Bonjour individuals, companies, corporations, and groups with different permissions within Gallia.
We have found our permit database to be outdated. To remedy this, we are requiring all current permit holders to reply to this notice within two weeks. We also require assurance these permits are being used or the rights given by them will be revoked.
Gallic Metal Service (GMS|) can confirm the Ownership of the following Bases:
Treyarch Research Facility (Maine)
Perenco Terminal (Maine)
Mont Blanc Storage Facility (Picardy)
Dome of Sunshine (Agincourt)
We, at Gallic Metal Service, hope that everything is in order.
Cordialement vôtre.
Pierre St. Denis
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
I'm Lena Atzenbruck, contacting you on behalf of ALG Waste Disposal.
Naturally, our company wishes to continue usage of our Restricted Exports Permit and Premium Scrap Transportation License. Normally, flights our pilots undertake that take advantage of these permits are not recorded except in our internal databases, but we will be happy to provide evidence of relevant trade in the future if you require it.
[CommID: Sawney Rico]
[Establishing video uplink...]
Greetings,Mr. Jacques Béringer
I'm Sawney Rico, contacting you
Naturally, I wish to continue usage of my Premium Scrap Transportation License and export licence. Normally, flights our ship undertakes that take advantage of these permits are not recorded at all, and threre is no way anyone would know we are having trade relations with Gallia
Respectully, L. Atzenbruck.
OSI- wishes to continue its use of its Restricted Export Permit for the foreseeable future. OSI-, and its employees have again been made aware of the Gallic Royal Charter and Permit Protocol during this renewing process.
I am Lieutenant Matthews of l'Unione Corse and I am contacting you as per your last transmission. We wish to renew the permit made on the 31st of July, 737 AGS, for the unrestricted usage of our vessels, the l'Ane transport, the Courier freighter, et the Asco gunship. Our original request and its subsequent approval can be found at this data node, and I would be more that willing to answer any questions you may have about the nature of the request.
Source: The Ring, New Berlin system. Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary
Good day monsieur Béringer,
Speaking on behalf of Daumann Heavy Construction, I'd like to confirm our interest in prolonging our Restricted Exports Permit. Do not hesitate to contact us on this frequency should additional documentation be necessary.
To: Jacques Béringer From: Essen Station - New Berlin Subject: Gallic Restricted Exports Permit
Guten tag herr Béringer,
I am Ulrich Schweighöfer, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender of Krüger Mineralien and I'm contacting you regarding a certain license.
We would like to continue using Gallic Restricted Exports Permit for Krüger Mineralien. Our transports are departing from Rheinland to Gallia on daily basis and this permit is highly needed in order to safely get there. If you require visual confirmation of Kruger convoys arriving in Gallia I can wire you to some of our captain's reports with offloading manifests.
I remain at your disposal.
Mit freundlichen grüßen,
Stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ulrich Schweighöfer