Everyone makes mistakes, people. There are very few instances in a problem where once side is completely innocent, and often the "guilty" side has made an earnest error. Yeah, some people are no bueno, but still ... the point of this server is to have fun and enjoy the game.
Feedback is great when that's done in a productive, constructive manner, and most posters have done that here. Just because they're bringing up mistakes, "calling you out" on them, doesn't mean they hate you. There's no need to tender resignations to the community nor just straight up offer to quit. Most of what you do is good, and most the community likes you folks. Sure, in addition to the "you did a bad" that some people say, they should provide a "this other method of doing it would be cool" as well, but there's no reason to take it personally, either way.
Remember, no one is infallible. Mistakes are made, and at random amounts at random times. The sandwich rule applies to all; even if it's just a vent or a minor rant, make sure you're chill when writing and don't needlessly shoot someone down over something that's fixable.
(05-19-2015, 08:23 PM)King Boo Wrote: If you really think things are all that bad, and that we're the problem here. Just say the word and i'll take my own leave. If i've failed as an individual, so be it.
I don't get paid. I don't get a thank you. I'm doing this because Discovery has been something important (oddly enough) - As i've found it really enjoyable. If i'm a problem in making it less enjoyable to everyone as a whole, speak up. I'll deal with myself as I try to deal with other matters.
Miaou and Teerin sort of answered with exactly what I wanted to say.
A mistake happened and a few folks commented on said mistake, myself included. This does not mean that anyone would like to see you burn at the stake or run out of town. The whole point of my comment was that you should take more time, think things through, let people know you're thinking things through and especially don't cite folks you've permabanned as evidence. That last one generally makes people scratch their head quite a bit.
Things are fine. We are in a small community on the big internet. People 'round these parts tend to forget that.
hey boo dont say you never got a thank you for stuff you do.
Lets not move to that pitty train again that admins dont get thank you'd.
Like I can't speak for everyone always but... Usually I see people say thanks when they are helped... And I would say it is unfitting to say thank you after someone is sanctioned... Usually.
This is my one and only feedback for admins. its a general address. Like ... i don't know most of you..
Integrity will make you or break you.
Others will see it broken before you do and all there's left after you catch up is... creating delusions of adequacy.
For example. "I dont get paid. I'm not thanked. There's no dental. Ill quit if you think Im a failure." ..
DONT DO THAT.. Im going to tell you.. if you don't know this but you accepted the job ... not for the "perks" but for the "pirks".
Anyone with a nose to smell eyes to see and a brain to think knows humans accept changes and positions and circumstances that are apparently less painful and more appealing than their current situation, if and when they do make a change.
Its like quantum physics. setting trash on fire. or the procession of all you can eat thursday at the benihana.
SO DID I! LOL.. well she left with the tv too. but i said apparently appears to be. and well that situation fixed itself.. you say "THAT LINE" and stay as a admin.. everything you just said on the alter of underappreciation is perfectly acceptable to you as long as you keep doin it. So stop.
dont do what i did for too long. .. just.. be honest with us and yourself. you'll be respected for way longer. and its the grown up thing to do.
Dont get mad at me I was the WORST effing offender of this. i made excuses all day and had scrap for integrity when I admined for the first few years.
All things come to an end naturally. Nothing you do, within reason ...you know like taking the money and running will affect this.
Its gonna stop no matter if you feel you personally succeed or fail. Its always between tick and tock. You fit between them doing your best. No one.. THING will kill it.
It should be commended that.. most "group" authority that sorta self regulating self hiring and self enforcing.. never make it past a year. I submit second life as my evidence. other games.. but second life is the biggest because there is always money involved.
Anyway. The dev team is a separate thing.. Im guessing this fact has prolonged the life of the community, but as of late.. people have been more snappy than in memory. Snappy because they dont fear you.
Im not saying thats totally wrong. But lets do an exercise..
There is a fork before all of us. The path has winded down to this decision. Democracy or Autocracy
Right now.. its a mess of both. But for hypotheticals lets say we need to do one or the other well. Or put our balls in a drawer and shut the drawer... slam it.. for our failures in practicing decent community upkeep.
Path A. For autocrat.
Supreme authority advised by a group of lesser authorities.
The supreme authority is elected by his lessers. (cause usually its the dude with the money) his lesser are elected by the supreme. All rules, provisions, staff. come through this pentaverate of authority. The authority decides everything.
Pros - Things get done quicker. Punishments, changes in rules, rulings on difficult issues are rules upon for better or worse within a speedy period of time. The ability to change up and move the actual "events" damn how many toes are stepped on. (is that a pro?) well yes when you have a lot of "workload" also this sadly makes the dev team subservient to the admins.
Cons - Brown Nosing may get past the screenings and discernment of the supreme authority as a matter of feeling good about himself sitting naked on a throne of satin and tears. Authority can be abused by personal views. and great drama can exist unless the personality for the position isn't strong. Appeals are non existent.
Path B for Bemocracy
Admins are elected by votes through a system of anonymous interviews and anonymous "resume" like summaries of the candidates. Anonymity in voting is enforced by a random drafting of electors who conduct votes and screen candidates.
Basicly the existing admins run for RE election anonymously as well. questions are asked and are answered by forms. Merits and skills are considered regardless of personal affiliation.
Rules are made and edited by 3/4ths vote.
Final changes are done by vote of faction leaders and those who've put time and energy into the community. who "gets" a vote is a pool of moderators faction members and even players of the community who may have been former members who have been in good standing. (its a good idea to have lots of voting bodies to keep favoritism and fixing a lesser concern.
Ratification is done by a final admin vote of 100%. if it fails it gets retweaked. if fails again its shelved for 60 days or forever.
Pros: Transparent as hell. Everyone who's involved in the process contributes evenly even the mod/dev team is enfolded into this process to coax a mentality of "explaining" successfully what changes are needed and why.
Cons: voters might be harassed by those that don't have a vote.. bribery is a possibility. changes and developments will take FOREVER.. but at least this will have an excuse.
These two paths are exclusive. whats being done now is.. well. OKAY. but at the same time when your a mix of two concepts.. its easy to cherry pick what "feels better" to work.
My point in urging a look at these two systems is that. whole the originator of the mod and the story seems to have about as much say in its development as the rest of us.
Im getting the idea that making the story seem to move ahead is more of a chore then the process that everyone fits into. and while a chore would be the case in either autocratic or democratic.. progress would be made through a different process as to unburden or selectively burden rather then..letting it float around.
Democratically plot is considered by all the votes and those involved will have a say represented through those votes via the faction leaders. the matter won't be left in the wind to be dealt with. because every issue will be worked on and voted on in equal measure.. by the body politic.
Autocratically it will go the direction the supreme authority has envisioned. But it will proceed.
lol aww if you only knew why... there's nothing to be afraid of in change.
i'm just pointing out two ways it could be done... "differently" whether it "feels" better to you or not is up to you.
I can only say my true discontent comes from a mild distaste that the community hasn't seen fit to change how its run ..like its.. some sorta sacred cow.
isnt it kinda time?
the mod changes.. factions change..
why not this?
well.. you guys already do it. the true authority you should be tapping is respect. and while im not a wizard at cultivating it I am fairly adept at not losing the rest of mine.
Cleanly and plainly explaining situations and not excuses are needed.. there's been a few news posts like.. decrees coming from on high telling us all what's happened or happening then a thread comes up and you explain as if you needed time to get your story straight.
Sorry it LOOKS that way it might as well BE that way. this isn't about intentions who's lying and how do we get this or that to move quicker and smoother through the bowel thats discos public opinion of changes cause we're tired of TERRIBLE TERRIBLE screaming..
Its about approaching how you guys are doing things differently.. from the ground up. with a more collective front.. and clearer understandable form of communication.
Until you start or try to do it.. you're going to be running from the same shadows and making the same mistakes.
perceived mistakes IDEAS that someone might have a problem with what you're doing.. alot of its met with delayed explanations.. and it feels like there's just this stumbling down the stairs method of "explaining" things you shouldn't bother explaining in the first place.
We get that enough from "officials" in real life. don't mimic their broken crap. just change.. just tell us what's on the burning stove or list it in the forums as incomplete or undecided cause this jack in the box SURPRISE HERE'S CHANGES stuff isn't ...well it just isn't.
if you guys hadn't noticed lately well. people are forgiving only when you 90% backpedal and thats a DAMN INSULT.
anywho. love yas sorry if this ruffles feathers
People will do what they do. Rules do only so much. how we do things has the maximum chance to changing people's reactions.. that's the technicality the one chance you got. Past that? .. might as well take the gloves off.. stop coating everything in laxatives and chocolate.. no one liked swallowing pills anyway.
(05-19-2015, 08:23 PM)King Boo Wrote: If you really think things are all that bad, and that we're the problem here. Just say the word and i'll take my own leave. If i've failed as an individual, so be it.
I don't get paid. I don't get a thank you. I'm doing this because Discovery has been something important (oddly enough) - As i've found it really enjoyable. If i'm a problem in making it less enjoyable to everyone as a whole, speak up. I'll deal with myself as I try to deal with other matters.
Honestly, without you guys here to monitor things, I wouldn't be playing.
I really appreciate you guys taking your time to help out with all the events and unnecessary drama that people create on this game, I come here to shoot things and have fun, but some people take things way to far. Without you guys here, it would make this game so un-enjoyable.
I find the issue honestly, in some of the players on this game, they overreact in so many situations in game and on skype and on the forums, they take RP to such a strict level that the game is no fun unless you do everything exactly as it would be "Realistically" its a video game, the purpose of a video game is to have fun, not spawn the high-school drama i have to deal with everyday. Yesterday a friend and I raided a home system with a BS and a crusier, I asked the skype chat of the faction affiliated with that said home system, and they proceeded to rage at me solely because I didn't have a super specific RP reason to do it, I understand its an RP server, but the purpose of raids is to make RP and PvP, and what bothers me is how rude people get over these issues, making threats I would only make if someone was hurting me in RL, its really excessive, I understand you need to be serious, but its not even fun when people get like that, and that's where you guys come in, and do a real good job at keeping the server, and the players in order at your best, given the rudeness and pointlessness (i don't even know if that's a word but im using it anyways) of some people ive met, some of the people you have to deal with on top of the other new players, and how few of you there are, that stress, that much drama, would make this feel like more of a job then something enjoyable for me, so I really give you guys a huge kudos, the rules you set that are easy to follow and have fun, and how you are fair about sanctions and forgiving to some as ive seen personally, Id say you guys are great, thanks for making this server a fun playable place for random people like me! thanks!
Felt I should put this here since I was one of the people who criticized your actions a few weeks ago.
Good job guys! Honestly mean it. You've taken things people were complaining about and just flat out improved. The new thread for ID changes and mining field bases had you guys explaining your rationale and accepting suggestions, decisions appear to be more consistent and a whole lot of people seem to have enjoyed last night's event. Keep it up!
Post S-13 EDIT: Seems a lot of people enjoyed S-13 as well, again, good on you lads!.
To whichever Admin or Dev keeps spawning RM NPC cap-patrols on us in the Taunusfeld while we're in the middle of RP, knock it the hell off. It's not funny and getting extremely irritating.
(06-05-2015, 03:41 AM)LunaticOnTheGrass Wrote: To whichever Admin or Dev keeps spawning RM NPC cap-patrols on us in the Taunusfeld while we're in the middle of RP, knock it the hell off. It's not funny and getting extremely irritating.
I'm not looking to argue but I highly don't think they would be doing that just cause of you just call it coincidence not everything's the blame game.
(06-05-2015, 04:11 AM)Jayce Wrote: Still waiting for my Iseijin ships to not be in Bastille any more based on the whim of a single Admin.
At least let me take my damn armor off. I have ships to make. Ugh.
Sorry to say but it's kinda your fault you were in Bastille in the first place the reason i'm saying these things is people don't act grateful due to the fact this server probably wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for the admin/dev team doing something so long and not even being payed appreciate it not complain I could say so much more like the others here have. Its just upsetting after how much effort and time they put in this for everyone here when people are always complaining about little things going on I just think you should be stoked that you can even play Discovery.
(06-05-2015, 03:41 AM)LunaticOnTheGrass Wrote: To whichever Admin or Dev keeps spawning RM NPC cap-patrols on us in the Taunusfeld while we're in the middle of RP, knock it the hell off. It's not funny and getting extremely irritating.
I'm not looking to argue but I highly don't think they would be doing that just cause of you just call it coincidence not everything's the blame game.
You've obviously not met Alley before
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.