Priority: High
To: I.M.G, D.H.C, C.o.F, Bounty Hunters, Bowex
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, B.A.F.
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Omega-3 Safety Agreement
Honourable and trusted guilds and contractors,
The system of Omega-3 is becoming increasingly harassed by the Corsairs, which you may have already noticed. Being in charge of the Armed Forces assets in the region, and thus of all security issues that require heavier units than the police typically uses, I can not stand indifferent. We can protect our assets with efficiency, but the system also contains assets of the Independent Miners' Guild, Daumann Heavy Construction and the Confederation of Freeports.
I call all the mentioned organizations to arms, in defense from the Corsair raiders. The Armed Forces have already made a contract with the I.M.G. and I believe that the D.H.C. are as willing to cooperate. I am aware of the Confederation's stance of neutrality, but the Corsairs began arrogantly ignoring the Freeport 1 no fire zone recently. A few I.M.G. ships that found themselves there a week ago when a Corsair raiding party appeared on their scanners trusted that it will keep them safe until the Armed Forces relief fleet arrives, but they were ruthlessly massacred instead, in front of fearful eyes of the residing civilians and their children. I hope that no damage has been done to Freeport 1 yet. That is only one of the examples. I am asking for renewal of the Freeport 1 garrison.
This message is also being sent to known bounty hunters and their Guild. I think they find it clear already how profitable hunting in this region could be.
I am waiting to hear your thoughts before we proceed with discussing the details and issues.
Honourable Representatives of the Bretonian Government, Dear Board of Admirals, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a pleasure that the Bretonian Armed Forces have agreed to organise the Omega 3 Defense, and that the suggestion of the Guild to combine our strength to fend off the increasing threat that is posed by the Corsairs has been picked up.
For convenience, I will attach the initial message that contains the offer of the IMG to this channel, so that we have a basis for discussion.
Furthermore, I would like to expand the offers made to the Bretonian Armed Forces, Privateers and Police Authority to the Bounty Hunters Guild, who might be in need of facilities to stage from as well.
Quote:I contact you to propose adaptions in the security concept of Omega 3 and improve our cooperation in the defense against our common enemy to keep this flank covered. Therefore, the Guild has come up with suggestions of what we can offer. I would like you to regard the list as a basis for discussion on who can do what to improve the situation.
1. The Guild is willing to step up their responsibility in the defense of Omega 3 and play a more active part. Two strike wings of fighters and bombers have been relocated to Omega 3 and have already seen heated battle several times. A reserve bomber wing is ready on Cardiff in Cambridge in case reinforcements are needed.
2. The Guild also offers the use of Aland Shipyard to the Bretonian Armed Forces, BPA and BHG. The Guild suggests stationing Bretonian repair personell and stockpiling necessary repair material on Aland Shipyard to repair damaged ships as quickly as possible and return them to the fight faster. Combat-readiness of our Omega forces could be increased by reducing repair cycles.
3. The Guild offers the possibility to station ships at Aland Shipyard. This offer extends to regular fighting units as BAF and BPA, but also to "irregular" units like Queen Carina's Privateers and BHG and all those who are willing to face the Corsair threat. Repairs and rearming can't be done entirely by the IMG crews, as they lack the expertise on your craft, but by deploying crews and material, a solution can be found. Aland Shipyard is well-protected against attacks by Falster Trade Station's defense grid, so that even limited stationing of warships could be possible.
4. The Guild has decided toincrease its defense expenditures on Omega 3 security by 26 percent. The funds will likely be invested (if the concept is approved) into improving the logistical infrastructure at Aland Shipyard, supporting allied repair crews, securing availability of resupply materials and armament, and hiring bounty hunters to assist our efforts.
5. The Guild has deployed additional Search & Rescue crews to Omega 3, as well as Salvage crews to get damaged equipment back to the Shipyard fast. Furthermore our medical facilities have been staffed with additional experts on the treatment of flight combat injuries. The Medical Facilities are ready to receive patients, especially critical cases that cannot be flown out to Cambridge can be stabilised on Aland.
6. The Guild has refitted the Battlecruiser "Biscayne Bay" for the surveying missions in Omega 9, nevertheless it is a combat ready Sagarmatha-class Battlecruiser. The Thanatos Cruiser "New Horizon" is a light Cruiser designed to cover exploration assets in Omega 9 against attack by fighters and bomber. We have not used our limited capital ship capacities in Omega 3 in accordance with Bretonian law, but their use against the Corsair raids is a possibility - if permitted by Bretonian law. Permission for the use of the two vessels to counter Corsair raids is hereby requested.
7. The Guild asks for permission to station a wing of interceptors on Planet Sprague. Most fighting has happened in the triangle between Sprague, Cambridge Gate and Freeport 1 and fast reaction times, as well as early-interception of bomber forces is essential to avert damage to the core of the BAF warship forces. The IMG can assist in locating, engaging, and neutralizing the enemy bomber force near the Omega 5 hole, denying them access into the combat zone.
Some of these request are already being discussed, but as a first suggestion of what could be offered, I think it makes sense to repost the suggestions that the Guild submitted here again, so that all participating parties have access to the necessary intel.
Let's work together to keep Omega 3 safe from these Corsair incursions.
Sender ID: Mary Cray of the Bounty Hunters Guild
Target ID: Admiral George Richard Hall, B.A.F.
Subject: Re: Omega-3 Safety Agreement
Greetings Admiral,
this is Mary Cray, pilot of Crymore. You may have seen me in the battlegrounds of Omega 3 and Cambridge, or you may have not, but I've been there a lot and assisted your forces quite often. I was allowed to advise you on this matter by my Guild Master.
I am sure you are aware of the Guild's loose organization. Even though we all are members of the Bounty Hunters Guild and answer to our Guild Masters, all pilots are free to operate all over Sirius as they wish, using their own methods and initiatives when they are practicing their trade which is usually hunting down bountied criminals.
Because of this, you can expect our hunters to flock where there is the most incentive to hunt. However, the Bretonian Bounty Board currently can not compete with the bounty boards of other houses and organizations. The payouts are too low compared to the risk and effort, so most of our hunters rather choose to be somewhere else and get paid more for their successes.
If the Bretonian board offers better incentives for our pilots, I am sure we'll be able to gather a larger force there and be able to help you better. We'd really like to help you.
In any case, I'll try my best to be there and join up with the defense against the Corsairs whenever I am not busy somewhere else.
Priority: High
To: Miss Mary Cray, Bounty Hunters Guild
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, B.A.F.
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Omega-3 Safety Agreement
Dear miss Cray,
I have personally seen you in action and I am very pleased by your work. I would like that to continue, so I have (again) reminded the War Cabinet to discuss about renewing the bounty board. They told me it is their current subject today.
I expect the routine task to be finished soon.
Priority: High
To: Miss Mary Cray, Bounty Hunters Guild
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, B.A.F.
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Omega-3 Safety Agreement
Dear miss Cray,
I was told that the Bretonia Police Authority is going to start managing the Bretonia Bounty Board soon. I was not informed how soon exactly, but I can without fear of misinforming you say that it is a matter of days.
Honourable Representatives of the Bretonian Government, Dear Board of Admirals, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
After today's intense fighting against Corsair intruders in Omega 3 and Cambridge, I would like to invite BowEx into this alliance, too. BowEx transports valiantly assisted IMG defense ships in fights against Corsairs be laying down punishing transport turret cover fire near Cardiff and later near Planet Sprague.
With them coming under fire in the region, and with them already fully in the conflict, I think they should be included in our decisionmaking and planning. This is why I request for this channel to be made accessible to BowEx, too.
Good day to all involved in this communication. I am Ylva Wyrdmake, primary administrator of Freeport 1, of the Confederation.
Admiral, as you yourself mentioned, we in the Confederation due try to remain neutral when it comes to conflict between groups. That is why all are applicable to our laws when within Confederation controlled zones.
The recent spate of problems that have occurred, and been reported by both IMG and Bowex, have stoked discussion among the Confederation board. We are currently examining what options we can enact. We ask that anyone who sees problems or unlawful events occurring within the Freeport 1 zone to make a report to me so that they can be dealt with. Photographic proof is essential, in the least to determine who was present.
I will make a further communication here, when the Confederation has come to a decision on defense matters.
Priority: High
To: I.M.G, D.H.C, C.o.F, Bounty Hunters, Bowex, Rheinland Military
From: Admiral George Richard Hall, B.A.F.
Location: H.M.S. Norfolk, Cambridge System
Subject: Omega-3 Safety Agreement
Honourable Rheinland Military and guilds, trusted contractors,
Following the recent victories over the Corsairs in Omega-3 and the Liberty invasion of Leeds, Bretonia is able to launch offensive and punitive actions against the Corsairs. Yesterday we got information about one of their transports salvaging the remains of their fleet near planet Sprague, which we found and chased using a cloaked ship. It has lead us to Cadiz Station in the system of Omega-5, the place where they launch their attacks from, which we wanted to precisely locate for so long. If it was destroyed, it would significantly reduce the frequency and size of Corsair raids. We had sent a fleet and besieged the station, but the Corsair resistance was unexpected. It will take us a few more attempts to disable Cadiz, as it is a heavily fortified asteroid base.
Due to that, we will keep our usual patrols in the system of Omega-3 only through the trade lanes, from Cambridge Jump Gate to planet Sprague and to Douglas Station. Other areas will be patrolled less often. Thus, we will permit the Rheinland Military to keep one (1) cruiser class vessel and the Independent Miners' Guild to keep two (2) cruiser or battlecruiser class vessels in the system. The Military is expected to use the cruiser for patrols between the Omega-7 Jump Gate and Rugen Station, and for escorting Rheinland corporations' convoys until Cambridge system. The Guild is expected to use their cruisers for protection of their stations and their convoys until the Cambridge system. All three cruisers may, of course, divert from their routes if there is an enemy in the system and it brings them tactical advantage.
We also ask Rheinland not to needlessly waste resources in the Omega-5 operations, as one House will be enough to drive an unprofessional pirate paramilitary into submission. Your support in Omega-3 is sufficient and appreciated.
I owe an invitation to the Bounty Hunters as well. I was told that the B.P.A. have started managing the bounty board, but I am not aware of the practical situation. However, the Armed Forces can also open their own bounty board, where Bounty Hunters will receive a significant bonus if they neutralize targets in the Omega-5 system.
As this also concerns the Confederation of Freeports, I will say that I am pleased with the renewed Freeport 1 garrison and that Bretonia can offer it some basic supplies if the Zoners have difficulties delivering them themselves.
Honourable Rheinland Military, Independent Miners' Guild, Bounty Hunters and Confederation of Freeports, do you agree? Do you have anything to add?
I have included a copy of the Omega Treaty below, as I think it would be better if it was available on this frequency:
October 3rd - 818 Wrote:
Omega Treaty
A.) Omega-3
The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow access to Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels entering Omega-3 to uphold freedom of trade if the following criteria applies:
The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Feldwebel or above.*
The entering vessels must not be of any larger class than the Rheinwehr korvette, unless permission is granted by Government-approved personnel*.
The entering vessels will not continue into Bretonian core territory* without Armed Forces High Command, Director of the Bretonian Intelligence Service, or Bretonian Government authorization.
The entering vessels will not be parts of a Rheinland intelligence gathering organization, such as the Rheinland Marinenachrichtendienst, unless permitted by the Armed Forces High Command, Director of the Bretonian Intelligence Service, or Bretonian Government.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Landwirtrechtbewegung, Bundschuh, Unioner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, any non-Kusari based organizations the Armed Forces requests help to deal with, and any other criminal individual or organization bountied by the Rheinland Federal Republic. The following restriction apply:
The Rheinland Military will not cause damage to any Bretonian law-abiding organizations.
The Rheinland Military will not attack Liberty-based commercial nor military entities within Omega-3. Any Liberty vessels being found and attacked within Omega-7 that flee to Omega-3 are valid targets for the Rheinland Military.
The Rheinland Military will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
The Rheinland Military can request assistance from Bretonian forces. These forces reserve the right to deny this request.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will prohibit any Liberty combat or intelligence forces from launching operations against Rheinland out of Omega-3 or Bretonia core space.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will acknowledge Omega-3 as an sovereign system belonging to the Kingdom of Bretonia and will respect all the laws of the house. In case of joint operation, the highest ranked Bretonian officer will take the lead of the joint wing within Omega-3.
B.) Omega-7
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow access to Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels entering Omega-7 to uphold freedom of trade if the following criteria applies:
The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Lieutenant Commander or above.*
The entering vessels must not be of any larger class than the Bretonia Gunboat, unless permission is granted by Government-approved personnel*.
The entering vessels will not continue into Rheinland core territory without Rheinland Military High Command, Director of the Marinenachrichtendienst, or Rheinland Government authorization.
The entering vessels will not be parts of a Bretonian intelligence gathering organization, such as the Bretonian Intelligence Service, unless permitted by the Rheinland Military High Command, Director of the Marinenachrichtendienst, or Rheinland Government.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Molly, Gaian, Buccaneer, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, any non-Liberty based organizations the Rheinland Military requests help to deal with, and any other criminal individual or organization bountied by the Kingdom of Bretonia. The following restrictions apply:
The Bretonia Armed Forces will not cause damage to any Rheinland law-abiding organizations.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will not attack Kusari-based commercial nor military entities within Omega-7. Any Kusari vessels being found and attacked within Omega-3 that flee to Omega-7 are valid targets for the Bretonia Armed Forces.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
The Bretonian Armed Forces can request assistance from Rheinland forces. These forces reserve the right to deny this request.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will prohibit any Kusari combat or intelligence forces from launching operations against Bretonia out of Omega-7 or Rheinland core space.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will acknowledge Omega-7 as an sovereign system belonging to the Federal Republic of Rheinland and will respect all the laws of the house. In the case of joint operations, the highest ranked Rheinland officer will take the lead of the joint wing within Omega-7.
C.) Limits
The Federal Republic of Rheinland and the Kingdom of Bretonia both reserve the right to withdraw their signature from the treaty if one of the aforementioned parties fails to fulfill, or breaks the criteria listed above.
X - Prime Minister George Mountbatten, Kingdom of Bretonia
X - Fleet Admiral Martin Bridge, Bretonian Armed Forces
X - Admiral Lee Adama, Bretonian Armed Forces
X - Fleet Admiral Gunther Rall, Rheinland Military
X - Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military
X - Vizeadmiral Gunther Weissman, Rheinland Military