//i'll not use any RP in this reply. But.
I made a video about event, here it is https://youtu.be/4V8siKDbjE4. I need only Like on Youtube or some cash to Operator.3105
Louis.Felix speaking. I have a few images of GRN Fleet in front of Stokes, during repair and regroup activities.
A shame Sirian Cowboys forced their cloaks to approach Oubli and finally destroyed her. Tout cas, this lost battle will not change the War resulting in whole Sirius beeing controlled by the crown.
Oh, mon Dieu, ... before I forget. The fleet encountered an unknown and hostile contact with callname "[Admin]Mwerte", (did not react hostile, anyway caution is recommended) according to its comm signal, seemed quite ... impressed ... of the grand and puissant GRN Fleet.
Excellent submissions to all! The one that stood out was submitted by Operator.3105, it is a very good candidate for an official report.
We have dispatched your checks to your chosen Interspace Commerce Banking Accounts. Some of you should be receiving them very soon, others need to contact us with the right bank account details as some of our transfers have unfortunately bounced.
Alhimik.Bank-01 10000000
LNS-Nimitz 20000000
trails 12500000 NOT SENT, CHAR NOT GIVEN
Rory.Jacoby.za 8000000
Flaks|Idiotic.Flak 8000000
[LN]-LNS-Arizona 8000000
Black Widow 12500000 NOT SENT, CHAR NOT GIVEN
[bank]Scourge 25000000
5th|John.Armada 8000000
LNS-Illinois 2500000
Venkman 25000000 NOT SENT, CHAR NOT GIVEN
Louis.Felix 8000000
This channel remains open for any other submissions anyone else may have.
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