Wasp damage: 37
Train CD damage: 140
Nomad CD damage: 155
Hornet damage: 159
Reinforced CD damage: 210
Mosquito damage: 255
My question is why are Starkillers and Sunslayers now immune to CD radius in fighter vs fighter combat?
In all iterations of Freelancer I have known, CDs have been a tool to blow up fighter expendables, including torpedos, with their radius when timed correctly. Why is it currently different in this build of the Discovery mod?
So that is why suddenly i couldn't beat Protege... |8
It is a question i have been meaning to ask for a while.I was actually suspecting that the last patch just improved tracking on those...
Quote:My question is why are Starkillers and Sunslayers now immune to CD radius in fighter vs fighter combat?
In all iterations of Freelancer I have known, CDs have been a tool to blow up fighter expendables, including torpedos, with their radius when timed correctly. Why is it currently different in this build of the Discovery mod?
Quote:So that is why suddenly i couldn't beat Protege... |8
Unless this is changed, I won't fall as low to ever use torps.
You can't beat me cause you need to #getgud.
Apart from using them on ships like Carabela or Kingfisher, torps are pretty much a dead end outside of conn. Same as you don't duel a gunboat with a fighter, same you don't fight a fighter with torps, it's really as simple as that currently.
(Unless he has Sidewinder+Torp then gg).
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
What should be the main counter to torps is now utterly useless. CMs and dodging them are of course options, but this does not mean CDs deserve to be complete neutered, increasing the already-high effectiveness of Starkillers and Sunslayers.
More importantly, fighter (not bomber, novas deserve to be tough) explosives always need to present risk vs reward. Mines and missiles blow up in your face if your opponent has either the luck or the skill to CD you as or shortly after they are launched. Torps do not. Coupled with the surprisingly good tracking and the high amount damage they inflict (11,900/5,950 and 19,500/9,750 hull/shield for star and sun respectively) torpedoes possess zero risk and huge reward. This is not a good balance ratio for this type of weapon.
For these reasons, torpedoes need their HP drastically reduced, to make it possible to destroy them with CD radius, in the next mod update.
They should definitely be CD-able.
The problem is that without that ability, using torps is almost no-risk and extremely easy, just press the fire torpedo button every now and then.
Whereas fighting them is a huge pain in the butt because you have to constantly be on your guard. You essentially have to base your entire fight around avoiding that torp, while the other side can simply fight normally with the only downside being not having a CD.