*Eva sitting at her terminal the entire room is black and her face can hardly be seen – she starts speaking*
Hey there Bowex representatives*she grins*
I don’t know if you already heard about us Raptors, in case you haven’t I suggest you get yourself some information real quick. We are offering a special possibility to companies like yours.
Lately I have been checking myRaptor|Bank, but the account wasn’t showing a nice big number on the income chart.
In case you, your workers and pilots want to be save I suggest that you make me smile by letting me see a nice green number on my Bank account.
*she drinks some rum and goes on*
You might think… why the hell should I do that…
I tell you why…IT IS CHEAPER as we would pirate your people or even kill them, if were not getting paid to look away.
One more thing… if you decide to pay… don’t fool us by sending a redicilous low amount of credits
Posts: 6,321
Threads: 330
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
Incoming Transmission from Lancaster Trade Station, Newcastle System.
25/06/822 A.S.
To: The Microraptors; Bowex employees. Priority: Tragically low. Topic: Oh dear.
Message Contents: Joy of joys. Yet another two bit pirate outfit. I've got a better counter-offer for you: you pay us 500 million a month, and we don't set an entire fleet of hyperactive mercenaries after you, then exterminate whatever survives with enough firepower and fury to condense the smouldering remains into off-colour diamonds.
Should you decide you're incapable of meeting our reasonable demands, we'll recoup any losses by reselling said mineralised remains on to Waterloo Station. Oh, and before I forget, I'm opening up this channel to all Bowex employees who want to have a giggle. Have at em, chaps and chapettes.
Yours in service to the Realm
Andrew Peterson
Trade Department Manager
Borderworld Exports
Incoming Transmission from Planet New London, New London
25/06/822 A.S.
To: The Mean People Priority: I think this one will be a slightly pinkish hue. To be fair, it could also lean towards a navy blue, but maybe even orange. What is priority anyway and who decides on it. Surely if you were to send a message over secure networks from a Security Director's desk, the priority would always be urgent. I could ask for drinks, and bloody well urgently need a martini, or my ears might have fallen off posing a great threat to most of mankind. Ultimately this is a rather pointless discussion, the bloody message will reach the person regardless of the priority setting. Hm, I wonder what priority settings those knock-off blue pills have. Who bloody cares? Nobody. Right, where was I? Topic: Commendations??
Message Contents:
Right, I'd like to commend Ms O'Neal and Ms Breacon on their hard work exterminating pirate wretches. You lot make me proud and will receive bonuses, gratitude, titles and whatnot.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.
Jonathan McCarthy
Director of Exploration and Security
Borderworld Exports
Comm id: Bellock, Mart
Bowex transport captain, Certified Zoner Slayer, Part-time Porn Producer
*transmission starts*
Hello there ma'am. Let me be blunt: seeing as you re in need of money it seems, I want to hire you to appear in the sleaziest 18+ flick you'll ever have the sick, twisted and perverted pleasure of coming across. I already have a few Golden Chrysantemums, a couple of slaves from Pittsburgh, a rabid dog, some rusty garden tools and an old git who plays a wicked pioanola for my movie. I am, hovewer, still in search of a proper dominatrix. The lass I had originally cast turned out to be a Zoner. She didn't make it to the first recording session. In fact, she didn't make it, period.
So here I am, ready to get famous for making a ground breaking (and probably law breaking) adult entertainment flick but lacking one of the vital cast members. So, if you re willing to oblige, Id be very grateful. It pays rather well, too. I have quite some funds available because Ive been stealing from my boss ever since I came back to Bowex. So drop the whole pirate thing, it never works out anyway. I can see a bright future for you in my productions. Just don't mention this to my Bowex superiors and we re good.
Incoming Transmission from Planet New London, New London
25/06/822 A.S
To: The Tenderfoots/beggars who made my day with this absurd request for money.
Priority: Nil
Topic: Jokes and Creativity
Message Contents :
Why I'd be dammed, another group of Clowns to disrupt the trade lanes. Well, thanks for creating such a beautiful target rich environment for us.
My associates Mercer and Gallen send their regards and their bouquets to your future graves.