(01-10-2015, 12:29 AM)Drrobe Wrote: Uncle Finn here, with another important announcement!
Quote:* - Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect a ship of the same affiliation.
* - Can demand cargo and credits from Transports, Liners, and Freighter class vessels, and attack them if they do not comply.
* - Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pirate Train.
Happy hunting those Transports, Liners, and Freighters! Don't worry LPI, you're safe from being pirated of your Donuts...
Given Veygaar's valid point, I would like to suggest that the following line be added to the Pirate ID as well.
Quote:* - Can demand credits from any vessel with a generic ID (Miner, Freelancer, Pirate) and attack them if they don't comply.
This will allow a pirate to rob the overbearing snub pilot passing by, that cocky miner in an Arrasta hiding in the Taus, and his competition on pirate alley in California, for example. All of these IDs are generic civilian and should be RP targets for a pirate anyway. The Freighter/Transport/Liner line would override this so that cargo can still be demanded from them.
(01-10-2015, 01:18 AM)TheUnforgiven Wrote: I also see players simply ditching the pirate ID and using another while house space, any house rebel organization, and Junkers outside house space, to be able to continue doing the exact same thing. So if the same thing is going wind up happening under a different flag/ID, why not just leave it be and let the players determine who's doing what. These indy pirate will just become indy Rogues, Unioners, Outcasts or Corsairs, etc. I understand wanting to curb pvp abuse but this is just going to shift it to another ID and limit inrp options for independent unlawfuls. One less good things about an ID that has very little anymore to encourage use.
Now i dont see any problems with that. if it means underused faction IDs actually get used, then thats a good thing rather than having a flood of generic pirate ID'd ships overwhelming the house unlawfuls and lawfuls.
After all these elaborate counter scenarios posted in the thread with pirates getting harassed because they can no longer provoke PVP from everyone, it sure is going to be hard to tell whether they're incidental or deliberately carried out to "prove" how broken the rule is.
Pirates can still pick on cash cows, and are still pretty much guaranteed PVP just by hanging around busy areas for lawfuls who're all too willing to engage first with fewer words than a pirate would making a demand and waiting. There are also plenty of non-generic unlawful faction IDs to choose from.
Too bad it will be changed back when the first flood of FL IDed snubs trolling pirate IDs by flying around after them and revealing their location, since the former cannot do anything to stop them, will generate huge amounts of reports.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Fighting Xenos/Lane Hackers/Rogues/Unioners/Hessians/Blood Dragons/GC/whatever will be more interesting than fighting "random waran with pirate id #2135436674".
I think it works to scale. an indy pirate would not have the resources of the other major factions.. so they should not be inclined to be guerrilla fighters.
Pirate placing demands on navies/polices was an ID Abuse, but navies/polices placing demands on pirates knowing full well that these will never be met is just their job? But I really thought demanding money from anything or anybody was pirates' job.
Nothing is as satisfying as getting paid by Navy Battleship or LPI officer. Sad, I won't have the same satisfaction again.
I would switch to LPI ID and demand unlawfuls paying fine for fun, but there aren't as many unlawfuls as lawfuls are nowadays.
(01-10-2015, 12:47 AM)Toris James Gray Wrote: Also, Pirate ID wasn't exactly a pirate one. It felt more like a generic unlawful character.
Which it was not supposed to be, and made multiple unlawful factions suffer from it.
Good change. Hopefully it'll "force" people back to house pirate groups, instead of being sirius-wide terrorists. Leave that to the Nomads.
no. just rogues actually....
and heh... maybe people just dont want to have a lot of limitations on ZoI and pirate freely almost anywhere.... actually there is another ID for that. So I am fine.
Also notice everyone here that likes the change are in offical pirating factions that are not active much atm ^^
(01-10-2015, 03:15 AM)Veygaar Wrote: Any Mod/Admin input on CDing snubs to keep pirates away without threat of recoil AND/OR enemy pirate on pirate territory disputes?
Also I can't pirate an Arrastra mining for his buddy who's docked on Java now? I just have to let him mine all his cash and PM his buddy it's not safe yet?
My biggest issue though, I run across often with my pirate ID'd Rorry, who is very anti Corsair. Now a Corsair fleet can show up on the lanes and take my business from me. And rule wise I am not allowed to run them off?
This happens often in Sigma 13. I'll be pirating the traders coming through. And a Corsair will post up at the Honshu gate or in Frankfurt and take all my (soon to be) credits by getting to the trader first. Now previously I would show up, and demand they leave or blast them. Now I can't because of a oorp rule?
Why not just make demanding CREDITS from Naval and Police forces against the ID as RP wise that would never be met. (leaving the scene however is quite possible in RP scenarios)