Can't recall the exact wording, however the ID is only allowed to shoot upon ships with:
LSF, LPI, LN, Lane Hacker, Liberty Rogue and Outcast ID
That's a very narrow view of Hellfire Legion roleplay, and I see no reason what-so-ever that the ID will stand out in its incapability to engage other factions as well, while most of the other IDs in Discovery are capable of doing it.
The Hellfire Legion is a revolutionary faction which considers the Liberty government incompetent and in need of overthrowing. They prefer to attack Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Force to achieve their goals.
Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Hellfire Legion who:
-May treat any ship belonging to Liberty Police, Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Force as combat targets
-Can attack Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers and Outcasts within Liberty house space
-Cannot engage freighters and transports except in self defense
-Cannot ally with Liberty lawfuls
-Cannot use any transports with more than 3.600 cargo.
I cannot begin to describe what awfully restricted ID it is since it does not allow a lot of things the faction's supposed to do, such as cardamine & slaver interception, engaging Rheinland in the Texas border and so on. Today, we get a lot of BHG and independent pirates/freelancers and other folks that we are not allowed to do anything with them unless of course we're fired upon first.
I proposed this ID which I believe fixes the issue at hand and would make the faction more enjoyable to anyone who uses the ID
Quote:The Hellfire Legion is a Liberty revolutionary faction which considers the Liberty government incompetent and in need of overthrowing.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Hellfire Legion who:
-Can attack unlawfuls, quasi-lawfuls and enemies of the Hellfire Legion within their Zone of Influence.
-Can demand Artifacts, Slaves, Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine, Nox, Hypnotainment bands, Nomad equipment, Nomad remains from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
-Cannot engage freighters and transports except in self-defense.
-Cannot use any transports with more than 4.300 cargo.
-Cannot ally with Liberty lawfuls and Liberty unlawfuls except the Xenos.
Zone of Influence: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Kansas, Humboldt, Vespucci, Inverness
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats
*Can be changed to "- Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an allied ship." for more clarity
I am quite certain this ID write up is nowhere near OP because it is a copy from the indie Coalition ID taken from the wiki (and yes, it is the same in-game aswell)
I submitted it almost a month ago but it was denied for whatever reason, be it that we "aren't official faction" or "making your faction too strong that it undermines other factions".
(04-10-2015, 04:03 PM)Vrabcek Wrote: Not many factions have the advantage of being able to shoot both house lawful and unlawful factions.
Since the HF is a revolutionary faction I'll point to the rest revolutionary factions.
Quote:The Blood Dragons are a revolutionary group who wish to overthrow the Kusari government and restore their imperial line. They also oppose Nomad influences in Kusari, and are allied with The Order and the Golden Chrysanthemums.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Blood Dragons, who:
* - Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
* - Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
* - Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for the GMG.
* - Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
* Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Lyonnais
Allowed ships: [[Fighters]], [[Freighters]], [[Transports]], [[Gunboats]], [[Cruisers]], [[Battleships]]
Quote:* The Bundschuh are a revolutionary faction in Rheinland who consider the Rheinland government corrupt and in need of overthrowing. They occasionally commit acts of piracy to support their cause.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Bundschuh, who:
* - Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
* - Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
* - Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with or against Rheinland Military or Rheinland Police.
* - Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
* Zone of Influence: Rheinland, systems directly bordering Rheinland
Allowed ships: [[Fighters]], [[Freighters]], [[Transports]], [[Gunboats]
Quote:* The Coalition consists of descendants of the Coalition forces that stowed away on the Hispania and sabotaged the ship before it arrived in the Sirius sector, and people who sympathise with their cause and have joined them. They are considered enemies by all five house, but cooperate with the Mollys and Red Hessians.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Coalition, who:
* - Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an allied ship.
* - Can attack any ship belonging to any house military or police.
* - Can demand Slaves, Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine, Artifacts, Nox, Hypnotainment Bands, Nomad equipment, Nomad remains, and attack if ships refuse to comply.
* - Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
* - Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
Quote:* The Red Hessians are a large revolutionary group in Rheinland who consider the Rheinland government corrupt and in need of overthrowing. They often commit acts of piracy and attacks on Kruger and Daumann. They are also enemies of the Corsairs and are allied with the LWB and Bundschuh.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Red Hessians, who:
* - Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
* - Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
* - Can treat ships carrying Artifacts as combat targets.
* - Cannot ally with any lawfuls except with Interspace, or Rheinland lawfuls against Liberty lawfuls.
* - Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
* Zone of Influence: Rheinland, Omegas, Cambridge, Omicron Theta, Omicron Gamma
Allowed ships: [[Fighters]], [[Freighters]], [[Transports]], [[Gunboats]], [[Cruisers]], [[Battleships]]
Quote:* The Mollys are a Bretonian unlawful faction that formed out of revolting BMM miners. They focus on Piracy and smuggling Gold. They prefer to attack BMM and are most numerous in the Dublin system. They are enemies of the Corsairs.
Pilot carrying this unlawful ID is a member of the Mollys, who:
* - Can attack any ships within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
* - Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.
* - Can attack BMM anywhere.
* - Cannot ally with any lawfuls except against Bretonia lawfuls or Corsairs.
* - Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo.
* Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia.
Allowed ships: [[Fighters]], [[Freighters]], [[Transports]], [[Gunboats]], [[Cruisers]]
Logic? Wrote:Rheinland Military attacks the Government. Why should a HF try to defend the Government?
And if the RMeys harm civilians, then prepare your weapons and attack them. What's incomprehensible in it?
MND ships doing sabotage missions within Liberty by hunting transport ships of any kind some HF spot it, the ID prohibits to put an end to it. As for the "shoot all and see if admins do anything", yeah, no.
(04-10-2015, 04:03 PM)Vrabcek Wrote: Not many factions have the advantage of being able to shoot both house lawful and unlawful factions.
Since the HF is a revolutionary faction I'll point to the rest revolutionary factions.
Yes, but those factions enemies do not include almost all other house lawful and unlawful factions. Not to mention the wonderful discovery sport trying to achieve as many enemies as possible, so it was probably a good idea to clearly state who to shoot and not let you shoot everyone everywhere.