(04-06-2015, 11:55 AM)Mímir Wrote: You can easily handle gunboats by using fighters/bombers exclusively, and if you can't muster the players you can advertise for more (I'd love to join a coordinated fighter PVP faction that flies Karasus (and Katanas!) and shoot at all types of ships if only there are plenty of targets, I'm sure others would too) or hire gunboat freelancers. If GMG| made PVP awards like in the IMG, or paid security pilots a percentage of the mining profits you yield, I am sure you can attract an army of PVP whores.
The big problem is that shooting Gunboats like you would everywhere else in Sirius does not work in the Sigmas. All a Gunboat pilot has to do is make for an explosive gas field and they've got a pretty good immunity to snubs. I made a thread asking if it'd be possible that GMG ID'd ships or the GMG ships themselves could get a special bonus where they'd be immune to explosive damage, as per their lore. The proposal was shot down by the rest of the community sadly.
Or things could be turned around so that snubs can just about navigate a gas cloud field, while gunboats and up would be too large to avoid the pockets and get torn up by them. As per the lore (:
Is that even possible?
Increase the spacing between the clouds and up their damage by a fair share, or even make it a percentage based one, thus not making it totally deadly to a fighter, but rather same level of deadliness, but letting smaller vessels have the advantage of simply not getting hit.
In Vanilla we also had Junkers flying in the best case a CSV, nowadays they have a shipline that spans over nearly all snub classes, a unique cross-breed of Transport and Gunboat and their very own Gunboat.
Corsairs and Outcasts that had only fighters and freighters, and nowadays have whole battleships. You dig my point, yes?
So no, it's not completely out of the line for GMG to have a Gunboat, in fact it even makes sense.
In Vanilla we also had Junkers flying in the best case a CSV, nowadays they have a shipline that spans over nearly all snub classes, a unique cross-breed of Transport and Gunboat and their very own Gunboat.
Corsairs and Outcasts that had only fighters and freighters, and nowadays have whole battleships. You dig my point, yes?
So no, it's not completely out of the line for GMG to have a Gunboat, in fact it even makes sense.
You know how hard we had to fight for that boat? Especially since we had no in-lore reason not to have one like the GMG? Junkers have done huge amounts of work to make themselves the most dominant faction on the server, so they deserve a few perks.
By the way, can you tell me how a single gunboat will ruin our lore, if nobody uses GBs except GMG| and even GMG doesnt use them unless it is really "no choice" and this situation happend just once. There are RP reasons as well and if you can't understand current situation, then I would suggest to make GMG indy and fly in Sigmas so you can see it yourself.
(04-07-2015, 06:07 AM)Shinju Wrote: Political reasons? Like?
By the way, can you tell me how a single gunboat will ruin our lore, if nobody uses GBs except GMG| and even GMG doesnt use them unless it is really "no choice" and this situation happend just once. There are RP reasons as well and if you can't understand current situation, then I would suggest to make GMG indy and fly in Sigmas so you can see it yourself.
Political like a Congressman flying around in a tridente ain't good for business.
It's well established that GMG follow a snub combat doctrine, gunboats go against that. I could understand if you guys started flying a few gifted gunboats to adapt to the changing situation, but to start producing them is a bit far. There are other ways to fix the current problem, but you don't seem interested in that.
Wasn't the same discussion happen back in days about Junker GB, when members provided a lot of constructive criticism about why it should not exist. And what happened recently? Junkers got a ship.
(04-07-2015, 06:33 AM)Swallow Wrote: Wasn't the same discussion happen back in days about Junker GB, when members provided a lot of constructive criticism about why it should not exist. And what happened recently? Junkers got a ship.
The reason most people said we shouldn't have one is because they thought we didn't get into fights. We obviously do get into a bunch of fights, so people eventually saw the light.
Why does it matter that GMG| would get gunboats? For those of you that aren't aware, the Sigmas are literally a hellhole of factions spamming gunboats harder than the Soviet Union spammed conscripts and having to fight them in the Karasu and the Kaichou (which, by the way, the Kaichou is excellent and probably without a doubt one of my favorite ships in the game) is somewhere between diagnosed madness and suicide. If GMG| looks at this situation, realizes the issue, and begins to rectify it inRP with the production of gunboats - what's the problem? Sure, it might be good if they did a bit of roleplay in terms of designing the vessel, and getting their shipyard(s) up to production capabilities with the new design, but otherwise - that makes perfect sense.
Also, you're implying that a GMG| flying a gunboat is equivalent to a Congressman flying a tridente. No, they're not the same - one looks like, if anything, either an increase in militarization or a recognition of threats in their home systems. The other one would be recognized as siding with factions associated with illegal activity.
And finally, if you're assuming that GMG either doesn't have the capability nor wouldn't wish to fly these heavy ships as it goes against their established doctrine...
You know, I always thought the GMG and IMG lore were ass-backwards, and anyone mentioning the lore as a reason to oppose this change should wise up.
The gas miners operate in an area of space where the gas clouds annihilate snubcraft* but have almost no effect on capital ship shields - yet they only fly snubs?
Meanwhile, the asteroid miners who operate in relatively cramped conditions featuring, you know, huge rocks that really inhibit capital ship movement - they get a gunboat and a battlecruiser to boot?
I mean, I know that only happened because a certain dev was basically an IMG shill (the same reason why established lore keeps them around in the Taus despite the fact that Gallia should have kicked them out when GMS rolled up), but it's still pretty jarring to see.
*Yes, I know this is the opposite of what happens in-lore, but in-game it basically translates to GMG snubs getting massacred by Kruger gunboats.
I say let the GMG build their own gunboat/gunship. It's a request from the official faction, it's within their current faction capabilities (id wise), and has a lot of similar precedents. I don't believe that will improve the GMG activity ratings, but will be an interesting asset for their allies (although all of them have gunboats of their own. Hey, it's better than those GMG BS turrets anyway.).
Now, I just need to find a solution for Hogosha on how to deal with all these factions getting unique gunboats.... hmmm....