I am wondering if this could be a good thing again. By removing the depletion most mining groups ''relaxed'' as there was no rush to grab a finite resource. You had no obligation, you could log in whenever you want- the field was there.
Having a high paying infinite resource, imho, is still a bad idea. More fields + depletion. Should work, who knows. Maybe leave it on as a trial period or something and add more fields?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Of course it could also backfire. People mind find this frustrating and just not log altogether. Disco has a low server pop as it is, would it be wise to try out things that might (even if it's a small risk) jeopardize it even more?
Then again it might be a good idea, more competition for the resources, more players involved in the actual mining process.
I might go with option one, but that is just because I'm an avid pessimist.
This is not going to work out. People will stop mining almost entirely if the quantity becomes finite. Moreover the fields will get depleted in peak hours leaving nothing for those who live in other timezones.
Well, I am more concerned about Gold ore and BMM so let me put it like this. BMM can't usually have a big mining op early in the day - lots of people have RL stuff to do. By the end of the day the indies have mined all the gold ore - my hegemon was scoring between 0 and 3 per rock.
I don't see how that can be an incentive to log...
Kuduka has hit the nail on the head there. A few people log in the early hours of the morning to suck up all the ore on the server and sell it to the numerous POB's sitting in the fields which leaves the fields completely drained. This puts an end to any sort of mining later on in the day when the server population is at it's peak (because European evening).
Ofcourse this debate has already been had and since field drain has been turned off I have actually seen more mining going on because suddenly you don't have to spend 3 hours filling one ship up.
On the plus side, although field depletion is turned back on, when the gold fields were full and I was using the Surveyor I managed to get an average drop rate of 18 in the BMM field (rounded to the nearest 0.5 and taken as a mean from shooting 100 rocks).