I'm quite sure, you've some ideas about me and my Gangsters already. I already talked with one nice Legioner yesterday, Fax was his name as I remember. Maybe I'm wrong, sadly I'm getting old, but I do hope he'll forgive me if I'm mistaken.
Let's say for the beginning, we're not your enemies. And there're some interesting things I'd like to propose to you. But, before I lay out my propositions, let me first tell you that this particular message could be one day referred as historical one because it will definitely show a lot of potential, true symbols of prosperity for both sides, your well known Helfire Empire, and my little creature.
Here's what I propose:
Alliance! Let's form an alliance. We share the whole bunch of common enemies - Liberty Lawfuls, LR and their allies. I don't see why shouldn't we just team up because, and let's be honest, they're too numerous to be handled without proper help. I'm not well aware of why you people hate 'em, but I'm sure you'd have proper reason for that. But me? Let's say I don't hate them, nor have anything against them, but they like poking their little noses in our business. I also enjoy challenging fun rides and, considering that they multiply like cockroaches, it will be very useful that we unite our efforts from time to time to prevent the infestations.
Think about what's best for Legioners. Think about will you, by accepting this deal, be closer to achieving your secondary goal. Am I to be trusted? Will my principles, that is if you believe me that I got 'em, make this potential alliance even stronger than any other in Sirius?
I'll say it again; I'm a man of my word. You'd have a powerful, rising force on your side.
I am Grand Admiral Chloe Taylor, currently in-charge of diplomatic matters.
We were filled in by the Major that encountered you in Cortez. You and your gangsters are fighting against Liberty's fleet because you enjoy "challenging rides", I fail to see reason in that which makes me believe that you're a mad man. However, rumours say that you and your men are very skilled and you do not hesitate to get whatever you need from civilians. But those are rumours right?
I will need something more than rumours to proceed Tutaskhia. I cannot be wasting time with groups that cannot be of any use to us. I want you to prove your Gangsters' skills to me, bring me guncams of 10 Liberty fighters or capital ships destroyed while keeping civilians out of harms way and I'll see you and your men differently. You have one week to complete this task, untill then I'll give you a ceasefire.
So you are the Grand Admiral. The pleasure of meeting you in person will be all mine.
Yes, I do run a small, yet effective group of gangsters. We usually go around blowing governments' ships up. And trust me, we do it in style. Yes, rumours aren't lying about our skills. But the Media is still full of dirty tricks,so I suggest not listening it all day long. Let's say my priority is to fight the house governments, so not the innocent civilians really.
You've asked for some guncams, you'll get them now. But not because I'm trying to "prove" our skills to you. Just call it a true symbol of our future relationship. Concretely you've asked for 10 such proofs, but I've managed to bring only 5 with me. Well, I've been targeted lots of times and I've lost the whole bunch of such records. Hope you do understand me. 1 2 3 4 5 What say you, Legioners?
Are we to become friends?
I was very happy about the pictures you sent us, in fact, I printed them out and decorated my office with them so that I could watch these burning ships all day long.
All. Day. Long.
Anyway, I forgot my manners. My name is Emilia Osorio, newly appointed Star Colonel of the Special Operations and Armed Reconnaissance Division. I am replying to you instead of our (not so) beloved Grand Admiral because she wasn’t satisfied with the amount of vessels your group destroyed. But she is clearly an idiot and I’ve told that right into her face. I was amused, she wasn’t...and simply wandered off.
Right...High Command wishes to inform you that they accept your very kind proposal. I’d say something like “hey we’re friends now”, but I’m not allowed to, unfortunately. Consider us to be business partners and I can assure you that both sides will greatly profit from this cooperation...if you follow one, tiny, little condition. If we see you targeting Liberty's civilians, we will instantly stop our business relationship. And that would upset quite a lot of people, I don’t really like it when that happens. Do you?
Moreover, should you wish to meet our High Command in person, please inform us about it and I’ll see if I can arrange a meeting. A date with Grand Admiral Taylor perhaps? All you have to do is ask.
Hello Mrs.Emilia, looks like I've been lucky enough to be contacted by two of pretty ladies from Legioners. Thought men were running the whole faction. Joking of course.
Women and their principles. That's why I like women, because of their principles. Women! What can I say? Who made 'em? God must have been a damn genius. I'd say, women are rarely amused, so I'm not wondered. Haha-Hahaha!
I'll be honest as I'm talking with ladies. I'm not going to be as active as I use to be in Liberty. I will visit this place from time to time, to see how you and other nice people doin', drink a little with 'em and destroy some government's ships, nothing more. Liberty Civilians aren't in my interest. I'm a Civilian myself. Hehe. Mad people? To be honest, I like 'em.But! Do call me any time, when you need us.
About the meeting. I must be a f**ing liar if I said I'd not like to meet as pretty woman as Admiral Tayolor is, especially in person. Do arrange a meeting while I'm still nearby Liberty, and I'd be even more happier if I met you two together. So let me know when and where.
Also, my beard is thankful to you. It'll say some more compliments to you when meets in person, hah.
I've got bad news for you, unfortunately. Grand Admiral Taylor isn't interested in a date with you. WORRY NOT, sir. I shall do my utmost to change her opinion and I'll of course keep you updated. As for me, I won't be around in Liberty for a while and won't be able to meet you.
Nevertheless, I hope that you can continue with your good work. Just remember the condition I mentioned in my previous message and everything will be fine.
This channel will be kept open should you wish to contact us again.
We've been in a good use of each other for some time until now.
But what's happened now? You chose to shoot an Outcast who was flying with me, and expected a free hugs from me? No man. That's not my game. Would you like seeing me targeting Xenos who were shooting Navies with you? I'm sure, you'd not.
Tell me who're your main targets in Liberty? A lonely Outcast Gunship or the whole fleet of the Government?
The fact that we got you working alongside the Outcasts within Liberty and within our sight is enough proof to terminate the thing we had, do not expect us to greet you with kindness next time. Oh, one more thing before this channel is terminated.
One of our men captured some footage of you giving up your old way of life and somehow you operating a Defiant under our colors. Legion is love, Legion is life, is what they say, right? Don't let your awful history drag you down, we've offered you a new place and a chance to make up for your past mistakes, do not let us down.
Taylor,what a wonderful name.I guess I've already said this?
Whatever... I wasn't really expecting you. As Mrs.Emilie told me,you were a bit angry.But I like angry ladies,they're so awesome in bed. I bet you're the same merciless in bed, uh?
The fact that you prefer allying with the Liberty Navies' Fleet and dealing with a lonely Outcast near their Station makes me think, that you've got some problems with your brain. But no worries, dulls are even more awesome in bed.They're always ready to go for anything to give you the best pleasure. Especially if they're as beautiful as you, Taylor.
I told you from the beginning. Our alliance was only about our common enemies: The Government and Liberty Rogues, who at that time were stupid enough to declare war.
What's about one of your men, he really greeted me with kindness. Giving up my old way of life? Do you really think you've any idea what my life was about? No. I've not changed, I'm the same Data Tutashkhia, with the same goals and targets. Under your colors? Nah, the purple lights have always been mine. He-he. Let the Legion be whatever it wants to, I'm not against Legion being life or love.
I've never lived with mistakes. If you think I've to be thankful to you for what I'm right now, then you're even more duller than I thought. Get this as a compliment, 'cause you know... I like dull ladies. But only in bed,sweetie.