To: The Core AP Manufacturing From: Essen Station - New Berlin Subject: Ship requests
Guten tag,
We have been thinking to contact the Bounty Hunter Guild or their respectable Core division for some time now. With your transmission you pushed away our hesitations. It is a rather big order we want to place and I hope your engineers will be up for the task.
Our complete manufacture request would be:
3 x AP-18100 "Manta" APM Very Heavy Fighter
3 x AP-12400 "Moray" APM Bomber
2 x AP-200039 "Bottlenose" APM Gunship
2 x AP-385000 "Orca" APM Gunboat
I look forward to your response.
Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Vorsitzender,Helene Schmidt
:::[Incoming Transmission]::: :::[Establishing video feed]::: :::[Video feed: Live]:::
ID: Jessica Holland Location: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho Subject: Ships
Your order is suitable, however it may take a couple of days or so for us to complete your order. If you wish to affirm this purchase, send 33,003,165 credits to Core|Bank.1 as soon as possible. Once that has been complete, we can begin the processing of these vessels into your hands.
:::[Incoming Transmission]::: :::[Establishing video feed]::: :::[Video feed: Live]:::
ID: Jessica Holland Location: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho Subject: Ships
Before I forget, we also need you to provide the callsigns of the ships with APM technology, so that we can add them to our database. Please use this form:
To: Jessica Holland | The Core AP Manufacturing From: Essen Station - New Berlin Subject: Ship requests
Guten tag fräulein Holland,
I am sorry for taking so long to respond, insurmountable problems have got in my way. It has taken some time to fix them so here I am transmitting you ship names and types: