In fulfillment of their obligations as nationalised Crown Assets of the Realm, Bowex and BMM are instituting this bounty board in order to secure the peace and prosperity of Bretonia and its near systems. In the name of streamlined administrative functionality for both claimants and the parent corporations, both boards have been merged with prices adjusted accordingly.
Terms and Conditions:
All claims must be filed for using the provided template. Not using this template will void your claim.
All claims must clearly state any bonuses that wish to be claimed. You will be paid for what you claim for. Claiming wrongful bonuses will result in your claim being voided, along with further potential consequences.
Board administrators will calculate the accumulated value of bonuses for you. Do not bother calculating your own subtotals.
If more than one party attacks a target, only the first to claim will be paid, i.e. payments will not be made for a kill and assisted kill on a single target.
Claims and payments are between the contractor and the board administrators only. Contractors will be view-restricted to their own business and nothing more.
Contractors may be removed or blacklisted from the board at any time, for any reason, at the discretion of the board administrators. This may be appealed directly to the Crown Services Liaison Office, Bowex Services Division, Scarborough Shipyard.
Correspondences to and from the board are strictly confidential and are only visible to the board and the intended recipient.
Bounty Values:
Kills: A Kill is defined as your name being displayed on the death message. Additionally self-kills or kills by 'a hostile vessel' will be counted as kills if you were the sole participant in combat against the target. If not, they will be processed as Assist Kills.
Assist Kills (AK): An assist kill is defined as your assistance in the destruction of the target with the help of Bretonian lawfuls, without your name on the destruction message. The presence of Bretonian lawfuls does not matter if your name is on the destruction message - you may claim as a normal kill, not an assist. The payment and points for assist kills is halved.
Escort Contract: A full escort run is defined as accompanying a Bowex) or BMM- transport from its point of origin to its destination, i.e. from Bretonia to Liberty. Should the transport incur losses or be destroyed by pirates, the escort reward is voided. Confirmation from named transport will be sought before payments are transferred. Payment is at the discretion of the board manager.
Targets eligible to be hunted by contractors of this board are divided into blanket and specific bounties. Blanket bounties will affect anyone with that affiliation or ID. Specific bounties apply only to the individual named (and any permutations of that name, i.e. Bountied.Target / Bountied_Target / Bountied-Target).
The Crown Services bounty board is only considered to be ‘active’ when certain conditions are met. Blanket bounties may only be claimed within specific regions noted below; specific bounties are active anywhere in Sirius and may be hunted at will, regardless of location.
[indent]Bretonia: New London, Cambridge, Dublin, Manchester, Newcastle, Chester, Inverness, Dundee, Poole.
Gallic front: Leeds, Edinburgh, Tau 23, Tau 29, Tau 31, Tau 37, Orkney.
Additionally, the board is activated for valid claims anywhere in Sirius when a contractor is:
a) Under the employ of a Bowex) or BMM- transport as a convoy guard / escort.
b) Within 20k of a Bowex) or BMM- transport.
Modifiers and Ranks:
Various modifiers may be applied for to increase the total paid out to a contractor. All modifiers are applied to the ‘base value’ of a claim, and are consequently not cumulative. Bounty Points are not modified by any bonuses - they apply to credit awards only.
[indent]Crown Servant:+50% modifier for pilots with a Bowex) or BMM- ID.
Preferential Contracts:+25% modifier for pilots with BHG ID.
Frontier Security:+20% to claims within 20k of Planet Sprague.
Corporate Integrity:+20% to claims on targets within BMM mining fields.
Brown Ops:+20% to claims made in Leeds while covering blockade runners smuggling supplies down to Planet Leeds.
Diminishing Returns:+10% modifier to claims if target has a cloaking device.
Crown Services will award ranks to claimants in order to reward long term and consistent contractors. Performance is rated by the accrual of ‘Bounty Points’, which are associated with every claim. Gaining set numbers of these points will result in a new contractor title being awarded.
Note: The rank of Royal Warden must be approved by the Queen or War Cabinet, seeing as it entitles bearer to the honourary address of Sir or Dame.
Contractor Registration:
Pilots with a Bowex), BMM- or BHG IDs are automatically registered. All others must enrol with the board through this channel.
At the present time, registration is closed to those organisations and individuals outside of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Entities that have prior working relationships with a Crown Services corporation may be invited to the board as an extension of those relationships.
Claims Forms:
There is no need for you to calculate your own earnings, the board will automatically generate it all for you based on the information you submit. Use this template when submitting a claim to the Crown Services Bounty Board. Please fill in one kill or escort claim per form only.
[b]Board ID[/b]: <Exact name of your ship>
[b]System and Zone[/b]: <System name and Zone area you are claiming for>
[b]Victim Name[/b]: <Name of the person you blew up>
[b]Victim ID[/b]: <Include screenshot of victim's ID. Shiptype must be visible. If not, please write it down separately.>
[b]Victim Death[/b]: <Include timestamped screenshot of death message>
[b]Bonuses[/b]: <Include names of any extra bonuses you want to claim>
[b]Board ID[/b]: <Exact name of your ship>
[b]Transport Name(s)[/b]: <Name of any Bowex) / BMM- transports escorted>
[b]Start Point[/b]: <Where and when you began the escort contract>
[b]End Point[/b]: <Where and when you completed the escort contract>
[b]Bonuses[/b]: <Include names of any extra bonuses you want to claim>
Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle
To: Crown Service Bounty Board Priority: Low Topic: Bounty
Message Contents:
Hello! Well, this is my first time doing this. I hope I don't do anything wrong. Anyway, somehow this Valor managed to slip past the Bretonian defenses. It was intercepted in Omega 3 and destroyed with the aid of the Armed Forces
Board ID: Bowex)Davis.Pelham System and Zone: Omega 3, Surrounding environs Victim Name: RNS-Charless Victim ID: No ID, but visuals and name of the ship can be found here Victim Death: Death Bonuses: Crown Servant
Incoming Transmission from Scarborough Station, Newcastle System
17/05/822 A.S.
To: Crown Services Bounty Board Priority: Medium Topic: Claims
Good day,
I found myself being the escort for quite the operation between Bowex and BMM on the 15th of May. So here're my little claims for that fun escort.
c.Klon, Odin, Kill claim during Escort
Board ID: Bowex)Edmund.Corbett System and Zone: Stuttgart, lane between the New Berlin Jump Gate and Planet Stuttgart Victim Name: c.Klon Victim ID: Ship type and ID. Victim Death: Proof of death. Bonuses: Crown Servant
Bowex and BMM joint convoy, Escort claim
Board ID: Bowex)Edmund.Corbett Transport Name(s): Bowex)Johnson, Bowex)Pendragon, BMM-Isle.of.Lewis Start Point: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge System 15-05-822 AS, 21:00 PM End Point: Durtmund Station, New Berlin System 15-05-822 AS, 21:20 PM Bonuses: Crown Servant
Bowex and BMM joint convoy, Escort claim
Board ID: Bowex)Edmund.Corbett Transport Name(s): Bowex)Johnson, Bowex)Pendragon, BMM-Isle.of.Lewis Start Point: Durtmund Station, New Berlin System 15-05-822 AS, 21:20 PM End Point: Graves Station, Dublin System 15-05-822 AS, 21:45 PM Bonuses: Crown Servant
Edmund Corbett Sergeant, ExSec
Borderworld Exports
ID: Henry Lemon To: Crown Services Bounty Board Subject: Claim
Another Molly bit the dust this mornin' and he didn't look to 'appy bout it. One less Molly to worry about though!
Board ID: BMM-Alpha.Wing.2 System and Zone: New London, in the vicinity of the Planet New London lane to the Dublin Jump Gate Victim Name: Dissolver Victim ID: Here Victim Death: Here Bonuses: Crown Servant
Board ID: BHG|Crymore System and Zone: Omega-3, within a massive fight near the Freeport. Victim Name: Silvos Victim ID: Link Victim Death: Link Bonuses: Preferential Contracts
ExSec Miranda O'Neal would like to report a kill. Found the guy during my patrol in Cambridge system, loitering near the Jump Gate. After I made sure all nearby traders were alerted, I engaged him. After inflicting some damage on the enemy gunboat, two more ExSec arrived and I allowed one of the them to support me. Crucible remained on standby.
Mr Pelham, congratulations on your kills. Here is your payment, 35,000,000 Credits and 230 BP for both of your kills.
Edmund Corbett
Excellent work on defending your convoy and escorting them. You have been rewarded with 22,500,000 Credits and 90 BP
Henry Lemon
Your target has been hit twice so far. Eventually he'll give up. Keep it up! We will credit your account with 10,500,000 Credits and 70 BP. However, you will need to provide me with a new neural net account as yours seems to be incorrect.
Hunter, good kill. Keep it up! We are crediting your account with 7,500,000 Credits and 60 BP
Miranda O'Neal
Ms O'Neal. Another dead pirate is a good pirate. Keep it up! We are awarding you with 13,500,000 Credits and 90 BP
Board ID: {343}Hattori.Katsu-daii System and Zone: Leeds system, in the Stokes mining field Victim Name: Louis.Felix Victim ID: Scan Victim Death: Poof! Bonuses: None
Board ID: Bowex)Furious.Badger.4 System and Zone: New London, Bretonia Victim Name: RNS-Ressentiment Victim ID: Here Victim Death: Here Bonuses: Crown Servant Board ID: Bowex)Furious.Badger.4 System and Zone: New London, Bretonia Victim Name: RNS-Alexandira Victim ID: Here Victim Death: Here Bonuses: Crown Servant