I dont know if this is the right place for suggestions or not but I recently decided to check out freeworlds today on youtube since that is a mod i looked at before but didnt really get much into. After looking at this video of it, it seems like a pretty impressive mod. The only thing i want to suggest from it though is this wheel system they are using shown off at the beginning of the video. I think alot of people could benefit from this.
I think the wheel would be very useful, but it'll involve alot more coding and i don't really think the devs can be bothered to do more seeing as how close we are to the final patch. It could be done after the patch, however, using the new update system. Weould be interesting. Of course we can't just steal it ether. We'll have to get shares or something like that in it
You are forgetting about little fact... Not all people possess computers to even start FreeWorlds 2.0 without problems (I got 8-10fps on a decent but 6-7 years old PC with 3gb RAM and 3.2 GHz processor). Technically, it's like a game with completely new engine. FW2.0 overhauled Freelancer so much it just barely reminds the original Freelancer. To make a comparison, it's like you compared UT2004 with Far Cry 3.
(01-25-2015, 04:21 PM)Freedom Phantom Wrote: Having wep groups on that would be useful.
That's pretty much what i was thinking it could be used for and also for cloaking, jump drive, and pre-set chat text that i have seen people use on other discovery videos. The ones that they use to get people to focus fire on a target and such.
The wheel thing is awesome! Looks very usefull as hell, many options on there instead of clicking up the bar or F1 and all you can just use it on your wheel. Would be awesome to see that in disco
Damn it tides of war.... You did the greatest mistake in making it Star Wars instead of Freelancer, I'm sure this mod would've been very successfull if it had Freelancer contents instead of Star Wars! A real waste....