight NCB will return to normal operations. 103 OLS will remain on-station for transport of life support and shielding supplies while Phase 3 proceeds.
Phase 4 - Operational.
Long Island Station will resume normal operations. Factory modules will resume operation. Hydroponics facilities are to be maintained and expanded by a combination of naval personnel and corporate specialists, continuing to the point of self-sufficiency. 103 OLS presence to be reduced to two Grizzlies for irregular maintenance, as required.
In total, the operation is expected to cost and take three months from initial orders to completion. Funding for the operation is to be deducted wholly from the Logistics Corps budget.
If you have any questions, sir, this would be the time to ask them. Otherwise we're ready to go ahead on your order.
Jane Hartman
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COMM ID:Office of the Admiralty, LOCATION REDACTED TARGET ID:CAPT HARTMAN, Jane SUBJECT:RE: Long Island Station - Category V Upgrade ENCRYPTION:Moderate PRIORITY:Moderate
Greetings, ma'am.
This is an automated message for <CAPT HARTMAN, Jane> that your funding request for <Long Island Station, Category V Upgrade, Phase One> has been accepted. A member of the admiralty will contact you with further details or if changes occur to your plan. Please note that as of STANAG 3092A, funding for special projects under subsections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.8a can and may be withdrawn at any time. The Office of the Admiralty will make best efforts to contact you under this scenario, but it is not a guarantee.
Regards, Office of the Admiralty LOCATION REDACTED
First Fleet, Liberty Navy