Just got out of the dock when I ran into, literally, ship MeinerGnaden. I saw him from time to time here in the holos and maybe a glimpse of him at th bar or cargo bay. Not today(the sound of light blowing can be heard as Broghk slowly cools and then sips a rather hot dark beverage) that bloke has true grit, let me tell ya. we start talkin on private encrypted at first, but then decide to group up and head for Bering(somewhat short pause as more of the hot beverage is slowly being sipped by Broghk)Bering, what can I say, my very first pod ride happened there. and I feel me and her now have a kinda thing. she's good to me while at the same time she's tryin to a kill me. Always say systems are like women, beautiful, but every once in a while they try to bloody well kill ya! (slight chuckle could be heard) Anyway ole MeinerGnaden and I basically did 2 loads, I filled up my hold, then helped him with his, till we both full. but after that, I had to go it alone for the last ride as I had pressing business with a man about a dog. Ole MeinerGnaden did well by me with a lil bonus and whatnot!
but alas(another slight pause)
down to the legal schuff.
Ship name on scrapping duty :my CSF
Skipper or team leader of the scrapping vessel / crew : Broghk
Total units shipped : 9920
Total units delivered : 29790
Cargo Ship(s) : Smithy.02
Miner(s) : MeinerGnaden
Filled her up. Time to start shipping. Shipped one load before mining started. I had to keep one Mastadon docked while we shipped some parts with one of your boys before I could unload the last delivery. Beaumont Spire is currently buying just so you guys know. Good money.
Database of guncam stills has been cleaned. Shouldn't matter. You got my message before I did. Deliveries for another docking module have also been completed.
I also transferred another 20mil for his share to MeinerGnaden. http://imgur.com/D39Abdq
Smithy: tell me if you claim your half, and Ill send that to you.
Total units bought : 4960
Total units delivered : 49650
Cargo Ship(s) : Smithy.02
Miner(s) : MeinerGnaden
Funny that Gnaden said we should sell at Beaumont Spire - they're full too. Decided to keep one Mastadon nearby so I could take a load for myself before the last load was completed. Looks like you made some new friends because I spotted friendly ships I've never seen there before (that I remember).
This thread went dormant again, sorry for any delays in processing.
But I´d like to announce that the deal is still on,
and as we have delivered lots of scrap to customers in the last few days we are down to less that 10k scrap in stock.
I appreciate our scrappers, and want to give you a bonus for reliant work.
Still, there have been complaints about having to post lots of pics.
I can not raise the scrap price without lowering interest for traders, and the current 3999 c/u has prooven to be a good balance for both scrappers and traders.
I will continue to offer the bonus ( // from my own trade cash ) to scrappers,
and am still offering the contest as detailed above.
The contest was mainly thought to motivate lone scrappers, even though I greet the teams working on filling up the Haven. I wanted to give Newcomers and folks who have not jet tested scrapping some reason to try, without the need to join a faction.
Im still open for feedback and suggestions, best posted here : http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=117754
Good day FynnMcScrap,
I would like to upload a thread to the scrapping contest, but I don't know how.
Yesterday, with the help of a miner: MeinerGnaden, I offloaded about 11 (not 100% sure) 4k loads of premium scrap to your base, I have screen shots, but that's it. Can you please tell me how to do the thread thing so I can upload it to you?
I was already wondering who had supplied us with the scrap heap my crew is sorting at the Haven at the moment *laughs*
Looking at the posts up here ( like Smithy´s last one ) should actually give you quite a good preview on how I would like you to claim the bonus.
2 pics per delivery, both with timestamp ( // type /time in chat window for that )
1 pic with the Haven in view, 1 pic shortly after with an empty hold.
Ship name : < insert here >
Skipper or team leader of the vessle / crew : < insert here >
Account to recieve the cash bonus : < insert here >
Deliveries : < please post a link here, not the screenshots >
Continue the good work, and tell me if I am to cash in the full bonus to you or if I shall split it with you and MeinerGnaden.
He´s a well known professional scrapper at the Haven.
Safe skies
// use whatever hosting site you like. I prefer Imgur, but Photobucket or tinypic ect work as well. Its used to avoid spamming the Discovery forum with pics and getting the server crashed ect... If you convinve me you delivered the stuff and dont have pics to proove it or they are a bit low , I will treat it inRP , probably paying out a bonus but not all of it, or not counting it for the contest but cashing in the bonus.That depends a lot on your style and RP :-)
Good day Mr Flynn,
I do hope everything is well. After major office cleaning and revamping, I think I managed to get the necessary documents in order for your view.
Here is the needed info:
Ship name : ""Gogga""
Skipper or team leader of the vessle / crew : Capt Young
I would appreciate if you can split any monies 50/50 between me and the miner.
I do hope you find this in order.
Capt Young
//As you can see, I'm still learning how to do this. I left out the account you ask info of, for I have NO idea what you mean. If it's possible, you can send the credits to the transport ship ""Gogga"", or be so kind and tell me how to do the account thing. I sincerely hope you can open the link I provided, for that is the first time for me to do that as well.
Much appreciated
I have recieved the cargo manifests and have processed the bonus :
you delivered 10 loads, so I can cash in 3x bonus fort you .
Under my current regulations you get paied for an extra load every 3 cargo loads...
3 , 6, 9 and 12 for excemple.
Its all about you doing more scrapping after all *laughs*
As you wished, I am transferring the cash to both the miner and the hauler :
50% either, to ""Gogga" and MeinerGnaden. Transfer is protocolled <<< here >>> .
Keep on the good work !
Well met,
// ooc : keep on going, you are doing fine :-)
Very well done, the pics all in an album, hosted at Imgur : perfectly done.
You even thought to lable the pics, I am usually too lazy for that .
As for the account name :
If you want me to transfer the cash to ""Gogga"" , add that name there
( I already did )
But sometimes players have several ships, using one as bank account.
So if you enter a different shipname there, I will transfer the cash to that ship, and not to ""Gogga"