(05-06-2015, 09:35 AM)TheSauron Wrote: Gaian weapons can be used by even less factions. Why not make them more powerful?
I have never seen Hippies with powerful weapons D:
By the way... Take an example from GRN/Council stuff. Powerful Valor - Redemption with less Hull, no FWG. If you want to Adapt something, you need to lose something in return.
(05-06-2015, 09:35 AM)TheSauron Wrote: Gaian weapons can be used by even less factions. Why not make them more powerful?
I have never seen Hippies with powerful weapons D:
By the way... Take an example from GRN/Council stuff. Powerful Valor - Redemption with less Hull, no FWG. If you want to Adapt something, you need to lose something in return.
The Redemption however has more heavies to compensate, in fact thats the battleship with the most heavy turrets and to be honest, those are a lot more useful than a single forward gun.
(05-06-2015, 09:35 AM)TheSauron Wrote: Gaian weapons can be used by even less factions. Why not make them more powerful?
I have never seen Hippies with powerful weapons D:
By the way... Take an example from GRN/Council stuff. Powerful Valor - Redemption with less Hull, no FWG. If you want to Adapt something, you need to lose something in return.
The redemption is made to kill the valor, it has all the perks necessary. Council didn't lose anything with that.
Agreed on all points, as I've reread the lore more carefuly. I believe topic could be closed... on the other hand, isn't Sirius tech in fact mostly based onto Nomad/Daam Kavosh tech? Valhalla One and all that?