There seems to be a lot of pessimism around here lately. The mods, admins and devs worked hard releasing and looking after Discovery over the years. They don't get paid for this, they do it simply out of wanting to do it. Everyone can come here and say thanks if they want to.
Thanks to all devs, mods and admins for keeping things running smoothly and releasing and updating this great mod. Oh and thanks to cannon for paying for the server fees for 6 months.
Same, I don't agree with every decision but I understand you guys are neither professional game developers nor getting paid for your work on the mod so always appreciate admin/dev/other staff work with discovery.
Thanks very much to all the Developers, Administrators and Moderators. You are all a really great group of people and I appreciate the hard work you have done on the mod and forums.
Kudos to everyone who has put in a part to making this mod a fun place, whether they are a green, yellow, orange, white or any other colour of the rainbow. Thanks alot I really enjoy my time here. long may it continue because the only thing i dislike about this place is i didn't join sooner.
Thanks Cannon for supporting the server, Admins for maintaining it and devs for working at this mod.
In the beginning of January, I want to provide funds to run it 1 month (how much is that exactly, by the way? 60 or 70€ ?), but I can only do that via Google Wallet...
(12-21-2014, 10:47 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: I hate to be the downer here but I don't think a thread like this will convince alley to come back.
But it doesn't hurt to say Thank You every now and then. People who put their own time and effort to help others don't generally expect anything other than a Thanks. There is nothing worse than just hearing complaints. There are some people who just like to take things for granted.
So, I will add my gratitude to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the different Teams for making this the Game it is.
And I hope you all have an enjoyable time over this Festive Period.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person