Sory, but i fought that you will find a mistake in programing and pushed you insted for trying to resolve problem. But enyvay you didnt find a prbl. and we havent (i and my son) any "tools" to defend our self. So its not great. I have no idea why you not trying to interact with pleyer in such situations if he made sumthing ileagal you olwais find that. And it will help you make right desisions.
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Well, well. I see you're still accusing us of being wrong. I'll keep it simple. The Persephone is available by SRP request only. It was designed by one of our developers, Jinx, long ago and there are only two allowed on server via SRP. How you got it is beyond me.
Now, I'm usually pretty easy going, the soft hand of the group most of the time but if you want to infuriate me, keep telling us we're wrong when we have an air tight case with plenty of supporting evidence against you. If you did it, own up to it and stop blaming us. If your son did it, be a parent and discipline him.
In short, one of you did this to yourselves, not us.
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Well, well, it seems there was once an exploit in which this ship could be acquired. Still, anyone who has been here awhile knows that the Persephone requires an SRP. Still, you should have known it wasn't right to have it and berating us still doesn't sit well with me.
Finally, you found it. And I fought it will never happen. My sun did the wrong thing and he already payed for that. You shod understand 12 years old boy, he sad to me that it was available and he bought it. I sad thats will not be good, because i have never sow that ship and there written that its can be obtained only by permission of the administrators. He was naive and sad that he just bought it like other ships and do not feel him self bad for that. Well what i must say for sun- he bought it...? I preferred let it go, I knew that will be problem, but i couldn't require, that he sold it. Then he got ban. I pushed you because fought that you will found the mistake, and finally will return at least money, because in rules written that player can bay any ship which available in stock. I fought that I'm right, and you will no have arguments to do such a move like blocking all accounts and worst-est was an IP blocking. You coled him cheater, and that made me mad... Another thing, we were playing it few months only, i know that not argument, but that must show our status. I show my sun that game. I liked it and played 8 years and more ago. I have never played such strict server, your decision was surprise for me. And finally, i sill refuse to coll my sun cheater He not cheater, but rule broker. And that you must accept.
But I glad that somebady finaly find time to search for mistakes, and returned back honor for team.